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Ghosterforce 7 Trip Reports

Joey said:
I had an awesome time.

The only thing that ruined Thorpe for me, and it gets worse every year, is that people leave early to go get smashed at the hotel. It ruins it for me completely. CF isn't about rides... it's about friends! Except those who aren't staying in the hotel?

To be fair Joey, I think you'll find that not everyone left early to go get 'smashed at the hotel' at all. Ian left early because of problems with his car, Nic left early because of being exhausted and having an early start the next day. I actually stayed on and did 'the Asylum' with Ben, Chris, Leigh, Beans and Marc. Out of Me, Marc, Ben or Chris, not one of us had a drink. We all left around 9 and got back to the hotel, removed costumes, showered, had food and then went to bed bearing in mind the early start the next day...

Only a few of the people staying at Tolworth actually had drinks, the rest of us were all tucked up in bed...
Mushroom said:
Awesome couple of days, absolutely tired after it! Got home at 1am! Track walk at Chessie was amazing =] Being Mario at Thorpe was fun. Just great all around. I have posted 2 ORP's from the live:

Saw: The Ride

Dragon Falls
I noticed lots of other people, like some girls in the que line of stealth ahead of us were all commenting on your Mario look. I heard lots of strangers commenting most of the day. I think it really suited you well.
Glad everyone had a good GF! I see Thorpe's not altered on GF weeks since I last went then, spectacular ride count as ever. Gutted we missed out on the stuff at Chessie, sounded mega. We were considering coming down at the last minute too, but couldn't quite afford.

From my memory, on the night after Thorpe, we were always traditionally too knackered to manage much of a drink, or was that just me? Mind you, i've never left before the end, unless it was weather-enforced though, so maybe it is just me!
Mark said:
Joey said:
I had an awesome time.

The only thing that ruined Thorpe for me, and it gets worse every year, is that people leave early to go get smashed at the hotel. It ruins it for me completely. CF isn't about rides... it's about friends! Except those who aren't staying in the hotel?

To be fair Joey, I think you'll find that not everyone left early to go get 'smashed at the hotel' at all. Ian left early because of problems with his car, Nic left early because of being exhausted and having an early start the next day. I actually stayed on and did 'the Asylum' with Ben, Chris, Leigh, Beans and Marc. Out of Me, Marc, Ben or Chris, not one of us had a drink. We all left around 9 and got back to the hotel, removed costumes, showered, had food and then went to bed bearing in mind the early start the next day...

Only a few of the people staying at Tolworth actually had drinks, the rest of us were all tucked up in bed...
My point wasn't really about drinks. My point was the group gets ruined at the end of Thorpe for no real reason. Maybe, instead of everyone just "going to do their own thing" it was made a bit more clear who was staying and who isn't and define something that people are doing next, everyone would tag along. I thought the logic used to be we split into TWO groups and do EITHER mazes or rides. Even if a group was going to do something I didn't want to ride, I'd have gone for group spirit. Granted this year people had to get up at stupid o-clock the next day, but it just makes me sad that the group gets so destroyed in the evening when people disappear to the hotel, those who need a lift then have to go to and the few left don't know what to do with themselves. The night then ends up like a trip if you'd come with only a friend or two, or you leave, usually.

Still, I had a great day anyway, just was a bit groanworthy.
Once again, GF has been an absolutely AMAZING Live. Firstly I'd just like to thank Mark for doing such a great job with all the organising, and even when we didn't get many rides in at Thorpe or when it poured with rain at Chessie you made sure there was no dampening of the mood of the group. Fab <3

Thorpe wasn't really about the rides at all for me, it was just nice to see everyone again and catch up on things. It was, as people have, just a really nice chilled day. The other costumes were simply epic, with my personal favourite being the Gingerbread Man. It was obvious that loads of time and effort had gone into making them. Except mine, which was just poor, but still I wore it for the comedy value. I would've stayed longer but I had to leave with Vadge and Gavin.
Chessington was fab too, and I enjoyed the track walk so thanks for organising that. It did rain a lot, resulting in everyone laughing at my hair in the Fury queue. But the rain didn't bother me though.

lol @ Travelodge antics
Not gonna do a full trip report at the moment but I just wanna say I had an amazing time, obviously the highlight being meeting everyone that I've been wanting to meet for soooo long and seeing people that I met in the summer! I was also pleasantly surprised by both parks.. But again, full reports on those will come after :P .

Thanks for the amazing day you bunch of sloshpockets :P

PS- I prefer you to the Americans ;) (HI SNOO :P )

PSS- Got all the creds.. Shame my 200th was X:/NoWayOut.. Thanks brad :( But it was better than Colossus which I HATED.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
it was better than Colossus which I HATED.

You've gone up a point in my estimation, well done.

(Taylor's Score now = 1 point) ;)

Really missed going this year, as always when I miss it. Next year, as long as we're not in Disney :roll:

Glad everyone had a great time (except Joey :P ).
I left early as I was knackered and wanted to avoid the big rush after. I was so glad I did leave early though as the Piccadilly Line was properly ****ed. Took 2 and half hours to get home, eurgh.
You've gone up a point in my estimation, well done.

Yah, it wasn't even that it was rough, it was just.. Lame. I rode it in the front as well, and it made me feel sick </3. Here's a quick rundown of what I thought of each cred.

Nemesis Inferno: Pretty good, nothing spectacular but DEFinitely better than Raptor :P (Brad hates me for this but Joey agrees, we're Raptor haters together)

Stealth: A much more forceful launch than I thought, probably my favourite cred in England so far, but that will likely change at Alton this weekend. And there was AIRTIME on the top hat, something you don't get on the bigger ones.

Flying Fish: Really?

X:/NoWayOut: Kind of ridiculous, not as bad as people say but there's really no point to it because it brakes every three and a half seconds.

Samurai: Loved it, just wish I got to see the Gingerbread Man from the ground, haha. One of my new favourite flats.

Saw: I liked it a lot, it wasn't even rough or as bad as people say. Second best cred in the park, and the theming is good.

Colossus: No. Too many inversions.


Rattlesnake: A Wild Mouse.. Scary as usual.

Runaway Mine Train: A boring cred but was hilarious for some reason I started laughing and couldn't stop when Gavin dropped his hat :P .

Dragon's Fury: YAY, despite the rain it was good fun. Definitely the best spinner ever.

Vampire: I thought it was really fun, so much better than I thought it would be.
^Glad you enjoyed yourself and the rides.

Saw was a shock for me, I really did enjoy it. It was smooth and all the theming was working.
I just woke up, and feel like ****. However, thanks everyone for the last 2 days. You're all babes.

I will defo do a full PTR, most likely later on today, and I knew Taylor was coming months ago, so I was very excited to finally meet her ;) :D

Tom would not go away from me xD He really does love me, doesn't he?

So, yeah, was ill both days, but feeling a sense of euphoria now :)
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Brad will have RAGE! :wink:

Anyway, a great few days as everyone has posted. Thanks to Mark, Ian etc for organising the trip and Vampire tour.

May do a trip report later, but here were my highlights:
- The costumes at Thorpe were epic. Certainly got everyone talking :-D
- Pumpkin beach ball in the Saw queue line.
- Vampire tour was EPIC!
- Prize winning at faffle.
- Haystack dryer of warmth!
- Taylor meets Banyon :lol:
- Pizza Pasta is awesome!
- Bubbleworks congestion.
- Haunted walkthrough of doom...
- Black Buccaneer of Coaster Force.
- Vampire ERT.

Great few days guys. Many Thanks. :P
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Saw: I liked it a lot, it wasn't even rough or as bad as people say. Second best cred in the park, and the theming is good.
Yay. You're on 1 point now :)
Colossus: No. Too many inversions.
Back down to 0 I'm afraid. Colossus is great fun.

ciallkennett said:
and I knew Taylor was coming months ago
Who didn't know? It wasn't like she was making it obvious by posting in the GF topic every ten minutes. :P

Shame I didn't get to go to the Chessie day but I still had fun at Thorpe.
Still can't believe some of the actors though. One in Hellgate tried to steal the poster in my bag and one in Dead End pushed me and Martyn H.
I along with a few people only found out the night before.

I will upload my phones tonight when home from, the ones of Chris (Gingerbread Man) have come out great.

Big thanks to chessington for the track walk and ert was fantastic.
Well done to all of the competition winners!

Zips: Me
Velcro: Richard (Stone Cold)
Buttons: Tom (Rush)
Toggles: Fraser (Enigma Shadow)

and... Unexpected Zips: Richard (Stone Cold)

Oh and just a health & safety warning for everyone: Either NEVER give Rush a Hammer or if he already HAS a hammer, don't take it away from him WHATEVER YOU DO!!! :lol:
To be honest with you, when I first arrived at the event, I was expecting a bit more class, it was like walking into a cheep supermarket with everyone grabbing at value food...

Joke, coach trip quote for Ben!

I very much enjoyed my first live! I'm glad I was of some amusment to people with the Gingerbread man costume, it was a pain to wear but really worth it! A big thanks to everyone who planned it and everything, it was really awesome, and I am already looking forward to next year.
Had a wicked couple of days, as ever. I'm absolutely dead now, I ache all over, which can only mean I had an amazing time. Met a few new people and spent time with a bit of everyone, which was nice. Spent most of the two days laughing my head off, my only disappointment was that I wanted an ORP but there weren't any worthy of my £6, so that sucked.

Anyway, highlights:

- Cure of the Black MUFF and other various MUFF film titles
- Nemesis:Inferno running like a bat out of hell (although marc will disagree)
- Texting rude things to Thorpe, gosh aren't we naughty!
- Gingerbread Mans flailing limbs on Samurai, I keep repeating the image in my head and cracking up
- 'Bogeyface'
- AJ being generally hilarious on both days, queen of camp <3
- 'Daddy, I have a tummy ache, please don't make me go to Chessington today!'
- My umbrella plan on Dragon Falls failing epically
- Wild Asia is generally made of win
- Stone Cold + hammer+ bumper cars = most terrifying face of glee I've ever seen
- Neal: 'Hahahaha!'
Me: 'What?'
Neal: 'Will looks like a Nazi!'
- CoasterForceIanBell pileofship

There were probably loads more, but all I can say is it was the most amazing day of my life.
nadroJ said:
Cure of the Black MUFF and other various MUFF film titles

Muff Actually :P

nadroJ said:
Neal: 'Hahahaha!'
Me: 'What?'
Neal: 'Will looks like a Nazi!'

True Story!
