After the ~4:30am get up and taxi to the airport I boarded my flight (after an initial stress that it was delayed by an hour and a half but this was resolved) and met Sue at the airport (straight from Africa!). Once we had sorted ourselves out we found the guys in the hire car in what must be one of the most treacherous airport pick up zones ever. Daviddoc and I had been to Slagharen before so knew that it wouldn’t take all day to get around the park which was good as Sue and I had to arrive that morning.
Ok so I did a trip report for our first visit earlier in the year that details all the quirky things I love about this park. If you want more info go check it out. It’s always a bit different visiting as a big group and I enjoyed my second visit as well.
Notable moments from the visit:
-Convincing people to do the Schwarz enterprise because it’s “more intense than the huss ones”. I think everyone agreed after! This ride is also so pretty, love a bit of steampunk!
-Mass snack experience. I always opt for the cheesy ones as the meat ones look kind of freaky and cheese never disappoints!
-Enjoying goldrush again, I like how they have the old ride metal signs in the station although it’s kind of bittersweet, as I said before though Goldrush is a great replacement and fits into the park so well (and you can still ride the Schwarz cred in Cyprus (need that cred!) so it’s a win win really)
-A fly went in my eye one time so I had to enlist daviddoc’s medical skills haha. Even in death it was very stubborn.
-Treating everyone to the indoor rapids that isn’t rapid but is something a bit different
-Recommending the huss condor to Chainedbanana and then regretting riding it again (like I always do with star flyers) because I felt like I was going to fall out.
-Getting airtime on the (Schwarz) octopus. These are always fun.
-Actually doing that weird looking old-school carousel which was amusing
-Making people do the rare moon swing and it also being amusing
Then our car went for awesome all you can eat sushi because why not. It was very tasty.
I had no idea what to really expect with this park considering the park as it looked pretty small and they appeared to only offer Halloween nights twice a year. Surely they couldn’t put much effort in for just two nights??
The park exceeded my expectations with a host of quirky spooky things. The highlight for me was definitely the spooky boat ride, which was an ingenious idea. We enjoyed it so much we did it twice although the second run through wasn’t as good as the first. Highlights include the man-bush, Sue and I screaming at the plastic crocodile, the cobweb man and the leaf blower. We commented on how well the slowness of the boats really built up the suspense. Unlike in scare mazes you can’t just rush through this if you’re scared, you have to sit and wait for things to come past you. It worked really well.
The mazes varied a lot, the best one was probably the church one which I went through with a lot of the girls which was fun. There were some good scenes and characters in it. Shoutout must go to the hotel one with the lift. The lift bit was so good as we all got in and were like “erm what now” and then someone popped up at the window before it went dark. We had no idea whether they were going to turn up inside the lift or what was going to happen next! Chainedbanana also found some nice maintenance cupboards in this walkthrough!
The ring was another surprise, literally just a rave tent with a strobe and some actors. It was hilarious seeing everyone dance ironically then realising that that was literally all the maze was before going round for another go!
The forest one was just really dark and a bit of a trip hazard but it was something that could be built on as it was an interesting idea. The playground one had some cool costumes but was a bit random and not that scary. I can’t remember whether we did any others, but overall they were quite an interesting mix. We didn’t get round them all (e.g. we missed the circus one) but we did quite a lot of them.
Not much to say about the creds, the rat one had a maze in the queueline which freaked a lot of people out, some teenage girls were having quite the freakout over this so it obviously worked. Kind of like the raptor attack queueline. The cred was decent for what it was and went around twice. The shooting dark ride was good, it had some interesting props but it was hard to focus on these when you were trying to shoot at things.
We had decided to bail on Billybird to get to Tover at a decent time and ended up being early for the meet up. This was my first time to tover (slag was the only one I’d done before on the trip) so there was a lot to do and it got busy quite quickly.
Things to note
-The new water ride is cute and chill but takes a long time to get around, cool idea how it goes inside under Fenix though
-Spinning cred was one of the best spinners I’ve done, really good fun
-Troy was as ridiculous as people had said, definitely lived up to the hype! Really aggressive and relentless!
-Fenix was chill, only did it one and got some nice airtime on the hump but the helix wasn’t as intense as some had been making it out to be
-Bobsled thing, this was really fun and I got a good time on it but my goodness did the queue go on and on! It didn’t help that it broke down but this was really quite a queue and a half with the terrible throughput!
-I was a burden and insisted on getting the booster bike cred which involved horrible cattlepen queueing but the end ride in the dark was pretty cool in the end. They had even themed it with fire! Everyone came off glad that they had done it at night so I didn’t feel as bad!
-Everyone kept saying that they weren’t used to queuing this much so it was probably a bad day to go for the first time but luckily I got all the creds
-The scarezones that I did see (mostly the circus one and the destroy ones) were really cool. Loved the minotaur guy that was going round the destroy area. He was giving so many people really good frights. Never seen the dragging spade trick before but I watched a video the other day with it in so obviously it’s not just a tover thing, that was quite unnerving and worked well with crowds.
-Fog. So much fog. I noted at the top of the troy lift hill on my night ride the ridiculous amount of fog that had settled around the park. It was like a 2 miles radius and looked amazing!!
-Our idea of coming back to the sit down restaurant for dinner soon evaporated and we found it a struggle to find anywhere selling anything edible with a queue less than half an hour. We finally got nachos and hot dogs at the beer stand, so also got some beer so it wasn’t all bad!
-My one downside to the park (apart from the crowds) was the horrible sensory maze that we did that was the only maze we actually did. I ended up having a bit of an argument with the guy behind me because he kept squashing into me and it made me feel really uncomfortable. On top of that it was so long and boring. So I would not do that again.
-Destroy night ride was insane, so much fire and light and crazy woodieness
-Wish we had got over to Fenix in the night for a night ride and to see more of the scarezones but there was just too much to do and so many people there
The entrance area, as Serena said was very islands of adventure and I kept remarking on this during the day. That’s not a bad thing though, it’s a nice theme. Now that I’ve been I can add it to my list of places that I wouldn’t mind revisiting so that’s nice. Even as a first time visitor you can see how the park has grown and how the new area(s) really complete the park and give it a larger theme park feel.
The next day
We looked at the map and decided that we could recoup our cred losses and snap up the Billybird and Dippiedoe creds before I was dropped off at the airport and the others went on to Walibi. Billybird was really cute and had a very pretty location by the side of a lake. The cred was pretty unique and even had sort of airtime in it!
We also decided to try out some of the play equipment at the park because we’re really just a bunch of big kids. Highlights were the musical mechanical merry-go-round, noisy swings that made motorbike noises and the giant pillows.
A casual coffee to go...
Dippiedoe wasn’t quite as pleasant and chill but was still nice enough and a decent +2 stop. We then got some lunch (after finding one place closed) before I got my flight back to the UK.
Overall I had a great time with everyone, as always and got a +10 as well! Yay