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GF2021: Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Trip Reports

Another game I had prepared was Hoops I Did It Again. Where CFers have to eat the number of inversions on a coaster in Hula Hoops off paper plates without using their hands. God forbid whoever gets The Smiler! Thanks to the 4 people who played 🙃 No team points for this round!
This sounds incredible - who wouldn't want to play this? :D I'd be delighted to get The Smiler, especially if it was beef hula hoops.

Sounds like a lot of fun was had, but some people are naturally shy in large groups or don't want to publicly embarrass themselves (in their minds) so some of the effort you made isn't going to be appreciated by everyone, sadly. From reading the posts here it's clear that lots of people did appreciate it though, so don't feel too downhearted about it.

Sorry to have missed it this year but hope to get to some more CF Lives next year, and I promise to play the games ;)
Sounds like a lot of fun was had, but some people are naturally shy in large groups or don't want to publicly embarrass themselves (in their minds) so some of the effort you made isn't going to be appreciated by everyone, sadly.
This is spot on - I can only speak from my own experience, but I started to enjoy CF more when I learned to stop taking myself seriously and not mind looking daft, whether that be Lip Syncin' For Your Life, playing the Colossus music on the kazoo or leaving every last shred of personal dignity on the bathroom floor at Tolworth Travelodge...
This is spot on - I can only speak from my own experience, but I started to enjoy CF more when I learned to stop taking myself seriously and not mind looking daft, whether that be Lip Syncin' For Your Life, playing the Colossus music on the kazoo or leaving every last shred of personal dignity on the bathroom floor at Tolworth Travelodge...
To be fair, I don’t think we had any dignity when we arrived at Tolworth / Cobham 🤷🏻‍♂️😂

(BTW interesting choice of words there, my trainers were that filthy from Tulleys that I had to clean them using one of their towels, so left them the muddiest towel you’ve ever seen on the bathroom floor… (If the Cobham laundry lady / man reads this, I’m so sorry, I had no choice)
About time I posted something....

Was awesome to see everyone again after so long! Thank you Serena for putting on an awesome event! Also I finally done the first vlog!

Bit delayed but here we go.....
I have sooooo missed a true CFlive!
The last one was the non open snowy day of Wickerman which was a very odd day. Before that was some day in 2014! To be told back in 2015 you'd never ride coasters again was heart breaking hence I disappeared from CF. Over the years this has done a 180 and here I am.

Serena I was only there for Thorpe but I thought you did a great job even after having one of those mornings and the torrential downpour that flooded the carpark! I honestly couldn't of managed many of the extras you had put on but I did see the effort you had put in and I know that my eyes lit up when you brought out the glowsticks, I apologise if I didn't make it clear how appreciate I was of this, so many memories flashed up with a CF glow stick 😀

It felt like I'd never been away, I felt like my old self and it was wonderful. I was determined to get on Nemesis Inferno and Swarm and I achieved and thoroughly enjoyed, I had actually forgotten just how much I love Swarm ❤

CF old schoolers, sssoooooo great to see you and catch up especially the wonder surprise of Will's smiling face when we arrived 😀. The 2 queue lines I was in went in a blur of conversation and daftness just like the erm old days 😉 The ones I sat out was long but just being in that park atmosphere and people watching was something I thought I'd never do again.

To the new people I met, I hope you've realised I'm NOT one of THOSE Karens 😉 and I hope to be at a few more lives and getting to know you better.

Katie and Aidan have grown up as part of CF and are definitely looking at continuing this family tradition with possible new addition my nephew Jordan who throughly enjoying his first live and first Thorpe experience! He was already discussing a return to ride Colossus which unfortunately we didn't get to ride.

Even though the group was small compared to GhosterForce in the past it was still an amazing day. Covid also had a lot to answer for...... Hats off to us few that did dress up and I even had a change of attire to a second out fit! If you didnt realise, Katie was quietly dressed up as Misty. Aidan was supposed to of been Brock but a crucial part of his outfit arrived a day late. That could of been interesting for Nurse Joy 😆 Also the amount of general public dressed up now was brilliant!

Fingers crossed improving health means more CFLIVES. Bring on the next one 😉
I've not been well lately, so it's taken me a lot longer than usual to muster up the necessary time, energy, and focus to go through them all, but at long last, it's done; The photos are up!

There's plenty of photos of faff, queue line silliness, and the odd ride along the way. In other words, exactly what you'd expect from a peak weekend UK GhosterForce. Thanks once again to everyone who made the weekend fab. Roll on next season, and whatever the next Live may be.
I've not been well lately, so it's taken me a lot longer than usual to muster up the necessary time, energy, and focus to go through them all, but at long last, it's done; The photos are up!

There's plenty of photos of faff, queue line silliness, and the odd ride along the way. In other words, exactly what you'd expect from a peak weekend UK GhosterForce. Thanks once again to everyone who made the weekend fab. Roll on next season, and whatever the next Live may be.
Great photos as ever, hope you feel better soon.