They only one I don't have is Hollywood Rockit, but that will be rectified in a few months.
On a good day, Montu is Florida's best coaster, despite the trims and things like that. It's a great layout and the trench effects always get me-- I really like all of that. But as of last summer, it was still my favorite Florida coaster & favorite B&M.
More consistently, though, is Manta, which never really had a bad day for all the times I rode it. The ride is great all around-- really nice theming, rather smooth, and the wing dip, which is just fantastic, especially from the right side of the train when you can stick your hand in the spray. It's a really quality coaster
After that, I'd go:
- SheiKra
- Kraken
- Kumba
- Everest
Hulk went up a little for me last summer, but it's still very rough, which doesn't help things. Still a great ride, though.