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Fix Me!

I NEED to get my teeth done.
They're one of the main reasons why I hate seeing pictures of myself. :?

I'm also coming to dislike all of my body hair, but I think I'ld just look strange[r] if I have it all taken off...

A more toned body with minimal effort put in to get it would also be very nice, but is never going to happen. :(

Also, if I could change my personality so I'm more open would help a lot, but this isn't an easy thing to do, especially when I overthink most things as it is. :?

Oh... My hair as well.
I HATE my hair style, but I'm too scared to change it! :?
Lain said:
I'd quite like to be black.


Anyway. Unless I had an accident that left me disfigured and in considerable pain and Plastic surgery was the only way to get rid of said pain I wouldn't get Plastic surgery. I don't really try to impress people other than my self and I'm fine with the way I am.

Rush said:
Jools said:
contacts are probably even more annoying but more attractive

Nah. Glasses are by far more kinky. :wink:

Yeah... I kinda... like... Megane. Most particularly Fio from Metal Slug <3

Lain said:
I'd quite like to be black.

I was black once and I wouldn't recommend it. The Police stopping me every 20 minutes was really annoying and people kept bumping into me in the dark.

But I did have a massive cock and was good at sports.
I'd get my teeth sorted first off. I fully intend to get stuff done when I'm old. I'm thinking along the lines of a male Joan Rivers. What's the point of subtle surgery. I'd want EVERYONE to know if I'd had **** loads done!
Well, first I'd start with a boob job, then...

Oh, wait...

Never mind. :wink:

Nah, seriously, I don't think I'd get anything done ever... maybe wrinkles removed or something.
The only thing i'd ever consider is laser eye surgery. I've only worn glasses for about 3 years, but they're a pain in the arse, and i'd much rather not have to wear them. I'm not sure how i'd get on with contact lenses though. Mind you, i'm not sure how i'd get on with lasers in my eyes!
robbeal said:
The only thing i'd ever consider is laser eye surgery. I've only worn glasses for about 3 years, but they're a pain in the arse, and i'd much rather not have to wear them. I'm not sure how i'd get on with contact lenses though. Mind you, i'm not sure how i'd get on with lasers in my eyes!

This because contacts are a bitch.