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Fix Me!

Yah, just a random question I thought of, if you had to get plastic surgery on one thing (or more, if you would want more than one thing), what would you choose and why?

I think one of my first things would be having a more defined jaw, so I guess a chin lift, and then maybe boob implants but not because I really care about having small boobs (it's kinda funny, and I don't mind how they look in clothes), but when it comes to other people seeing them, I'm way too self conscious to show. :p

I use to consider cheek implants too but I actually don't care that much that my face is flat, and those usually turn out pretty crappy. Same with getting the dark circles under your eyes surgicalyl removed.. I would want that so bad but they end up looking even worse after.

So what about you guys?
Penis reduction. It's an effort to carry it round with me all the time, and erections are a nightmare.

I thought I'd be the first to make that joke. :lol:

Seriously though, I wouldn't have anything done. I don't think its necessary on anyone, I'm fine with my image and my body. Plus it's bloody expensive and I can think of much better ways to spend all that money.

The phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" springs to mind.
I wouldn't have it done as I'm not particuarly displeased with any part of myself and I could change it with simple excercise.

But if I had to name something it be my nose.
^ Because some people are so self conscious with the way the look that it hinders the way they live, like not wanting to be seen in public. My question was if you HAD to pick something.. Not to say why plastic surgery is bad.

Personally, out of the things I mentioned in my first post, I'll never actually get them done. The only one I would ever consider is boob implants because it alters some of the things I do and actually makes me feel bad about myself in certain situations, but other than that I also don't believe in it unless it's hurting your quailty of life in any way.
Hmm I think all I'd want done is probably getting some scars removed on my face even though you can only really see them close up. But yeah that's pretty much it. :lol:
I'd get my nose fixed. I was born with something called a deviated septum which means my nose is crooked, I sometimes have trouble breathing at night because of this. And since it's crooked in any pictures my face looks deformed. The only reason i'm not going to get it fixed is because it gives me "character".
The things I dislike about myself cannot be changed with plastic surgery.

Although not really what the topic is on about, I would definitely consider laser eye surgery. I don't plan on wearing glasses for the rest of my life and my eyes are apparently unsuitable for contacts as well. I'd be happy to pay the amount of money to see fine for 15-20 years again.
Hmm I think all I'd want done is probably getting some scars removed on my face even though you can only really see them close up. But yeah that's pretty much it.

Scars are hot though! Well, I don't like mine that I have but they're interesting and it's fun to tell the story of how you got them!

I'd get my nose fixed. I was born with something called a deviated septum which means my nose is crooked, I sometimes have trouble breathing at night because of this. And since it's crooked in any pictures my face looks deformed. The only reason i'm not going to get it fixed is because it gives me "character".

Aw, I have one of those too but it doesn't show up to the outside of my nose, just the inside. My left side is almost always stuffy feeling. But yah some imperfections can deff give people character.
I'd love my ears to be smaller and less deformed, but I wouldn't have plastic surgery for the sake of looks when they work well most of the time.

Things not involving plastic, the only thing I really like fixed is my twisted body shape a little. Some of you may know my spine is totaly out of place and held by titanium rods. This causes my rib cage to stick out a long way to the left and I lean when walking. But then I suppose there wouldn't be anything to be proud about if it was perfect. So maybe not.
I'd get me teeth done up a bit, and laser eye surgery. I kinda wouldn't want any part of me that plastic surgery can fix done up if I'm honest, those are the bits I like xD
I would get my jaw done, because last year I used steroid cream for my acne, and it seems to have made my skin on my jaw like loosen, now when I smile my whole ****ing face folds in half lol, bloody side effects haha
All the stuff I want changed about me though can't be done through plastic surgery. :p

I hate the shape of my head from the side. Look like some giant fruit.
My neck seems really long as well sometimes, as do my arms and I never seem to know what to do with them half the time. Plus that lump on the side of my neck is a pain in the ass as I know people notice it but the doctor said it's harmless and they can't remove it unless it's affecting my health. Urgh. :(
I'd have liposuction at the tops of my arms and a tiny bit at the tops of my thighs. I'd also have a nose job to make it a bit more pointy. Maybe a boob job? Not to make them bigger, just to reshape them a bit but I'm not entirely unhappy with mine ;]
Would like laser eye surgery, glasses piss me off. Would like my teeth straightened and would LOVE a mullet.

Everything else can stay as it is.
Rhinoseptoplasty for starters. I really do need one.

Then Laser Eye Surgery and getting the teeth done.

And i'd LOVE to have my bottom ribs taken out. I have too many.
Ph yes I also forgot laser surgery, which I AM getting, thanks mum :--D , but I'm not alowed until I'm 18 I think, the earlier the less painful I hear, but like Ian said glasses are really annoying, and contacts are probably even more annoying but more attractive haha (if thats possible :lol I wish ).