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Favourite type of car wash

My favourite type of car wash is...

  • The automated ones

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Manual ones

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
The popularity of car wash types has been keeping me awake at night so I thought I'd ask CF to get an idea.

What's your favourite type of car wash?

Do you like the automated ones where your car moves through a series of rollers, waxers and dryers or is a good old fashioned manual/human car wash your favourite?
It's always good fun to go through an automated car wash. It's exciting.

Manual ones are normally rubbish and done by people who don't care at all and who use dirty water to "wash" the car.
Automated, with the soft "frond" washing cloths. You can pretend then that you're in the middle of a Hollywood blockbuster and the car is being attacked by monstrous Cephalopoda with brightly coloured ink.

Sadly, that car wash has been replaced by standard roller types now, but it still has monster fronds at the end for a second or two of excitement.

I hate going to hand washes. They always open the door and clean the sills. Well, they vaguely look at them while holding out a hand for a tip...
I prefer the 'rain' car wash, that is where I sit on my arse and wait for it to pour down, thus cleansing my car of all the crap that's on it.
nadroJ said:
I prefer the 'rain' car wash, that is where I sit on my arse and wait for it to pour down, thus cleansing my car of all the crap that's on it.

That's what I usually do too. Although, having just bought a new car, I think I'll probably take more care of this one and wash it more often.
The one with hot girls in bikinis washing it who are constantly spraying each other. Oh wait, that doesn't happen in real life, because they would all just bitch and moan about having to work.
Nothing like paying an illegal immigrant to wash your car, so human for me.

Seriously though I actually really like my car and the automated ones normally scratch the hell out of the paintwork and if you go to a decent human car wash they actually do it really well but also charge alot more.

But still, human wash please.
For thorough cleaning, the manual ones are always best (or the hose and scrubber in my driveway which works just fine too), but for amusement purposes the drive through ones with the rainbow soap are the best.
i like the ones at gas stations b/c you can get um for free if you know how to trick the machine
I like the automatic ones, I like watching the machines subserviences to us humans...

I always stare at the brushes though, daring them to come too close...
Automated as it's always fun to go through and it's quicker. All the colours and spinning things are cool to watch. :p
Don't do car washes. We've always done it ourselves. :lol: