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Favourite ride in the uk

iTopThrill said:
Stealth. :D i'm the biggest Intamin Rocket Coaster Junkie around... or Rita. :p but, i also liked Dragon Khan..

Oh dear, back to the UK comment!

Flat rides, Pleasure Island is the beast. Cheap flats run on a crazy setting is their motto. Or it should be. My favourite is probably their booster. Is it really the old Spin Doctor from Blackpool? I swear it was new, there was stuff on the lcoal news about it being bult in Italy and shizz. Unless it just went there for refurb?

Coaster, The Ultimate. Without a doubt. I'm pretty sude it's my favourite roller coaster I've ever been on, definately owns this country.

Water ride, Valhalla. I love it because I hate it. You get so wet, and I get so pissed off because I'm getting so wet. I shout a lot in this ride, but it's bloody funny ha!

Dark ride, Hex. Unique dark experience. I like it very much.
oooo, i'm a newbie still on here even though i've been registered for ages!
so thought i'd add my pennies worth!

my favourite is Megafobia :--D

second would probably be nemesis inferno!
