Arrow - Like Arrow a lot, they were pioneers back in the day, and even though some of their coasters can probably kill you from roughness, their layouts are always fun.
B&M - What can I say, the best coaster company in the world, no doubt about it, but I haven't really been impressed by anything they've made recently. Nothing innovative recently, just "an inverted one here, a dive machine here, a sit down here, stand up here" etc etc. To me its like, there goes another B&M coaster, and I'm sure it'll be smooth as silk, intense, exciting, and fantastic as always. But it's like, so what? Anyone else feel like this?
GCI - Meh...
Gerstlauer - Some great rides turned out by them, no complaints at all. Can't wait for Saw. But is it just me that thinks that the Eurofighter track looks a bit flimsy? I know it isn't and it's as strong as hell, but you know what I mean.
Gravity Group - Yay! No complaints here, great coasters!
CCI - ...
Huss - Not really much here tbh, not a fan.
Intamin - Brilliant, no question, nice and smooth, (these days) and very innovative and interesting.
Mack - Powered coasters!
Maurer - Great spinners, plus great X cars.
Pinfari - Portable, yes, smooth, NO!, fun, meh. All the same...
S&S - The spirit of Arrow lives on... but not really... In fact, no.
Togo - I actually like Togo, despite their roughness... can't put my finger on why I like them though...
Vekoma - Innovative, used to be rough, getting smoother, more ergonomic, etc, etc. Everyone seems to hate them, so why do I bother? :roll: