Since the Mitch Hawker poll continues to put all these identical coasters into the same bracket, thus not allowing any real way to compare them, I thought I'd start a topic in here. Well, that and the fact that there hasn't been anything new in Polls and Opinions for ages and I couldn't think of anything else off the top of my head.
So, what are your favourite and worst Loopscrew style coasters?
My favourite is Fantasia Special: Soooooo smooth, great frist drop into a tunnel, forceful loops and the world's only triple corkscrew. Easily in my top 20 coasters.
Followed by Crazy Coaster: A bit bumpy, and very dangerous since it's not fenced-off at all, but a really cool layout, airtime and looks great in all the overgrown vegetation.
The worst, by far, which is also one of my worst coasters of all time is Rolling X-Train, which I would place, if that were possible, very near the bottom of a poll, approximately 200 places below my "Favourite LoopScrew."
Notice how I didn't just take 10 seconds to write a list...?
So, what are your favourite and worst Loopscrew style coasters?
My favourite is Fantasia Special: Soooooo smooth, great frist drop into a tunnel, forceful loops and the world's only triple corkscrew. Easily in my top 20 coasters.
Followed by Crazy Coaster: A bit bumpy, and very dangerous since it's not fenced-off at all, but a really cool layout, airtime and looks great in all the overgrown vegetation.
The worst, by far, which is also one of my worst coasters of all time is Rolling X-Train, which I would place, if that were possible, very near the bottom of a poll, approximately 200 places below my "Favourite LoopScrew."
Notice how I didn't just take 10 seconds to write a list...?