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(Family) Suspended Coaster @ Slagharen


Mega Poster
The park has sent a survey via their Newsletter. They present three possible theming and storylines for a what looks like a suspended (family) coaster. Two of the storylines are connected to bandits in a Western Town and one is build around a sawmill with a waterfall.

Unfortunately I did not take screenshots, but perhaps someone else can add these. The newsletter did not mention anymore layout or other specifics about the coaster.

Would be a nice addition for the park.
Ahhhh bugger, a new cred there would mean me having to go back there. How burdensome.

A Vekoma SFC would be perfect for the park imo. It'd be an in-between from the mine train and Gold Rush, whilst still be thrilling for the whole family.
I live close to Slagharen and the park wants to build 2 coasters in the plot of land between the Giant Wheel and the main road. (which used to be part of the resort)
Last year I was annual pass holder, but they made an annual pass more expensive this year... Maybe because they have expansion plans? ?
I live close to Slagharen and the park wants to build 2 coasters in the plot of land between the Giant Wheel and the main road. (which used to be part of the resort)
Last year I was annual pass holder, but they made an annual pass more expensive this year... Maybe because they have expansion plans? ?
Surprised Parques Ruinidos feels like forking out for two coasters tbh.
Hope that goes ahead and they don't struggle because of all this lockdown.

Haven't been to Slagharen in decades. Was pretty much the main introduction of a coaster (Keverbaan) and I believe the first inversion (Looping Star) for me when I was a kid.
It looks well maintained / updated from vlogs I've seen.
My thoughts went: ‘Vekoma - looks completely fine’…, to ‘Premier making an invert?! And what a long ride time backwards for a family coaster’…, to ‘Gerstlauer?!!?!! Making a family invert?! With a vertical lift?!?!!! But with probably the most fun layout?!’…

So I thought I’d prefer the Gerst but it’ll probably ride rubbish, the Premier could be good but it’s a lot to be doing backwards, and the Vekoma looks probably the blandest of all three to me. Not really a great selection to choose from but I guess good the park is getting what seems to be a much-needed extra coaster.
BUMP - Well this is interesting:-

Three different concepts for a family inverted coaster, from three different manufacturers. They all look incredibly cursed.
Vekoma's looks quite nice. Tbh I believe the other two are great. If they are going for a mild family audience rather than a thrilling family audience, I think these combine the two together to create a near perfect balance. Premier Rides' Reverse Boomerang Suspended concept is pretty sweet, especially when u go forwards and criss cross over track sections and Gerstlauer with that Vertical Lift on a suspended coaster and a couple of nice tunnel sections. If I had to choose, I'd go for the Premier Rides one by a million miles though.
BUMP - Well this is interesting:-

Three different concepts for a family inverted coaster, from three different manufacturers. They all look incredibly cursed.
I think they all look great. Except the Vekoma, which looks pretty bog standard SFC. (Although I do enjoy SFCs)

Shame the Premier one has OTSR though.

Gerstlauer: "Family just means no inversions... Right?"
Looks pretty fast and intense for a family coaster! (Vertical lift, steep drop, Huge overbank, speed, and lots of near misses is why I say this.)