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Fårup My Frikadella Trip Reports!

Good god mushroom way to bring up memories of that. I would rather be kicked in the balls than go back up there. I am still suffering. I will however build myself back up so next I go up that high I can with stand it. However that really was an experience. The view was great. Mushroom I still hate you for walking away from me. :twisted:
Not much footage of me. That SCAD Tower was scary. I thought I was going to land on my head as I started to turn.
The parks were really nice and let us do loads of stuff that we wouldn't be able to out here.
For example being able to walk round the inside of an old wooden coaster. And the ops on Lynet let some of us do the restraint checks and dispatch the trains by ourselves. :)
Yes, a lot of the activites that we did would be basically Health and Safety-ed to death in this country. This makes me very sad because it is evident that both in Germany and Denmark there is an abundance of climbing frames, bouncy things and obstacle courses and they seem to have far less of a problem with obesity! Come on UK, pull up your socks!
Look at how much time we spent bouncing ourselves silly - Alton could install a big bouncy thingie in a heartbeat, and should! It's no more risky than a bouncy castle.

And just look at the obstacle courses & trampolines & slides & climbing frames - the UK needs this kind of thing, we're useless!
Well trampolines can hurt people when they lean on the top rope lol yet again.

Bouncy things are good to knock Stone Cold over on hehe.

I do have to say trampoline's = funny times :)

At the moment I keep trying to change gear with my door handle lol

I miss everyone so much.
^Been there, done that! :lol:

Earlier today was the first time I felt sad the trip was over - it usually gets to me quicker, but I think I've been on a high all week!
Day 2 Djurs Sommerland & Tivoli Friheden

Right I can not remember the order of the rides but will say how the day went. I am really not good at reports btw.

We got there and Slayed informed us Ian would be late as he had a problem with the Audi of Love and the police lol.

Day started off with an hour ERT on Piraten. The staff were so friendly all happy saying we must put our arms up. Normally I feel bad for staff having to work extra time but they were happy that we were happy so was all good.

The ride was good, and got better as the hour went on. The back was good but the front was great, I loved the airtime into the tunnel was my fav part but I also loved the airtime on the corner drop things. Great coaster and UK parks should look at getting one it could fit into any park. Big thank you to the staff and to Slayed for the ERT great way to start the day.

Next I think was a kiddy Apple coaster I say no more really lol.

I think the Rapids were next, they were quiet good fast and spinny. Not to wet though apart from right at the end and it got Mark only which made us laugh. Mind you Slayed did get wet lol. It was a good idea to put a slide that led to the ride, this saved legs and it was fun times.

I think then it was Thores Hammer? same as Cobra. These are always a fun family ride.

Was then lunch.

We met at Piraten and I managed to run straight through a load of wet grass so I was wet lol. Piraten was now warmed up and boy was it fast, the airtime was so much better.

Then off to the boucy things were the group had fun.

It was a shame the Topple Tower was broken :(

The park was really nice, well themed and just so clean and tidy. Yet again the staff were fantastic and I felt very welcome and relaxed.

Off to the hotel and a walk to Tivoli Friheden.

The park was ok nothing great but it had the tower.

We started off on the Pinfari Looper and it was the worst one I have done, just pour pain.

Next was Cobra which was ok, I did not find this rough but I did not find it forcefall either tbh. I did think it was better than an SLC though.

I think we then done a Dragon Coaster, same as normal ones.

Next was a Spinning Wild Mouse, this was the best one I have ever been on as it did not spin at all lol.

We then rode Peguses which was fantastic a great flat ride and a good cycle, one of my favorite flat rides now.

The group then done the dodgems which I had fun taking pictures of :)

The tower was next and everyone that done it seemed to really enjoy it :).

Back to the hotel and group drinks next to the canal.

Pictutres are here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2 ... b91bace1a6

Please feel free to use any pictures for the park guide.
Once again - many big huge thanks to slayed for all the hard work organising things, and big thanks to all the drivers, for getting us round in good time.

Also thanks to the German police who let us following the speeding incident off after checking our baggage (including my fluffy dog, coffee and teabags), was worried that we'd get fined or even worse.

Fave park of the trip: Heide (djurs second)

Fave coaster- Colossos (piraten second)

Fave other ride - vertigo (with pegasus second)
As soon as I got back into the Chavalier this morning, my holiday had ended. I miss the Audi of Love!

I've kept out of this topic as I wanted to remain on a high all weekend and I did!

Now I'm back at work, I have no excuse.

I'm going to catch up on the trip reports and look at the videos and pics already posted before adding my comments. I'm in work until 7pm, so plenty of time! :lol:

I guess it goes without saying what a brilliant time I had. I miss all but one of everybody who attended. I wish I could live the week over again.

Thanks for everybody for making it one of the best, carefree weeks of my life. I wasn't even concerned when the German Police pulled me over. I was in a happy time mood to even care.

So yeah. Best get reading!
^I could not agree more.

I hate it, not just work but being back tbh.

I still miss everyone, mind you I did nearly crash on the way to work as I burst out laughing again thanks to the trampoline.

These trip reports are hard as I can not remember the order the names or anything tbh. We just seemed to do the rides as they were there and it was mainly about the group.
Day 1 - Heide Park

We arrived in Germany around the scheduled time, but there was a small spurt of faff with the hire cars (little did we know that would set the trend for the day). Whilst this was going on and Will was beginning his love-hate relationship with the European wasps, I took it upon myself to have a quick nap in the taxi rank. My bag made a comfortable pillow!

We got the cars and set off on our journey to Heide park, on the way to Heide Park we noticed Europe was a lot more greener than the UK


And noticed Hoyer was with us in spirit on the trip!


Sooo, we arrived at Heide Park (miles away from the entrance) to be greeted by the 'mystery guests' ... JERRY AND THE KID! The entrance was really smart, I didn't take a photo of the hotel we walked past but that looked pretty classy too.


We got everyone in and found out Colossos was broke so ERT had been switched to Desert Racer. Fine by me I thought... until I saw Colossos in the flesh, or the wood, whatever, and WOW it looked awesome. Every ride I went on through the day I saw Colossos and just thought to myself how much of a shame it was that the best looking ride in the park was closed!

After much faffage of getting drinks (which I was a part of WOO!) and about 20 nerds taking the same shot of the statue of liberty across the lake, we headed to the bobsled type coaster thing.
It was the peak of the day then and we realised it really was rather hot, Ian made Manda a makeshift hat, see park maps do come into use, even for coastery-know-it-all-nerds!!


The bobsled thing pissed all over Blackpools and was really long, yay for first credit of the week.
We then walked over towards some kiddie credits but the group got massively distracted by slush fountains, I didn't fancy slush so I took this photo of a broken Colossos.


We did some funky mine train next, I can't remember much about it apart from some German guy speaking German to me on the exit and me replying "Errr sorry mate I don't speak English" ... yes Pierre IS a spaz.

We then went to the kiddie credit, where Will got his first calendar pose out, this was my wallpaper on my phone for the rest of the day.


A few of us then did the rapids, I almost fell asleep on them, BORRRRING, but as we left they had FRIKADELLE AND BEER (must remember the German word for Beer is BEER, not ALKOHOLFREI, silly Pierre). This was a fun game and Frikadelle was nice! We then went to ride Big Loop, which the loop wasn't really that big, and the ride was so smooth it was a bit dull.

After that we had arranged to meet at Colossos shop at 6pm and it was 5.20pm, a few of us risked a queue for Limit (of which it was only a ten minute queue) and was the WORST SLC I have been on :( although Terra Miticas came quite close!


We headed on over to the Colossos shop and as a way of saying sorry they had wheeled over champagne on ice, Pierre was happy and suddenly decided Heide Park was his new favourite park. While enjoying this unexpected surprise, they tested Colossos, and... YAY we got a go!
OH MY GOD, best woodie I have been on, brilliant! I also loved the spontaneous round of applause and cheers as the train set off, great atmosphere and I'm sure that was well appreciated.

Here is Jerry POV'ing and Martyn just P'ing with excitement


But wait hang on, we skipped Desert Racer throughout the day as we were having ERT on it? NO PROBLEM Heide Park gave us a priority ride on that too! Similar to Rita, I like the music in the station better on Desert Racer, makes the launch a bit more tense, but other than that they're identical (even with the slightly different ending)


I loved the ride ops seat in the front of the helicopter, she looked like she loved it too.

Mark then had to purchase an ashtray he saw last time he was at Heide, which was uber-cool I have to say!

So all in all, a great day to start the week, the weather was amazing, the unexpected ride of Colossos with light-headedness from Champers was a beaut, we got all the credits and the food/drink was nice too! Everyone settled in really well and it really set the tone for the week (apart from the faff, that got a lot less as went on through the week thankfully).

My only disappointment of the day was not riding much else than the coasters (in fact it was only the rapids) but with it being a major chain park it was kind of expected so cool times :)

Pierre said:
We did some funky mine train next, I can't remember much about it apart from some German guy speaking German to me on the exit and me replying "Errr sorry mate I don't speak English" ... yes Pierre IS a spaz.

You don't realise how much I just laughed reading that, thank you, I think you just made my day :D

Awesome trip reports guys! Keep 'em coming. I'm still shocked they gave everyone free champagne to make up for loss of ERT on Colossos.
I'm going to start to pen my thoughts then. I did take a few photos on my iPhone, but they were for Tweeting...so all my decent images ended up on CF's Twitter account.

Right, let's start with Heide Park.

Really painless and good flight over - I was impressed by Ryanair for a change! Not as impressed as I was when Avis messed up and gave me a Audi A6. :p :D

The drive to the park was great. I had a good car load - Jordan, Ali and Willy. Those in the back didn't realise that I was doing 160mph until I told them :p

Despite having the fastest car, I arrived at the park last - this soon became a trend!

After meeting up with everybody, in we went.

It took us a while to get on something. I think the bobsled was the first coaster we did. It was this queueline where I decided to be British and roll up my jeans and look like a twat. Did I care? Nope!

Tbh, the first day has become a blur in my head. Don't know if that's down to it being a long day, so I'm not going to list in order what we did, but stuff I remember.

- Queuing for drinks. This was terrible and I was quite disgusted by it. For a hot day, buying drinks was a must but having to wait 20mins to be served was gash. Why not sell bottles in the shops? Thank **** for slush refills - despite the many wasps! In the shop/stalls favour, the staffed spoke better English than those who work in BK/KFC at Thorpe Park :lol:

- Rapids ashtray. I saw Mark's and wanted one. Even though I do not smoke indoors at home, it's a cracking souvineer and a showpiece for those odd occasions I do smoke inside.

- Colossos & Desert Race queue jump. I found Colossus a bit bland. It's a good ride but a woodie should be a jerky experience, not a steel coaster experience. It was pretty immense, yet I found it lacked the charm of say the Nash or even the Big Dipper at Blackpool. Desert Race was good. The exposed feel of the track made it seem quicker than Rita.

- The horrible queue for the Big Looper (or whatever it's called). ****ty cattlepen on steps. Thankfully it was shaded. I also hate free-for-all stations.

- Champagne during ERT. Nice touch.

Due to the large group, queues, heat, lack of quick drink stalls/shops and its commerical atmosphere, I have to say that I didn't enjoy the Heide Park day.

This is not a reflection on the park or the people who went, but I think it's a large park that would be better experienced on a quiet, cooler day with a smaller group.

I was also quite shattered that day, adrenaline and excitement kept me awake. I will go back to the park again, possibly next year.

So yeah, for me, Heide was fairly uneventful, albeit great fun.

Once we had walked a million miles back to the car and had a Burger King (Chilie Cheese Bites FTW!), the drive to the hotel flew by. Even though I didn't rate the hotel, I was shattered and a bed for the night was all I craved.

EDIT: Just looked at the group photo the (foxy) lady took for me...

w00t for train capture, non-w00t for iPhone camera crapness!
In a way it is quiet funny that the only park most of us complained about was the one park on the trip run by Merlin lol.

I do agree with you Ian, the drink problem in the park was stupid the only place that did not have a 20-30 min queue was by the broken rides.

Ryanair was funny thanks to that woman trying to push in and Mushroom sort of having a go at her :)
Oh, and Desert Race at Heide was my 300th coaster.

I sat out of Limit because I decided that I couldn't be arsed to do an SLC and would return anyway to do Colossos. I'm a bit gutted that they opened Colossos at the end of the day. So I'm minus-1 credit compare dto others on the trip. Meh.

But at the end of the day I don't really care after all its just an SLC and I had to hunt for drinks and ciggs which were far more urgent. I failed and could only get drinks, stupid ID system.