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Eurovision 2013


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It's that guilty pleasure night - been watching the cheese fest!

I'd love Romania to win, but it'll probably go to something dull!

As usual, UK won't make double figures! Ukraine should do well!
Romania was fantastic. The dude dancing in the box for Azerbaijan was fit, and so was the Irish guy.

I have SO much respect for Sweden after their little performance earlier! ;)
Sorry but Romania was awful.

I really liked Malta's entry, Denmark's was best though. I liked Finland a lot too, shame it didn't do at all well :/

I much preferred Greece tonight than on the semi final I must say. I thought the UK put on a good show too :/
I really liked Italy, Norway and Greece weren't bad either...
Dennmark was really dull this year
OMG I just looked up Romania on youtube as you guys were so keen ....

WTF THO?! This makes me want to beat my Romanian flatmates up so badly!
Off to church now :)
Some people just don't understand Eurovision at all.

Romania and Greece were amazing. Sweden did a brilliant job of hosting it as well. They really got what the whole thing was about and the whole thing was a brilliant piss take; the host was fantastic.
The song about Sweden was AMAZING. Just, literally, AMAZING. One of the best things I've ever seen.

Denmark were amazing, and a worthy winner.

GUTTED how badly Finland did, that was my personal fave.

I loved how they had Eric Saade being there being sexy <3
Yeah, Sweden did a fab job both with their song and with the ceremony itself. The host knew the audience well and the jokes worked perfectly.

Finland was my personal favourite too, purely for it's utter amazingness. How it did so poorly I'll never know, but having seen a few Youtube comments (not that I ever value Youtube comments as reliable sources of social commentary...), some people were put off or offended by the kiss at the end. It's a shame in 2013 some countries in Europe are like that... I'm sure it wasn't the main factor in it doing so poorly though.

Denmark deserved to win. Emmelie is hot as hell <3 They'll put on a great show next year, I'm sure.
I didn't really see what all the hype was about with Azerbaijan.

I was expecting a lot more from the UK. I was a bit excited to see Bonnie Tyler representing Britain. Its obvious the UK will never win another Eurovision for a LONG time, but I thought that we could stand a chance of getting some votes. Of course though, it was just another mediocre song that was sung by the wrong singer. Out of all the songs, they had to choose the blandest.
I have been re-listening to Romania's entry on YouTube and I must say there is something about it I am liking more and more and more...
The singer from Belarus is fist-in-mouth-gnnnarrr sexy.
I thought it was a great show, would have preferred Romania to win, but I'm sure Denmark will put on a great show.

Everything in the Sweden song is true, except maybe that stand in line crap, but it was truly amazing!
My personal favorite of the night was the joke on JPG dressing the crew.
Awesome show. Decent variety of genres and usual mix of weird Euro stuff!

Where the hell were Finland? I agree with Ben and Ciall, such a good song. As well as coming 3 places from the bottom, I'm more surprised we didn't give them any points.

I drew the Netherlands for the drinking rules. Was thinking it sounded a bit depressing and un-Eurovision at first, but looking back it's such a beautiful entry.

Denmark was... okay. Malta was my favourite with Ukraine and Malta close 2nd.