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Euro Attractions Show 2011


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
As some of you may know, the International Association of Amusement parks and Attractions (IAAPA) are holding their annual Euro Attractions Show (EAS) in London. It would have been rude if I didn't attend.

I tweeted most of the exciting news, but if you don't have Twitter or want more information, here's my report from Day 1.

The event is taking place at The Olympia in West London. It's a big venue with two halls. One dedicated to ride manufacturers and facilities, the other to side show/arcade games.

"She's FAB!"
I caught Pleasure Beach Blackpool's MD, Amanda Thompson, talking to several of the theming companies. She was talking to One World Studios, a German company set up in late 2010, for a long period of time. They worked on Vengeance at the London Dungeon. I also heard that from a reliable source (who asked not to be named) that she was very interested in some indoor play area equipment.

I managed to get my photo taken with her. I was tongue-tied! She's fab.

Amanda Thompson confirmed to me that they are not looking at getting any new coasters but "are always on the lookout for new rides."

Sweet Like Candy
Talking of powerful women working within the industry, I also spotted Candy Holland, the Merlin Entertainments Creative Director, at the event today. I didn't manage to talk to her (her two pretty boy assistants were flanking her every move), but I did see her having an in-depth chat with Vekoma and a theming company called Neverland. Her chat with Neverland (yes, I eavesdropped) was very much a first-time kind of chat. What's interesting about this is Neverland are responsible for several areas in Belgium - namely the new gorgeous looking Mayaland, Rollerskater and Anubis at Plopsaland.


I spoke to the marketing chap who informed me that they are going to do the theming for the new B&M coaster at Parc Asterix. I pressed him about the name and theme. He said he would respect their privacy and leave it to the announcement which is due soon. Although with a wink, he did confirm that it will have an Egyptian theme. With Candy Holland sniffing about, who knows what's in the Merlin pipeline?

There was a massive emphasis on theming stands at EAS 2011. I think parks really understand the importance of a well themed ride and are capitalising on the trend. I'll cover the theming companies in more detail tomorrow.

Alton Towers' new ride
I spoke to Peter Ziegler of ABC Rides, a Swiss company responsible for the Extremis drop tower at the London Dungeon.

Following a tip off (again from my unnamed source), I asked a couple of cleverly worded (if I do say so myself!) questions and he confirmed that Alton Towers are installing at least one of their drop tower rides next year. It will be themed to a catacomb, hence the excavation and enclosed nature of the ride.

I also noticed several Alton Towers people sharing a few beers with the Intamin staff. However, the Intamin staff didn't give anything away. In fact, the Intamin stand was pretty bland full stop. Then again, with their top rides adorning the walls, I suppose that does all the talking. There were no interesting tit-bits from Intamin following my brief chat with them, perhaps my "How come B&M can sell wingriders by the bucket load, but you guys can't" put them off? :lol:

A Huss about nothing
Huss, the German manufacturers of rides like the breakdance, frisbee and Top Spin had no new ride concepts to report. The lovely lady I spoke to was rather open. They're currently fully booked until 2013! Business is booming for them (so she says). She fobbed me off when I quizzed her about the Dollywood Topple Tower fiasco.

I spoke to Stefano Moser from Moser Rides. I was was mainly interested in the Pleasurewood Hills gravity tower. He told me that they bought the defunct one from Karolinelund in Denmark.

Staying on the tower ride train, Mondial, the company behind the WindSeeker, had a stand at the show.


The chap I spoke to on the stand was very enthusiastic about the WindSeeker. He said it will only be a matter of time until Europe gets one, albeit on a smaller scale than the Cedar Fair ones. The chance of the UK getting one is "slim". They also boasted about having a jam-packed production line, so their rides are proving popular.

A new ride!
New ride concepts seemed to be thinner than the hair on my head. One company, EOS Rides had two to show off. They had a full working model of their rotating frog-hooper ride aimed at kids.

They also had a few pamphlets about their new tilting-tower ride, Volare, although the gent I spoke to didn't seem interested in telling me much about the rides, like who's bought one or how well they're doing. Meh.

iPhone Nerds
Quick shout out to Theme Park Nerd

These guys develop slick iPhone apps for theme parks. So far they've created apps for Flamingoland and Lightwater Valley. The Flamingoland one even has push notifications with live queue times. From chatting to Mark, one of the founders, there has been a fair amount of interest from other parks. I wish them all the best, it's great to see a fellow enthusiast group showing off a nifty product at the show.

There's still loads more to come - Gerstaluer, an awesome video interview with The Gravity Group, Mack, Vekoma, water rides, Mauer Sohne and the different theming companies. But if you'll excuse me, I'm in London and it would be rude to sit in an hotel room all night!

Live updates can be found on our Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/coasterforce and I'll post the second part of my report tomorrow.
I'd completely forgotten about this. Looks really good and really looking forward to reading/watching more!

Love the idea of your sly questions too! :lol:
Keep them coming!!
Absolutely love hearing things from these shows, much appreciated!!
Very exciting to read, I just bought myself a ticket! Will be heading down tomorrow to buy some coasters. :wink:

I am so jealous of you. Really.

Looks good, I wish I could have had chance to get down, we was originally going to put a stand up in there until we got the price list by and then realised it may not be viable :(
Danzibarr said:
Very exciting to read, I just bought myself a ticket! Will be heading down tomorrow to buy some coasters. :wink:

Good, then you can give them to Chessie for free ;)

Annoyed that I'm at uni cos I would've gone to this... Looks like a fun time...

Though I will say Ian, kinda disappointed you didn't spoiler or warn us about the Towers ride thing... Only fault here...
Wow, that looks fab!

Who actually gives a **** about having a Windseeker over here? We have Starflyers, which are a lot less ugly.

Oh, and Amanda looks like she's put on a few pounds... FAT <3
Here we go, part two of my EAS report. This reports isn't written in chronological order, I've gone for a more of a "story" style, so please read this as a continuation of the first post in this topic. However, day two did seem more park orientated. I noticed loads of park staff around today:
Efetling - Looking at the Jora Vision stand.
Plopsaland - Walking around.
Harbour Park (Littlehampton, UK) - Talking to Theme Park Nerd.
Merlin Ents. - Walking around as if they pwned the place. (No sign of Candy Holland.)
Pleasure Beach Blackpool - Sitting down having a social chat with Maurer Sohne. (And my "reliable source" told me that Amanda Thompson was chatting to One World Studios once again this morning, before the showfloor opened!)
Gullivers - Chatting in a very friendly manner on first name terms with Zamperla.
Chessington - One of the chief engineers appeared in the afternoon, although no other staff from CWOA attended. The Merlin parks were attended by Merlin HQ staff.

I got the impression that these park/manufacturer encounters were on a social level rather than a professional one. For example, I don't expect Gullivers to suddenly get a Zamperla coaster. The impression I got from chatting to the various manufacturers is that the UK is going through a "ride recession". Most manufacturers and theming companies spoke highly of China, India and the Middle East. The western countries (including the USA) were not so high on their agenda, which may explain the plenty of vacant space on the gallery level at EAS 2011.

"Put it in a dress and slap on the lipstick."
The EAS 2011 had an abundance of theming companies exhibiting. The most impressive and aesthetic stand at the show belonged to TAA Industries.



TAA Industries have had their fingers in many pies; Krake at Heide Park, Nightmare at Tusenfryd and Van Helsing's Factory at Movie Park Germany...

The staff working on the TAA Industries stand were unwilling to reveal any future projects to me.

Jora Vision, a theming company from the Netherlands, had a stand at the EAS. They're doing the theming for the new Adventure World Warsaw in Poland, so gorgeous concept art was everywhere.



The lady who we spoke to was responsible for the parks in France so her knowledge was rather limited. However, she did reveal that the "Luc Besson film theme at Futuroscope is going to appear somewhere else." Despite pressing her for information (and battling through the language barrier), she didn't reveal much else. If Adventure World Warsaw ends up looking half as good as the concept art, we'll be seeing a lot more of these guys.

Some renowned companies had stands at the show. RMC - of Thomasland and Peppa Pig World fame - had a small booth at the side of the arena, but little to say.

The people behind the internal queue line theming of Drayton Manor's Ben 10: Ultimate Mission, Leicester based Meticulousappeared to be in a celebratory mood.

On Tuesday, Disney (yes, Disney!) approached them and had "an interesting discussion." I got the impression that's corporate talk for "Disney stopped by!!1!" but perhaps they're worth bookmarking? After all, Ben10's internal queue line is pretty fab.

I have to give a mention to Sally Corporation, an animatronics/dark ride company from the USA.

If you've been to Walibi Belgium like I have, you may have ridden the Challenge of Tutankhamen, the shooter dark ride with several endings depending on the score you get. It's amazing.

The Challenge of Tutankhamen is one of a kind. Unfortunately, no other versions are in the world. Greg Eccles from Sally Corp. did say they have had interest from UK and Euro parks but wouldn't elaborate. Greg did say that the concept is very expensive (especially as the park has to pick up the tab for the queue line and station façade) and not at the top of their agenda.

Plenty of other theming companies were at the show and they had a steady stream of interested punters. It's my feeling, especially after chatting to British company Saturn Imagineering...

...that AREA theming is the sweet spot at the moment. Many parks realise that theming is essential to create a good day out for their visitors. "Escapism" is the word I heard repeated time and time again. Any ride, no matter how crap it is, can become something (at the very least) acceptable with a bit of lipstick. In some ways, the theme park is about to be reborn...let's just hope the ride choice is just as good.

Being CoasterForce, I should end tonight's report with some coaster information.

Maurer Shone displayed a great stand.

They had models of their most popular rides.

It felt personal and friendly without any corporate showmanship. They even had a cheeky working model of their Skyloop coaster, like Buzzsaw, the new coaster at Dreamworld Australia.

They seemed reluctant to divulge information about future projects - and they have plenty in the pipeline! ;) - but a senior member of staff (who refused a photograph) did tell me that they have no plans/orders to recreate the excellent Winjas at Phantasialand. Winjas is talked highly of and with the advent of Th13teen and Verbolten, you wouldn't have thought drop/sensation rides had a market.

I'm cutting it here for tonight. EAS isn't is the place for major announcements - that's what's the IAAPAexpo in America is about. The Euro Attractions Show is where this wonderful industry is right now.

More tomorrow night.
300th post! Yay!

1st post, 3rd picture. It says "Wicky:The ride" At Plopsa Coo. Whats with that?
I started typing out an epic report, hit backspace and the internet did that lovely thing where it goes back a page instead of takes away text. Why does that happen? WHY?

Will teach me to not write in word.


Working on a report. :p
...I wish people would leave the noob alone and stop going on and on about it. You realise "Wicky" is actually technically accurate? Since, ya know, it's German/Austrian. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicky_the_Viking

So, yeah, back to the show and stop picking on the noob now.

EDIT: Oh apologies I misunderstood the situation. You were having a go at an established member, that's perfectly okay. ;P
Joey said:
I'm disappointed at the lack of dinosaurs, frankly Ian.

I'm-a post a report tomorrow. :)

That's probably due to the fact they are out of date and no one bothers with them, unless your Cedar Fair lol :)

Loving all the reports so wish I could have gone to this. Glad your using it to try and help yourself Joey it's the best way to get yourself known.

Ian had the firms heard of CF and how have they been towards groups. They seem willing to chat etc so that might seem like a silly question.