The final park!
Six Flags New England.
We did this park over bits of 3 days, an afternoon, a whole day and then popped in on the last day before flying hope as we had passes.
Wicked Cyclone.
I enjoyed this more than Twisted Timbers I think, it has less of the jolty bumpy bits and the theme is quite cool. It's quite lot to the ground (especially after having done Steel Vengeance) but has good pace. We did this a few times but again, like the other RMCs probably not going to be seen in my top 10.
This is really good which lots of airtime. After things like Skyrush and MF this didn't blow my mind but it's a really solid cred and I can see why it won so many awards when it first opened. The view over the water from the lift hill is lovely. I'd rate is just about Wicked Cyclone but not by far as they're both good.
Trying to remember what else was of note......Batman was decent, just another solid B&M really, the jokeer was as gross as the one at SFGAdv and the woodie was good fun. The spinning gerst was ok, as was the wild mouse (with the longest name ever) and the cat woman tivoli. Nothing much stands out about those creds. We didn't do the star flyer as I'd already done the windseeker at KD and had my fill of those kind of rides for this trip haha. Unfortunately the GIB was closed, which was predictable but annoying as I really enjoyed the one in Madrid. Oh well. Sounds like it might never reopen at this point!
The park didn't have as nice a atmosphere as SFGAdv which was by far my favourite SF park of the trip (we did 3, SFGAdv, SFAm and SFNE). The line up is better at SFGAdv, which also has animals and a more established feel. SFNE was good still. The water park looked quite good.
So that wraps up my ridiculously long road trip trip report. The trip was insane in both cred-gettingness and also just enjoyment. I went to so many parks I'd never thought I'd ever get to and totally re-imagined my views on rollercoasters to be honest-like I've done so many more great ranking coasters, hit the 300 and 350 milestones and got 138 more credits in total, leaving me to end the trip on 383 credits, having started with 245. I guess I can be snobby about creds now??? (joke)
So, now it's time to unveil the new, reimagined, totally flipped upside down top 10. It was hard, but I finally came to a decision.
For the record here was my pre-USA road trip top 10:
1. Taron
2. Karnan
3. Montu
4. EGF
5. Shambhala
6. Mako
7. Superman, Madrid
8. Fluch von Novgorod
9. Black Mamba
10. Olympia Looping
(my top woodie was Joris)
New top 10!
1. Taron (nothing quite topped Taron but a few things came close)
2. Beast (they say that not everyone "gets" this coaster but I totally did and loved it!)
3. Maverick
4. Skyrush (would be higher if not for the restraints)
5. Millennium Force
6. TTD (had a hard time ranking the CP intamins ngl)
7. El Toro
8. Karnan
9. Montu (was my number 1 before Taron)
10. Storm Runner
Number 11 would be Lightning racer or mystic timbers but decided to put storm runner in instead.
It's ridiculously Intamin, coming from a very B&M and gerst heavy list! Maybe all the best intamins (bar Taron) are in america? Woodies finally being seen in the top 10 so that's nice. So yeah, rode 3 RMCs and they didn't make the cut haha.
Thanks for reading!