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"East Anglia Extravaganza" | GYPB & PWH | Trip Reports

What a funny weekend.

Highlights include...

Fraser being early, Rachel being late and Scarlet being BURDENOUSLY LATE.
The DECENDING story. And the M&S island, with the awfully parked car. </3

Finding our way to Norfolk with only a map!


The decision to randomly go to Great Yarmouth afterall so Fraser could get the CREDZ.
RideRater retweeting this photo of Fraser...

Ian transferring his Great Yarmouth wristband to fraser with duct tape! LOL
Roller Coaster being a bit poo.
Great Yarmouth's general **** and Rachel's DISGUST.
Rachel seeing us RUN and not knowing why as we escaped the log flume splash.
The DISGUSTING fat old man who literally moved me out the way, and Sam telling him off. <3
Sharing a bed with Fraser. <3
Ian's sleep talking... "mm that's a big TV"
Ian's burdenous snoring.
Ian's sleep fart.
A bug buzzing past my ear in the night and maybe 10 mins later Fraser flailing about because it buzzed past his ear. LOL
The disappointment of Fraser's post-wash hair not being an afro.
The toilets in BOTH travelodge rooms stinking of piss. </3 Thinking it was just me who stunk of piss. </3</3
Accidentally using Fraser's toothbrush because it was similar to mine.
The awful dark ride.
Scarlet being attacked by ants.
The burdenous queue for Enigma and the overall dissopointment of it. It was not as good as it's furry namesake. </3
Scarlet loving Jolly Roger.

Tesco based lunch of regret. </3 We all bought things (except Scarlet) that instantly made us question why. Rachel and I suffered. I'm still suffering. Cranberry juice and milk don't go.
THROWING the DISGUSTING things Fraser bought out the car window.

LOL THE MAGIC SHOW. And it actually being okay. Sans the wet shirt. But seriously, I actually kinda enjoyed it.
Nic falling in love.
Pistachio shells everywhere. Everywhere.
Hugging Nic excessively.
The **** boat ride.
Mike! Was good to see Mike after so long.
Snake in the grass. </3
Fraser asking "where's Scarlet?" and me pointing to Jolly Roger.... And her being at the top, waving at us. So we all waved back.
Ian's "where's Scarlet?" and me saying "Jolly Roger" and him basically saying "oh good now we don't have to go back over there". LOL. <3
The chat with Family Furie at the end of the day was long and awesome.
The EXPLODING clementine.
Being told to leave the car park and having the gates shut on us.
NANDOS. And my loyalty card having expired. </3

The farm shop of weird awesomeness.
The shirt I'm wearing today is quite tight around my gut. Seriously considering changing my username to I an(al) Bell for the day.

Must dash, I've just remembered there are no Brown Horses in Germany.
Re: "East Anglia Extravaganza" | GYPB & PWH | Trip Reports

Hope it's a white shirt and you plan on jumping in some water later, in front of loads of people so the can see your moobs! Then, of course, you need to sell a load of a tat and perv scarily at some women and call them your angels.
^ That's a normal day at work for me.

The bit I'm most looking forward to is where I'm going to stand in a box that vertically squishes me. I hope nobody notices that the shoes poking out the bottom of the box don't match the ones I'm wearing whilst mincing about on stage.
Yes, I also rely heavily on the distraction technique. Whenever I want to make a cup of tea, I put on a hooded cloak whilst loads of similarly dressed dancers prance around my desk. I use this opportunity to sneak out of the room. I then remove the cloak, run around the building, climb in through the window at the back of the room and proclaim, "Colleagues, I am at the back of the room!" to prompted, lukewarm applause.
Re: "East Anglia Extravaganza" | GYPB & PWH | Trip Reports

Also. If he was anal zander. Does that make the dancers anal angels?

I'm sure if heard of a video called that.
Whilst it wouldn't be my first preference, if it means I get her to myself, Jasmine can do what she likes.
Coral was my favourite Anal Angel.
The video is up - high six!

Best played using a PC though as it's got a special ending that doesn't work on mobile devices ;)
Hahaha, great video! My favourite part was when Raybould hijacked it and the Mario power up sound played, pissed myself.
Glad people liked it. It'll be the last one in that format now, I don't believe in too much "rinse and repeat". However, that does mean no more videos until I have a better idea :lol:

caffeine_demon said:
Awesome, but the surreal ending wasn't surreal enough!

It was in the context of the rest of the video I thought? Although my version of a normal world is probably slightly different to everyone else's ;)

I've uploaded the video for those in the third world countries ;)

http://www.coasterforce.com/my-cf/furie ... 12-cf-live
Ah, yeah... You may regret that... ;)

Where in the world are you now then?
Going to be editing the CF Grand Prix I filmed soon. Done all the tedious bits, now just to put it all together
