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Dreaming Theme Parks...


This summer I am going to SFNE on opening day and I hope to be on the first Bizarro train of the 2011 season (hopefully the first front seat rider), but I always have dreams that I get there late and there are huge lines :cry:
This is quite similar to Marc's dream actually, but before I had been on Stealth I dreamt me and my friends went to Thorpe and Stealth was built over a lake. After it launched and went over the tophat it came off of the track and crashed into the lake RCT style. People died, and we were all like 'oh crap...'.

I think I was due to go ride it like, a few weeks after that dream.

I often dream I am in a theme park but rarely am on a ride.
I had a weird dream before I went to Thorpe park forth first time.

I had already been to Alton towers and I knew about the rides at Thorpe park. Put the two together and you get my dream!
The whole park (in my dream) was exactly the same as Alton towers but with all the Thorpe park rides
Now there's something I would like to see come true

I once had this weird experience that happened after a dream. I was dreaming I was in Bellewaerde Park, which opened a new ride, which they said was the sickest ride ever. However, I tried it out and the motor exploded, which made it go totally out of control. I was dreaming I got really sick and wanted to throw up, but I just couldn't. After that, I woke up from that dream and I had to run to the toilet as fast as I could and I actually did throw up!

Another dream I once had was when I was walking in the woods with my class. There were some trees, up untill the end of the forest, which had about 20 of trees standing in one line. We decided to walk through those trees and suddenly we were standing in front of Turbine from Walibi Belgium. The building was the same, but the part when you got on the far end spikes was at the right side instead of the left. When we were in the station, the inside looked like this two story high building that was still under construction. We were forced into the train by this Jessica Rabbit male look-a-like whi launched it. At the end of the far end spike, there were some poles with plasticine on the top of it. The person who could pick of the most plasticine, was sent to Aqualibi in Walibi Belgium where they were told they could rest into the whirlpool, which actually was a kettle where they were boiled alive...

Pretty bizarre!
I had a dream a while ago soon after I had gone to Phantasialand and realised I missed out the Winjas and Temple of the night hawk. The dream was that I was at Phantasialand with one of my friends heading towards the Winjas. We walked into this building which had no track in and had the entrance to fear on left and force on the right. We walked up corridor which was the queue for Fear. We ended up on platform in the building with the station in front of us and suddenly there was track everywhere in the building. Also, the Winjas were wooden wild mice instead now. Fear was walk-on so we got on it straight away and I can't remeber much after that other than coming back into the station laughing like mad-men.
I just had a dream last night that the trains from the Texas Giant were in my garage, and I had strapped in and everything when all of a sudden a steering wheel and gas and brake pedals appeared in the train, so I got to drive it around. Whilst I was driving, I started to lose control of the trains, and right before crashing into a lightpost, the train flew up into the air, and I flew over DFW (narrowly missing an airplane) and ended up flying to Six Flags Over Texas. After that, I got to drive the TG trains around the park to all my favorite rides, until finally I had ridden all the rides and I had only 1 left to ride- The Texas Giant. So the trains ended up somehow flying through the station and reconnecting itself to the track. Then the dispatchers pushed the panel so I could be on my way, a single rider. I then went on to ride the whole ride, having an amazing time the whole time. But then, right as I was about to hit that final brake run, I looked to my left and all there was was black and right when I hit the brake run, I woke up.

I think I must be on drugs :P
I had a dream I was at Six Flags Great Adventure. (And I've never been there) And I was in line with a friend, getting ready to get on Kingda Ka. I was really pumped up and hyped to get on this ride. But, inside I was being a real pansy. So we get on the ride and they strap us in. My heart went from 20 mph to 50 mph. I sceamed "Let me OFF, let me OFF" But it was like nobody could hear me. So we shoot off and I'm screaming my ASS off. We get to the top, I black out and then BAM! I wake up. I thought about that dream for a straight week after that. I'm really looking forward to getting on this ride. But, at the same time, I'm like ehh... Will it be my last ride? I need booster confidence here. Foreal :lol:
I've had a few dreams about alton towers.

First one - Oblivion had been relocated, and was just outside ipswich train station, and was actually a giant slide you went down on a "tray", on your knees....

Second one - the rides were all in different places, and the queues were strange.

Third one - Was about thirteen - the cars were like gerstlauer bob cars, and there was a "slalom" bit through pillars, before the drop
Ah, so Ciall wasn't making it up - there IS a dream topic.
If noticing you're at Thorpe isn't enough to alert you that you're in a dream, realising there's a WOODEN COASTER there certainly brings it home to you. And as soon as you announce to the assembled CFers that this is in fact a dream and thus all bets and social norms are off, the most potentially problematic of that disappear without explanation, leaving you free to commence your own rampage. Aside from the numerous threatening people I encountered, that was a fun night... :P
Mine always involve one of two things. Either I'm about to ride a ride that hasn't opened yet and wake up just as we board or I visit a park I've already been to but the park in the dream isn't even remotely similar to the real park (for example, in one dream Space Mountain was an Arrow Suspended Coaster that left the mountain).