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Drag Me To Hell

This film is great. I went to see it last thursday, it's actually ****ing scary. Which I must say I didn't expect. I did expect a pile of **** with an unrealistic story line and a comedy, just as the reviews had said. And to be honest. I did get both of those things, unrealistic, yes, comedy (at times), yes. But christ is this film scary. I never usually jump at films, but this. Damn. The suspense throughout is great. Even when you know something will happen, the way it does is so out of the ordinary compared to most new scary films. It has a great background story, a great 'think it's over? Think again' ending. And has such a great mix of comedy and horror that it actually works. The old lady is **** scary, and it's a beautiful piece of film. I love the way that director 'Raimi'? decided to go for half CGI half real wax dummies like the old days. CGI is so NOT scary compared to the realistic dummies that can be produced now. This blend of real makeup and real use of props really boosted the product for me. It was great, and again, added to the comedy and the horror. It's a great film to go and see, well worth the 5 quid I spent watching it.

Don't go if you want an epic, or an amazingly realistic sotryline like some drama. It's good at what it does, which is what most films nowdays miss out on. This film accepts itself as a stupid, scary horror. And it works.
In the midst of horror films I would shelf it far,far above SAW but unreachable to the likes of Silence of the Lambs.
^^ No.

^ Double no.

RJM, anyone can make a movie with things that make the audience jump. All you gotta do it make **** pop out every once in a while. Doesn't make up for the crap film, in my opinion.

And it is definitely not better than Saw.
^^ No.

^ Double no.

RJM, anyone can make a movie with things that make the audience jump. All you gotta do it make **** pop out every once in a while. Doesn't make up for the crap film, in my opinion.

And it is definitely not better than Saw.
Of course it is. Every horror film nowadays has gone down the road that SAW has. The atmosphere is dead, it's not even doing what most horrors should, scaring the audience.

At least with Drag Me To Hell, you don't know where or what to expect at some points in the film. SAW has been raped to death, hell I could probably type out the storyline for their next film word for word.
I really want to see that movie
I have heard that it is really scary