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Drag Me To Hell


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Out on 29th May. It has been praised as being one of the scariest horror movies in decades and Sam Raimi (ala Evil Dead, The Grudge) is directing. It also has a shocking and bleak twist ending and has been described as '104 minute long rollercoaster that crash bangs and wallops through scary in your face imagery, grotesque gags and creepy set visuals.'

Is anyone going to see it?
It's a 15 and called "Drag Me To Hell"...

pffft... *thumbs down* I'll download it, but, no paying.
Keown is a legend.

I love Sam Raimi films, but I went off him after he sold out with Spiderman.

However, American Gothic was excellent and really haunting in parts - so there's a chance it will be good. If he can pull another Evil Dead (back in the early 80's it was one of the scariest films ever) then it will be excellent - 15 or no (the scariest film I've ever seen is a PG - The Haunting).

So I'll probably fall for the fact it's Raimi and go. yeah! :lol:
Not heard of this. May look into it first.
Rec 2 will be scarier though. :D

Oh and if he directed 'The Grudge' then I might not as I found that really boring and not scary at all (The American version, not sure which one he directed. Haven't seen the Original yet).
I saw the trailer for this and the concept terrifies me.

Therefore I will be watching along with Last House on the Left (remake), Tormented and another horror that I can't remember the name of.

Finally, some horror films coming out that actually look scary and not silly.
I watched the Last House remake online at watchmovies.net ;) But I'm deffinatley going to see this. As well as Up. Oh and I went to see Coraline at the weekend if that doesn't give you nightmares you need your head examining lol :D
I don't think Sam raimmeeatojshbdkvc will ever be able to beat Evil Dead 2.

That movie was awesome source.
I'll give Mr Raimi a chance...

I'll always give him chances lol...

If i keep my expectations low i'll probably really enjoy it...
Am I the only one who doesn't think this sounds that great? She evicts a lady, is cursed, and is driven to the breaking point by her work? I dunno, I'll give it a chance because it's getting really good reviews, but I don't have really high hopes.
I'm gonna give it a go, I have to agree with Furie about Raimi though, even though with my age, it was more like "the spiderman director directed whut?"
But I love Evil Dead and I think that he might be able to work his magic on this one.
It can't be as much of a disappointment as Tormented ¬_¬
If you go in to this and expect horror, you aren't going to get anywhere close to what you want out of it.
Ben said:
It's a 15 and called "Drag Me To Hell"...

pffft... *thumbs down* I'll download it, but, no paying.

Its only a 15 because its not that gory compared to films like saw and friday 13th. Thats all it is.
I reviewed it in the "Now Showing" topic, but in short, it was kind of a disappointment, too far fetched, and it seemed like they were trying to be scary and intense at times, but it just seemed more funny than scary. Lot of jumpy moments, though.

Now, I absolutely LOVED this movie, totally Sam Raimi. It was extremely typical horror (lightning flash + cemetary+ pouring rain=<3) and that made it a breath of fresh air in some ways. So many 'horror' movies now days are trying to take a different approach to the genre and most seem to have failed, with the obvious expection of [REC].

The humour of the film just made it, pardon the cliché, a rollercoaster ride. You didn't know whether to cower in terror or laugh out loud, it kept you right on the brink of both emotions, a mixture that is not often stirred up in myself. Again, this is a completely Raimi film trait, for those who have seen The Evil Dead you will know what I mean.

Finally the gore factor. Amazing, there were spurting blood scenes, eye-ball popping scenes, pus, vomit and all other gross disgusting things that are often left out of horror movies. Again it is a throw back to the original gross-out/gore horror movies but unlike its predecessor The Evil Dead it didn't go too over the top, the balance was just right which made this film even more amazing.

CGI talking goat ftw.

Amazing film, I loved it =]