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Do you keep in touch with your Ex?


Giga Poster
Do you keep in touch with your Ex girlfriends/boyfriends?

Or is it awkward when you see them, you kind of don't know whether to say hello, or blank them or whatever! :lol:

Just thought of this poll because I bumped into my ex girlfriend in the pub and really didn't want to say hello to her so I just kind of blanked her and it felt really awkward and wondered what other people do in the same situation.

So do you keep in touch/say hello if you bump into them or just blank them? :)

A lot of people who say 'We still keep in touch as we're good friends' often find you just drift apart and they are just a status update on facebook from time to time.

I'm only friends with probably 2 of my ex's but that's because of a social circle thing, not because I wanted to.
If you count 'proper' relationships, I'd say I've only had 2. The first one ended a few years back and she kinda avoided me and still does - I tried to talk with her, but she seemed happier just not talking with me.

My latest ex is annoying me - she said we should stay friends, and I've tried to, but she doesn't speak to me at all and avoids me as much as possible. She doesn't even respond to any of my messages nor wished me well for my A Level results. Oh well. Her 18th b-day today too...

So the answer is 'no', although I've tried, lots.
First two ex's: No. They can **** off as far as I'm concerned. The relationships ended because they couldn't be arsed to put the effort in to seeing me, so I couldn't be arsed seeing them. Thankfully though they were people I'd met through various clubs and things when I was a bit younger and now I've finished all of that I think it's highly unlikely I'll see them again.

As for my most recent Ex: It's hard to say. We do occasionally chat, but we never seem to make a special effort to. We broke up because I was moving away to Sheffield (and her to Plymouth) and if I'm honest I just didn't see it working long distance. I think I was right, thankfully. Shame, as I liked her and we got along well, but I guess that's just life!
In terms of "short term", not really no. I wouldn't blank them though if I saw them, but probably wouldn't ever see them.

In terms of "long term" or "serious" relationships, yeah, I keep in contact. My first serious girlfriend (we lived together for three years) was maid of honour at our wedding and my most recent serious ex (we went out for about 18 months) was our photographer - I took a special trip to Bristol to visit her each time she had a new kid and I'm friends with her husband too.

Another girl I lived with for over three years I keep in touch with over Facebook and we're civil, but to be fair, I wouldn't piss on her to put her out if she was on fire - fortunately she's in York so it's not something I need to worry about too much.

All of these happened when I was quite old though I guess, 22 onwards so you can manage with a bit more maturity and slightly less awkwardness. The relationships ended because they weren't going anywhere and it was best as neither of us were happy or could make each other happy in the long run. While it can be painful at the time, you recognise quickly it's best for both of you and you can put the pain aside and move on and stay friendly. I think being "regular friends" would be hard, but keeping in touch and friendly is certainly possible.

I think a lot depends on how much resentment there is, but as soon as you're harbouring resentment in a relationship, you should think about the future of it anyway and think about stopping it before it's destroyed.
I've had two. The first one I keep in contact briefly with and speak to now and again. The second... just no :D
No exes...


As for the one significant/repeated **** buddy... It changes depending on the month.
No, the first one we stayed friends for about 2 years as we broke up on good terms because i moved away, but we have gradually drifted apart over the years and now no longer speak.
As for the second one, shes a twat and i wouldn't speak to her under any circumstances.
One.. and that is because she was on my team/in my specific event group.. so I had to be around here for another 3 years.

Other then that.. never. My break ups haven't ever ended well.
Only 2 really, 1 being my roommate therefore we see each other every day. The other is in the Army and I talk to her on facebook from time to time.

The rest I've either lost touch or they refuse to talk to me. One, funny enough, only talked to me once to inform me that she was a lesbian and it was my fault. Now, I'm not sure if it's because she doesn't like guys because of me, or that I'm so amazing that I can't be topped (It's the first).

My break ups hardly amount to clean slate. Mostly they amount to very bitter girls. As my sister would say, men are jackasses and women are crazy.
I'm good friends with one of my exes, but that's about it.

We hadn't seen each other for years though, then 2-3 years ago he got back in touch through Facebook and we started hanging out quite a lot really.

The thing is, we were totally wrong for each other and should never have been together in the first place. The whole thing was "dramatic" from the offset (he dumped his 6 foot 6 schizophrenic boyfriend when he met me, which was fun - living in small-town Scarborough where everyone knows what's going on and warning me where not to be just in case he kicked off), he moved into my flat after two weeks - STUPID - and we were absolutely vile to each other towards the end, to the point where he moved to Manchester.

We both realise that now though, and we're actually really good together as friends. There's no "feelings" either way from either of us (I think the years with no contact helped with that); we just enjoy each others' company and have a great time together.

He's about the only one though, apart from Facebook or whatever.
Nope. For one reason or another I tend to think it is not possible to go back to being just friends. Once in a relationship you share things that you never would with a friend and if you do split up there is no way you can eradicate the things that were shared.

If the relationship failed it failed for a reason and I haven't wanted to remain in touch :-)
I don't keep in touch with my boyfriend that I had pretty much all throughout high school, or at least on and off a few times for two and a half years, had a nasty breakup. Basically I was angry with him and I liked someone else as I'm sure most of you can guess who, and I told him I cheated on him in a mean way and he basically said "you're not the only one who knows how to cheat you know." Soo I think it would be awkward to speak now that we both know we were unfaithful a few times in the relationship. If that hadn't happened and we had just broken up normally I probably would have asked to stay in contact because despite the fact I was only really with him because I didn't have many friends, he was still my bestfriend and I did enjoy talking to him. But he properly loved me so he said it would be too hard to go back to friends, which is understandable. I haven't spoken to him since or seen him since, but I did quickly apologize via email because my conscience was nagging at me, though I never received a reply.

The other two guys I was seeing for a longish amount of time both also ended badly. One was sort of a rebound on my ex, and I really led him on only to tell him I was gonna go back to my ex. We didn't talk for a while after that and when we did it was awkward. We fell out now but once every few months I drop a line and say hi. The other guy I was obsessed with and then I went on vacation for a week and he told me he found a new girlfriend, and every time I was over before that he would always cut the hangout short and say he was going to another girl's house, so basically it opened my eyes as to what an arse he was and I never had any desire to speak with him again although he does try to talk and say he was wrong and that he should have kept me, even now which is over a year and a half later. But, I don't forgive him because at the time it really hurt.

So no, I guess the answer is I don't stay friends with my exs, and if something were to happen with me and Brad there's no chance in hell I could remain friends. It sounds nasty (but I don't think we'll break up anyways so it's just theoretical :P ) but even in the past year and a bit I've done too much with him and had too many incredible experiences to ever want to see him be with another girl. Plus I actually want to be with him unlike my ex where I kinda just felt trapped in it.
Guess my answer would be "not applicable".

I try to keep in touch with former friends and such, but not sure how it would go relationship-wise.
Unfortunatly i have to keep in touch with the last one.... there's a child involved... Which is being in a completely different boat really.

But i have kept up a friendship with a few ex boyfriends.... but they were all non serious things anyway so it's easier!
It depends a bit, I've had two gf's for 4-5months who have been exchange students and we never really broke up as such, it 'ended' when they went back home. I have asked them how they are/vice versa sometimes, there's no awkwardness or so, it's been fine.

But then again there are a few who I'm not in contact with at all, i.e. lost interest in one after sometime; one got too clingy etc. If ran into them in town or so, I'd say hi and maybe chat for half a minute, depends on how it feels (never ran into them anyway, so don't know how it would be in reality, but that's how I'd imagine).