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Dive In! No Limits 2 Results!

Re: Dive In! No Limits 2 Voting topic!

Exactly. I like this voting method as it does make it very clear who the favorites are. Thank you to the other judges for submitting, and it is quite funny how similar the votes are. Get those votes in!
Finished the tallies, checked my math, got all the entries input,and we have a winner! First off, just want to thank those who entered. I know I didn't expect 10, 5 was a pipe dream so I was ecstatic by the entries. This was a bit of a live test for the next competition to see what we liked/disliked and how to go from here, so to those who provided feedback, we do want to say thank you.

Now, I'm going to give some feedback on each coaster as we count it down!

10. Sabre- Colossus 8 points

To be blunt, I loved the IDEA of this coaster, but technically speaking, it needed work. If I recall, you said this was your first NL2 creation, and if true, I can't wait to see what is next!

9. (Unnamed) Jarrett 8.5 points

Some transition errors and non traditional Dive Machine elements through this off for me. Little work with NL2 and it will go a long way. Great idea though!

8. Ninja- arktic2 9 points

Again, transitions and some weird elements. The outerbank turn and non inverting roll distorted the ride for me, and the pacing wasn't great. I did like the layout overall as it was different, just needs some work.

7. Eruption- GuywithaStick 10 points

Some banking and force issues, but I really liked this overall. Transitions were too tight for the large trains and areas weren't banked properly.

6. Apocalypse TPV 15 points

Pacing. Pacing caused this to fall to where it is, but the layout was very spot on and FELT like a Dive Machine. The beginning was bit odd, the brakes after the first drop hit too hard for the hold. Good layout, just felt like it would stall several times

5. Fuhrer Tom 16 points

This one being mine, I'll go from other comments. Pacing was off, lack of custom supports and additional scenery killed where it could have gone and kept it from getting higher. Clearance test also didn't pass.

4. Forgotten Cliff- Glennderp 19 points

Absolutely awesome. The detail is incredible and this is where the top coasters really started to shine. There was a collision with a tunnel which didn't help, but I loved the use of the pond and the border it had. Just very well done, but lacked a bit of pacing in some areas.

3. Viper- antinossi 19.5 points

One of my favorites and the highest rated among non judges. Very on point with the way it was built, and the uniqueness of the layouts. From what I got from the other judges, it was an issue with too many tunnels (I disagree) and a few transitions.

2.Timber- AK Koaster 20 points

Wow. The amount of detail and work put into this was top notch. The indoor section didn't really fit with the type of ride, but I loved it and so did everyone else.

1.Twister- Hixee 21 points

Like a champ, Hixee comes out of nowhere and crushes the competition. Flawless. On first ride when I saw the launch I wasn't a fan, but it worked perfectly and this was just a great ride.

Here is an image of how the voting broke down. Next competition will begin in the next day or so! Congratulations Hixee and everyone else who entered!
Well that's an excellent surprise! Good work guys, will be great to keep up this level of commitment.

Thanks! :)
6th :(.. better than last! "Always look on the bright side of life" Who else sung it as they read it?
Great job guys! There were some interesting ideas, and a lot of entries. Congrats to the winner, he really deserved :) I never had the idea of entering the competition, but that didn't stop me to think about what I would have done. This was my idea (was a quick concept, it doesn't meet the height requirements):

Launch into a (reversed) flying snake dive and then the real dive machine drop. I may finished that track, even if the competition is over. Hope I can get some time for the next round.
Dapalm said:
Great job guys! There were some interesting ideas, and a lot of entries. Congrats to the winner, he really deserved :) I never had the idea of entering the competition, but that didn't stop me to think about what I would have done. This was my idea (was a quick concept, it doesn't meet the height requirements):

Launch into a (reversed) flying snake dive and then the real dive machine drop. I may finished that track, even if the competition is over. Hope I can get some time for the next round.

Looks good! You should upload it to youtube?
Yeah, I am going to upload it to youtube and provide a download too. I will finish it this week :)
Yeah, I think there are too many tunnels for this type of ride. The Voyage is a very especific case. You have to keep in mind it costed 6,5 millions, while a short dive machine layout is arround 15 millions. If you add tunnels you're increasing a very high number. That said, I didn't deduct a lot from the tunnels. The ride was great anyway, one of the strongest on this competition.
Whoops, completely forgot about this due to homework/midterms. Thank you to everyone who voted, and congrats to Hixee and his awesome entry, I especially enjoyed the spaghetti bowl at the end of the ride. I also really enjoyed Viper, especially the barrel roll over all the plant life. This was definitely a fun challenge and I would love to do more of this type of competition.