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Disney world twinned with... Swindon


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http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wilt ... 399996.stm

A Wiltshire town hitherto best known for its railway heritage, Honda motors and Billie Piper, has been chosen as a twin by the Disney organisation.

Swindon beat 24 other UK towns competing for the unique honour.

Rebecca Warren who masterminded the town's approach will fly to Florida to unveil a plaque at Walt Disney World.

A special Swindon exhibition will also run next year at Disney's Epcot theme park, although it is not known what the display will contain.

'Great opportunity'

Ms Warren, 20, a building society worker, made a video of her home town and composed a special poem which impressed Disney's judges.

She will fly to Orlando with her nephew Aaron, 11, and five-year-old niece Amy to unveil a sign reading "Walt Disney World twinned with Swindon".

A similar sign will also be on display at the multiple roundabout in the West Country town.

She said: "I still cannot believe that my entry has been selected - it's fantastic. What a great opportunity for Swindon."

Hugh Wood, of Disney Destinations International, said: "Britain clearly has a love for Walt Disney World and long-standing affinity with the parks and their magic, which is probably why the number and quality of entries received was so high."

It is the first time the "magic kingdom" has twinned with somewhere "in the real world".
:shock: The land of roundabouts twinned with Disney?!?!?!?!?!? What they going to put on display? a set of roundabouts that look like a flower?
Swindon?! </3

When a town's main claim to fame is Billie Piper, I think it's clear that they're desperate for a re-branding.
Imagine the people faces when passing through all the countries in Epcot and then getting to Swindon :lol: .

Can't wait to see the type of theming they use.
This is the most unusual publicity stunt I've come across in a while.

I thought towns and cities got twinned with towns and cities, not theme parks?
Emmett said:
Imagine the people faces when passing through all the countries in Epcot and then getting to Swindon :lol: .

Can't wait to see the type of theming they use.

:lol: THE MAGIC ROUNDABOUT! Possibly one of the worst designed road junctions ever...


I used to have a relative in Swindon.. It's not exactly a thrilling town haha.
That roundabout is actually quite a clever design. There are five approaches and some have multiple lanes. Imagine the delays that a traffic light system would have!

By having several roundabouts working within a larger roundabout, there should nearly always be a gap, thus improving traffic flow.

Erm, aside from the comments about the roundabout, I have no other comment to make. After a season of the most awful publicity stunts I've seen, this comes as no surprise and is filed under "meh".
For the record, the magic roundabout isn't that special... there's one in Hemel Hempstead, and Colchester... and somewhere else, but I forget.

Edit - High Wycombe!
I don't get what it means by "twinned with Swindon".. ?

And whoa, those roundabouts look confusing. We don't have any roundabouts around here so, I better never drive in Britain because I think an accident would result.
Ian said:
That roundabout is actually quite a clever design. There are five approaches and some have multiple lanes. Imagine the delays that a traffic light system would have!

By having several roundabouts working within a larger roundabout, there should nearly always be a gap, thus improving traffic flow.

To be honest Ian, we have similar at Sadlers Farm (if a little bigger) and it really doesn't make the blindest bit of difference. It is always clogged up and has countless accidents...

This is indeed a very strange marketing tactic...

liveforthelaunch said:
I don't get what it means by "twinned with Swindon".. ?

I have always found the whole "twinning" of cities very confusing too actually Taylor. This might help...

or even better

I know it is only Wikipedia, but it may give you the general idea. I don't really know all that much about parts of America twinning but I know it happens all over Europe quite a bit. My home town is twinned with Sopot in Poland for instance...
This is....there arent words, we're all thinking the same thing on this one though.
And as for the roundabout, why not just continue the roads closer thus having 4 or 5 more houses within the land area and have a normal size roundabout in the middle.
I can imagine this topic quickly turning into ways and blueprints of what we'd do to cure that roundabout :) Just like the how would you have built thorpe park 5 years ago or so thread. lol
Woah, that is just plain odd... SWINDON? WTF WASN'T IT IPSWICH :lol: Nah joking, It is just plain odd all together! If this bring more poeple to the park then I might twin myself with Mr Blobby.

About that roundabout thing, I was thinking, especially after experiencing the one in Ipswich and Colchester, they are still pretty scary, especially people who aren't use to them.
Seriously?! Why have there not been any spinning tea cup jokes! Well I guess we all know what the main ride will be!!! ^^ Acctualy that would be rather awesome! And the steering wheel could be the spinning controlls! Ace! I want disney to do this!