For the eighth and final park of this mini expedition, me,
@daviddoc and
@Coaster Hipster head to, where else? Legendia.
After all, when one visits Energylandia, goon law states that one has to tag on a half day at Legendia either before or afterwards.
Tis written, so shall it be.
It wasn't quite what I was expecting.
For a start, I had no idea that Legendia was a city park, sitting as it does in the middle of urban Katowice, surrounded by roads, traffic lights and tower blocks. Not that that is a problem, I mean, it works for Liseberg, right?
Yeah nah, this ain't Liseberg.
My suspicions were aroused when we pulled onto the weed infested and distinctly empty car park:
And if you think that is just a strategic photo of one section of an otherwise full car park, here is the other end of the same car park:

Apart from the random dog walkers, not a soul in sight.
Was it even open? It sure didn't look open, no sign of life inside the park whatsoever. Even when we got to the entrance, it still looked closed.
Where was everybody?
Amazingly, it was open.
Looks quite presentable to be fair. Well, to start with anyway...
Lake, trees, manicured lawns, Lech Coaster looking all impressive on the other side, all very nice, just... no people.
Like, literally. Not a soul:
In any case, we felt it was time to ride something so we decided to start with this Soquet looping coaster:
Soquet creds are like buses, you go your whole life without ever seeing one and then you ride 2 on the same trip.
Interesting fact: this coaster previously operated at Lightwater Valley and The American Adventure before being shipped to Poland. Who'd have thunk it?
All we needed was an operator to run it for us but so far, staff members were being about as elusive as other park guests. Also, the entrance to the cred was gated off. Eventually we found some lonely looking dude in a hot dog stand.
"Alright mate, we'd like to ride the coaster, is it open?"
"Yes" he said.
"Ok cool. Is there, like, an operator around?"
He looks over, sees that nobody else is around, shrugs, removes his apron and says "I vill do it."
That's a bit weird, I thought, but okay.
Hot dog dude then marches us off to the cred, unlocks the gate, straps us in, I swear I saw him plug the coaster in at the wall, and then proceeds to send us round without so much as a test run first.
Not gonna lie, it was a wee bit scary. Not the ride itself, that was actually ok, I just wasn't convinced that proper safety procedures were being followed here. The fact that most of the coaster isn't even painted, just bare steel, added to the 'shonky', home-made vibe:
"Again?" said hot dog dude.
"Nah mate, you're alright."
"Ok bye" he said and shuffled off back to his hot dog stand, locking the cred behind him.
All very odd indeed. This is the kind of thing you read about in one of
@gavin's or
@HeartlineCoaster 's reports from some weirdo, faraway Asian place - abandoned parks with staff members who look at you funny if you have the audacity to want to ride something.
Weird... but also kinda cool. This was a new experience for me, felt like a 'proper' traveller... 'excluse'.
I realise Legendia isn't really that 'excluse', every goon and his dog seems to have been here recently, but it felt like it! ?
Right, enough faff. Lech Coaster:
Whole coaster to ourselves again sooo, front row please:
Yeah man, solid. It looks great, really nice location overlooking the lake, very well presented. It rides well too, the layout is great, no dead spots, some airtime, some +g's, cool inversions and all buttery smooth. Can't actually find fault with it.
Where was this insanely intense grey-out machine that I'd read so much about?? This sure wasn't it.
Maybe the back would be better?
Hmm, marginally but not a great deal.
Maybe it just needs to warm up then? Trouble is, we were the only ones there and the ride ops wouldn't let us stay on board, they made us walk all the way round again, so the coaster never really had
chance to warm up. After 3 or 4 laps we concluded that this was about as good as Lech was gonna get today, gave up and moved on.
Quality coaster, for sure, but clearly not running anywhere near its peak and therefore, sad to say, mildly disappointing.
But anyway, have one of Hipster's POV's, recorded on the day:
And yes, that is Pawel, the park manager being instructed by Hipster to
whisper so as not to interrupt the video!
Ssshhh! ??
Here is the ORP:
What next, then? Well, they've got a crappy Zyklon Galaxi cred called Scary Toys Factory but it's currently SBNO:
Luckily, on the other side of the park they've got another, identical Zyklon Galaxi cred called Dream Catchers Society (?) and this one IS operating so we decided to have a rip:
Slight problem though, the 4 seater carriages need to have at least 3 people in them otherwise they might stall! And seeing as there was only 2 of us (Hipster was off doing his journalism thing and trying to blag an interview with the park manager), Dave and I had a dilemma: skip the cred or loiter around for a bit in case any random couples wandered by who also wanted to ride it.
Amazingly, about 5 minutes later, 2 random Polish dudes sauntered into view and looked as though they might be heading for the cred. We shadowed them for a while, willing them towards the coaster. Will they? Won't they?
They will! Sure enough, the ride op turned them away too for being under manned. That's when we pounced, suddenly appearing from nowhere like 2 crazed fanatics.
"We'll ride it with ya!" we said.
And as the ride op pushed, yes
pushed, the 4 of us onto the drive tires in our poxy little Zyklon carriage, I couldn't help but throw the guy a smug, sideways glance. "Ha!" ?
So, was it worth all the effort?
Nah it was sh*t.
That's all the creds then, what else does Legendia have?
Well, there's a fairly new rapids ride, not a massive one, not Mystic River Falls or anything, but decent. Didn't ride it or take any pics but it looked alright.
There's a dark ride too called Bazyliszek, a trackless shooter ride it is. Now pardon me, but aren't trackless dark rides supposed to be mega expensive? Where is Legendia finding the money for trackless dark rides, new rapids rides and Lech coasters when it doesn't have any visitors? ?
It was pretty good. Not Symbolica, not by a long way, but good. For example, apart from the nice entrance facade, you can clearly see that it's housed in a big tin shed and, funniest of all, one of the big interactive screens on the ride proudly displayed a Windows '404 error' message which made us chuckle quite a bit, but overall still a decent attraction.
From here on in though things get ropey.
Like, if I said to you they had a pendulum/ gyro swing type ride you might imagine something like Crazanity or Max Air.
Too big? Ok, maybe something more like Vortex then, or a travelling KMG Afterburner style one?
Nah you're still thinking too big, check this out:
What even is that? I mean, if Energylandia has fairground tat, then this can only only be described as a home made, back yard level attraction. Gross! Surprised they didn't buy 'Blue Flash' when it was retired.
Random flat ride. Think there might be a bit missing:
Pirate ship. Meh:
Big wheel:
Vintage flying machines, neat:
This would have been the obligatory splash photo, but with nobody in the park to ride the damn thing it now just becomes, err.. 'photo':
For a hedge maze to be effective, I feel it needs to be a little taller than knee height. Just my opinion:
Here is another flat ride. I think there might be a bit missing:

*Edit. I've just learned what this^ flat ride used to be. It was the Dragon Riders and I'm very very happy that there was a bit missing:
Thing is, some parts of the park are really nice:
Very green and nicely landscaped, but overlooked by these grimy looking blocks of flats:
Our time at Legendia was coming to an end, so we figured that the best thing to do now would be to get a few more laps on Lech Coaster before heading to the airport for our flight home:
Nope, still hadn't 'warmed up'.
Despite the crummy rides, the dodgy location, and the grey, drizzly weather, I enjoyed our day at Legendia, maybe even more so than Energylandia the day before. EL may have "Hypadra" (as I'm gonna call them from now on

) but it's still a very normal, ordinary amusement park.
Legendia on the other hand is a far more interesting, unusual place with much more weird stuff going on. Never been to a park quite like it that's for sure, and I think that having the entire park virtually to ourselves gave it a kind of strange 'exclusivity'.
That's it then. End of trip. ?
Big thanks to Dr Dave & Phillippe for being great company - it was a blast!
(And also for letting me steal all your content to pad out this trip report. ?)
Final Score (new in bold):
Countries visited: 4
The Netherlands.
Plus drive-thru's of Belgium & Luxembourg.
Parks visited: 8
Fraispertuis City.
Europa Park.
Holiday Park.
Best park: Europa, by a mile.
Best new to me parks: Fraispertuis City & Tripsdrill.
Total creds ridden: 37
New to me creds:
Skipped creds: 10! ? (worm at Waly, kiddy at Fraispertuis, kiddy at Holiday Park and 7, yes 7!! at Energylandia)
Spites: 1 (Speed at Energylandia).
Best new creds:
1. Hypadra. Still can't decide between them.
2. Expedition GeForce.
3. Wodan.
4. Arthur.
5. Blue Fire.
6. Lech.
7. Monster.
8. Can Can Coaster.
Coaster count before trip: 363
Coaster count after trip:
Yes.... I know, if hadn't skipped on all those kiddy creds and sh*tty spinners I could be on exactly 400 by now. Do I regret not riding 'em now that I know this? Not one bit. I still maintain that reriding Zadra and Hyperion was a much better use of my time in Poland. Besides, even if I had ridden 'em, the best option for #400 would have been Lech Coaster which, based on that day's performance, was not worthy of such an accolade.
The question now then is, what coaster would be worthy of such an accolade?
Time to start planning the next one methinks. ?
Thanks for reading.