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"Cutting Edge" Trip reports

Loving the pics Tina. <3

Sucked about Thorpe though on the first day. Happy to say I've never.. ever.. seen that in America. :p
lol, my pictures are going to be VERY slow coming, I took like, 600 and I've not got the time to sort and upload... agghhh!

So, we'll start with four for today!

(my favourite!)



Ian said:
The links are not public, Beans! And no, I'm not signing up to Facebook to see them :p :lol:

Oh and LOL at your comment on Waverunner when Phil/Mr Beans beat you; "You're fatter than me so you'll go faster." Made me giggle that did.

I have ticked the box for everyone, I'll put them on Photobucket as well then.

SShh, I heard the laughter and he called me a cheeky bitch :lol: Was funny though, he thought he wouldn't beat me. He said the bloke at the top gave hin a hefty push, obviously biased towards men cos I didn't get one.
Right then, after lunch…

After doing one side of the park, the next step as to do the other side. I find it strange when entering Paultons, I always feel compelled to go straight ahead and off to the left, it just seems like the natural way of going. The other side doesn’t feel obvious until you stumble across it.

Anyway, we met up outside Stinger, although some were outside Wind In The Willows. We did a quick walk-thru of WitW…nothing special, in actual fact I only went through to find Jordan whose presence was demanded by Dylan!

Once Dylan and Jordan were reunited, we did Stinger. I sat somewhere near the back for the best ride. I was going to do the old grab-the-bag-on-the-platform trick but Raybould deliberately put his bag out of reach, lol.

After Stinger was Kontiki, or the “Sickly Spinning Bollocks Ride” as I call it. I hate these things, then again, I don’t like Pirate Ships or spiny rides that much so I sat out and discussed the world with Vadge. Stinger also had the fittest ride op of the day on duty when we went!

Flickin’ Bean was next. Tremendous ride – plenty of willy lift. John and I were talking as it rose and we both let out a satisfied “oooo yeah” as it dropped. I’ve yet to find another “bounce tower” that creates so much willy lift. Thoroughly enjoyable. I was also impressed when the ride broke down…for about two minutes. Along came an engineer on a bike and it was working again! Magic. Waiting for the others, some had piled into the Garfield thing nearby, with Martyn H falling into the hedge and Vadge getting her slender bottom stuck.

Pileof Ship next! I sat it out as per usual and waited for the COASTER-FORCE shouts. The coasters certainly won that. Shame on you, Stone Cold, shame on you!

Magic Forest next! One of my favourite walk-thrus, plenty of stuff going on including this magical fart that Big John dropped. Although I’m glad I missed it!

Next up was Waverunner. The queue seemed to slip by which was shocking. These rides have a slow throughput, but not today! I was jealous that Big John got a push. I wanted to go faster. LOL moments to be had when Tanya’s rather large boobs fell out and Beans ranting at her hubby! Sore loser :p

Knowing that some members from CoasterForce have a hardon for meercats, the choice was between the tractors and the Manor. I opted for the tractors, as I’ve not done them before. Besides, if you seen one meerkat, you’ve seen them all imo.

The tractors were a tad dull imo. The button did nothing apart from turn off a light above it. The “terrorist scarecrow” was amusing though. Tasty ride op on here, too. Claire was her name. Erol LOVED her.

Then we hiked back over to the “other side” via the Dinosaur land to do the Atroslide. The Ginge/Sam “accidentally” knocked Goon Steven in the nads that was made even funnier by Neal’s one liner: “Who did that? Do you want my trophy?” :lol:

I sat out to have an £1 Mister Bobbles or whatever it was called. Rather tasty if I do say so. Again, the astroslide throughput was impressively quick for a group of 30-odd people.

I also sat out of the Spiny Dragon Ride Thing. I’ve done it before and have been sick so never again. I did LOL at the reactions when it stopped…and then went backwards! I had a quick go in one of those free child rides, loads of fun!

Back to Cobra and Edge for a reride followed by the group photo faff. That brings us to the end of the day.

I’m really chuffed everybody so far has said they enjoyed Paultons. Not only was it my Live, it’s also my local park. When I was six years old and playing with Percy ( :lol: ), I never would have thought that one day I’d be heading back there when I was 28 years old with 50 others. Amazing. In the six years or so of CF-Lives (excluding GhosterForces), I can only recall one other Live where everybody spontaneously clapped the park at the end of the day.

Roll on Alton Towers and West Midlands Safari Park!
Furie, your photos don't seem to be working for me. :(

As promised...


Preparing for silly

Phill videoed the whole thing for the photos, it was hilarious, Leigh is going to put it in the vid for the day unedited, thought the camera on the gorillapod was going to be knocked over in the Goon Vs Richard shoe fight.
Excellent phot shoot Rach.
Rach said:
Furie, your photos don't seem to be working for me. :(

They've been a bit hit and miss since I got Thorpe to host them ;)

Hit for me at the moment :)

Great group photos Rach - good job for a first timer.

Ian, once again I've been left with the hardest live (besides GF) to do, and to follow on from a really excellent one! Bastard! :lol:
I'm not going to post a massive report on everything I did as I presume no one cares! But I will say I really enjoyed both days was dissappointed in thorpe but moaning about it won't make it any better, paultons on the other hand was possibly my favorite live ever I love paultons even though I have only been there twice, it is basically imo what parks should all try to be, efficient clean fun and basically nice. Edge was odd but cool. I apologize again for my small attack of wind I can only attribute it to the bloody lovely kebab the night before although attempting a repeat last night before travelling home caused a mad dash into the next services and a woman in a burka giving me dirty looks.
I also have sunburn on my nose.
Can't see them. Not a member etc.
I'll have my photos up by the end of the night. I took a couple of hundred so they'll take some sifting and processing, but I promise to have them online tonight!
Right then.... proper trip report time!!!

Thorpe Park
Despite evidence to the contrary, like many others, I found this visit most fun (as a social event that is :wink: )

But as a trip it failed epically, which means that I am going to do a ride themed trip report as opposed to this "yay it was fun chatting malarchy. So I thought for Thorpe I'd do a running commentary, as it's the only way which the day can make sense...

8:00 - Train from Aldersh*t train station to Chertsey (yay, escape time!)
9:00 - Arrived at Chertsey station to see a mass migration of poor "walking" chavs who obviously hadn't the money for the bus.
9:05 - Mark (Slayed) and Leighton arrive, and I had the world's most amazing car journey from the station... all of 10 yards to a parking space! :lol:
9:10 - Subway time! (At this point, great fun and optimism was being had)
9:25 - Pulled up in Thorpe car park, Slayed tempted to run over the woman in the florey jacket to put her out of the misery of working for Thorpe!
9:30 - Decided to be a tad evil and jump the queue, meeting up with Ollie, Peter and co.
9:50 - Thorpe announce that they are going to let us in slightly earlier than the scheduled 10 o'clock opening, which was most alarming and unlike them. Much talk of how perhaps this year they had been right to give them a fresh slate (Oh the irony! :roll: )
10:00 - Much faffing in the dome, Ollie was being a fanboy and pinching all the Thorpe gate maps *facepalms*. Ian cheered me up by giving me a Paultons Map, so that I could be different :)
10:20 - off to the Saw q-line, which at the point of our entry was outside of Colossus's shop!
10:45 - Got to the actual island of Saw and at this point the day had gone fine, the line itself looked decent and was most aptly themed to what I now call "Thorpecatraz"
11:45 - After much time of doing bugger all (albeit to great success), suddenly the MCBR wakes up and decides to do something! Here, begins the downward spiral of failing :(
12:00 - Queue evacuation... fail
1:00 - fail
1:15 - fail
1:30 - fail
1:45 - fail
2:00 - I think by this time you get the idea :wink:
2:30 - I remembered I was in a theme park, so went to ride Inferno with A-Kid and southend_marc after Ben gave us a heads up that the queue had somehow disappeared! This was to be, the ONLY ride of the day!
2:45 - Following much disappointment, I discovered that Liverpool had walloped the "invincible, untouchable, unbeatable English, European and World Champions" Manchester United 4-1! Much merriment was to follow :p
3:15 - After my half an hour merriment in which no less than 12 of my friends received gloating phone calls (which I still hold the firm belief was the best £6 ever spent in my life!), I again remembered that I was in a theme park, and a failing one at that!
3:45 - Time for a bitchfest at Guest Services: The Ride, this one was working! I personally put it down to Thorpe giving the "S" word only second billing :wink:
4:00 - Stole more freebies from Thorpe, then went back to Chertsey with Slayed and Leighton

Paultons report to come soon, when I have decided on layout, etc.
I was going to write a full trip report but I don't think anyone will actually be able to finish reading it. I might post good things later or tomorrow.

Anyway, to keep peeps happy I give you a video :D


Enjoy, all comments welcome. I also have 3 albums of photos on Facebook:

Album 1
Album 2
Album 3

EDIT: The embed thing did not love CF so I've posted a link to the page instead.