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Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

They shouldn't be attacking animals and police officers in Britain, who’ve handled the situation much more fairly than their colleagues abroad. That’s my only issue. And, just as everybody should speak out against discrimination, I think the BLM organisers in the UK should speak out against the minority in their ranks who seek to undermine the movement and cause violence and mayhem.

I will always support the cause, but I just don’t think that violence is the answer in the UK, it’s unjustified, and ultimately will only do damage to the cause, change public opinion, and be used as ammunition for those who seek to silence the BLM movement.
Sorry to hear of your loss. I think the funeral rules are local authority specific. I attended my grandfather’s funeral in April (albeit with social distancing and a limit of 10) during lockdown so you may want to double check.
thanks, one of the downsides of having a very large family for me is the situation


I guess one thing all these riots will show is do we need to social distance or not
the figures will be in two weeks, will there be a spike in infection or not
I guess one thing all these riots will show is do we need to social distance or not
the figures will be in two weeks, will there be a spike in infection or not
It’s important to recognise the difference between outdoor transmission and indoor... Remember the contact tracing studies finding less than 5% transmission outdoors, even outside of any lockdown period? The advice in the SAGE minutes also confirming this.

Also, the fact that masks were being worn by most protesters reduces this risk further.

If this doesn’t result in a significant increase in R0, that doesn’t mean social distancing and or masks aren’t important at all... It just proves outdoors is safer and masks help ?
Liseberg still no opening date.
Gronalund lists it as next Monday but at the same time it says no opening date known yet so I assume it is still postponed. Sweden apparently still bans gathering of more than 50 people. Kolmarden opened a while ago with pre-booking only, I assume the larger space means the rules are different. It does still highlight the discrepancy to me since zoos aren't open in the UK.

Disneyland Paris fan pages indicate parks in France can re-open from June 22nd but no announcement from Disneyland Paris yet. It probably will be closer to the middle of July going by the Florida parks re-opening schedule.

PortAventuraworld opening date still listed as July 1st but no exact opening times on their site yet.
Kolmården gets by because it's classified as a zoo rather than an amusement park, but all rides except for Wildfire (which apparently doesn't fall within the areas they designate as "amusement areas") are still closed.

Furuvik is also open but only with the zoo areas and none of the rides.
I looked at Tivoli Garden's website ahead of their opening tomorrow, and it sounds to me like:
  • All rides except Tik Tak (Mondial Shake) and Skaersliden (Fun house) will be open. Daemonen will not run VR either.
  • You are not required to pre-book tickets to Tivoli, but there will be automatic kiosks for passholders or those who pre-book to enter the park without needing to stand in line or come in contact with staff. The park does recommend you avoid arriving at certain times of the day to avoid lines at the entrance. If too many arrive at once, the park reserves the right to close their gates temporarily.
  • All ride queues will be virtual.
  • Additional cars/trains will be added to tracked rides wherever possible to mitigate capacity issues stemming from secluded seating.

Edit: As for Djurs Sommerland:
  • The park will open on the 11th with limited capacity, but the aim seems to be to keep increasing capacity in the coming weeks should no major issue arise, with the aim to be operating at normal capacity during summer break — To me, pretty overambitious, but we'll see how it goes.
  • Date-specific tickets seem to be required. Season pass holders can book up to six tickets for a single visit, but cannot book a new visit until the previous booking has been used, annulled or expired.
  • All rides will be open, but Tigeren (Intamin gyro swing), DrageKongen, Piraten and Juvelen will be limited to one group/family per train/cycle in accordance with government guidelines, which would reduce capacity to an extreme degree.
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All rides will be open, but Tigeren (Intamin gyro swing), DrageKongen, Piraten and Juvelen will be limited to one group/family per train/cycle in accordance with government guidelines, which would reduce capacity to an extreme degree.

Are you sure of this? Tigeren can sit 40 riders per cycle and therefore if you came to the park on your own only one out of 40 seats would be filled?

Surely in that case it would be more economical to keep the park closed than open on such ridiculous capacities?
Sorry to double post but....

Pubs potentially being fast tracked to open 22nd June yet zoos cannot reopen indefinitely?

Who is making these decisions? The zoos are in desperate need of our help and the government is focus on allowing people to go for a p*** up as a priority? Sorry but I cannot agree with this.

They are also trying to reduce the distancing when the pubs reopen from 2m to 1m, which I also find particularly worrying.
Sorry to double post but....

Pubs potentially being fast tracked to open 22nd June yet zoos cannot reopen indefinitely?

Who is making these decisions? The zoos are in desperate need of our help and the government is focus on allowing people to go for a p*** up as a priority? Sorry but I cannot agree with this.

They are also trying to reduce the distancing when the pubs reopen from 2m to 1m, which I also find particularly worrying.
I doubt it’s going to happen... Not saying it is impossible, as breweries HAVE stepped up brewing and barrelling, they’ve been told to have millions of pints ready by June 15th... But we think this is so that the government can announce the reopening around that date, and put us on 2 week notice. (First thing pubs will want to do is source stock.)

If it is to happen we should know by tonight, as that date is exactly 2 weeks from today... Can’t see it though. :)

Edit: have just read that they plan to ‘discuss’ it at the cabinet meeting tomorrow... If that were true it would mean less than 2 week’s notice, probably closer to 1... We won’t be opening, we’ll need 2 weeks notice. I’ve held off ordering PPE for staff in order to save it for businesses that are currently reopening. I’ll have to give staff notice, and arrange a training session on the new safety measures, as well as the new app based ordering system. Just a couple of the many things that will not begin until we’re put on notice :)
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Ocean Park is reopening this weekend. I can't be arsed to link sources, but they're offering discounted entry, but online reservations only.

Don't care honestly since I won't be going.

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I don't think Energylandia has been mentioned since opening, but it appears that they're not enforcing social distancing on rides, but strictly enforcing masks on rides.

They also seem to have the Ghostbusters on hand for cleaning the park...

(from the park's Facebook)
I doubt it’s going to happen... Not saying it is impossible, as breweries HAVE stepped up brewing and barrelling, they’ve been told to have millions of pints ready by June 15th... But we think this is so that the government can announce the reopening around that date, and put us on 2 week notice. (First thing pubs will want to do is source stock.)

If it is to happen we should know by tonight, as that date is exactly 2 weeks from today... Can’t see it though. :)

Edit: have just read that they plan to ‘discuss’ it at the cabinet meeting tomorrow... If that were true it would mean less than 2 week’s notice, probably closer to 1... We won’t be opening, we’ll need 2 weeks notice. I’ve held off ordering PPE for staff in order to save it for businesses that are currently reopening. I’ll have to give staff notice, and arrange a training session on the new safety measures, as well as the new app based ordering system. Just a couple of the many things that will not begin until we’re put on notice :)
I'm pretty sure the rules will now be relaxed quicker, partly thanks to the disgraceful out of control actions in London and Bristol by rioters and disgusting vandals over the weekend. Even if it is just a token "we will do this for everyone else" simply to keep the peace with the silent majority. The pub / restaurant thing would be a big one for sure.

If nothing were announced today ordinary (non trouble making) people will simply flout the rules more than they could ever be controlled. Certainly if there are going to be more "demonstrations" and statues pulled down at the weekend. Hopefully they leave George Washington's one alone but I doubt it at this rate.
I still cant understand why they wont let a zoo open, but we can go and buy a new car
As if anyone indeed will be buying a new car. You must be out of your mind or have too much money to spend. ?

My local dealer kept pestering me for me to get a new car back in February and early March as my hire purchase was ending. I would have regretted it big time if I'd gone along with their terrible deal. My current car has only done 150 miles or so since March 23rd. Would have been thousands otherwise to parks, airports and probably in Europe too by now.

Zoos should have been on the list of things to open first along with beaches. Not IKEAS and car dealers.
o_O I forgot about IKEA, I need some meatballs and candles, also running low on those free little pencils I can put in a draw for emergencies
o_O I forgot about IKEA, I need some meatballs and candles, also running low on those free little pencils I can put in a draw for emergencies

This is more important and better social distancing (IKEA Wednesbury)
Screenshot 2020-06-08 at 16.10.18.png

than this apparently:

(Twycross Zoo, Meerkat enclosure -random visit in March a few years ago, people never even heard of the bizarre 2020 concept of "social distancing", still keeping a distance from each other naturally)
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