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Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

If you look at what’s going on in the UK already in terms of rules being ignored outdoors... I would say that if we make it as far as theme parks opening without a second spike... Then social distancing outdoors is unnecessary anyway... Because if it’s essential for keeping that R0 down, it will 100% be going up after this weekend...

You can see here that the UK deaths are still really high in comparison to the rest of Europe. We are on fragile territory right now and irresponsible actions will lead to a spike in cases, the NHS getting overwhelmed again and everything having to shut down. It's really unfortunate we don't know how many British citizens actually have antibodies (due to lack of government testing...), as if we did, we would know the level of immunity we would have as a society and how to act appropriately moving forwards.

We are on thin ice right now, most people think it's "over", but with the way things have been this weekend, we are just weeks away from a second wave. On the other hand, things across Europe have been really promising and despite relaxation in measures the deaths have still been continuing to fall, so who knows what the trajectory of this virus over the next couple of weeks will be.

You can see here that the UK deaths are still really high in comparison to the rest of Europe. We are on fragile territory right now and irresponsible actions will lead to a spike in cases, the NHS getting overwhelmed again and everything having to shut down. It's really unfortunate we don't know how many British citizens actually have antibodies (due to lack of government testing...), as if we did, we would know the level of immunity we would have as a society and how to act appropriately moving forwards.

We are on thin ice right now, most people think it's "over", but with the way things have been this weekend, we are just weeks away from a second wave. On the other hand, things across Europe have been really promising and despite relaxation in measures the deaths have still been continuing to fall, so who knows what the trajectory of this virus over the next couple of weeks will be.
That 324 figure is very misleading... Due to rises and falls through the week... Our current 7 day average is actually 243... And falling.

incidentally, that number is less than Italy were getting daily just the day before they announced that they were opening bars, cafes, restaurants etc... And they’ve had no significant rise since. ?

Same story as has been the case for months, try not to read too much into UK media... They are desperately trying to milk this crisis for every drip, fear and scandal sells... for example 7 out of over 50 SAGE scientists are advising against easing... that means up to 86% are for it... Look what they turned that into... It’s very rare every scientist agrees when talking about modelling, predictions, and theory, we act on majority.

We may see a rise, we may not... But I doubt it will be anything like the first if we do... And if we do, we’ll be the first to see a significant second wave, despite being one of the most cautious at easing measures... Our pubs, theme parks and restaurants won’t open for at least a month... Others, like Italy, have been open for weeks.
The chaos at Phantasialand and Europa Park was entirely predictable, and it will probably happen at most parks for their first few operating days. Things will probably calm down a little once the initial opening rush is over and people become accustomed to the guidelines. Don't forget the supermarkets were just as chaotic a few weeks ago.
But let's face it, some of the things we as people like to do are just not practical with social distancing in place. Pubs, restaurants, parties, cinemas, theatres, gigs, sports, travel and, of course, theme parks.
So, what's the answer then? Well, ultimately it's a vaccine or a cure, but until then, social distancing - 'lockdown' - was the bluntest and quickest instrument available to us to slow this thing down, right? But all the while, other tools in the arsenal are being sharpened and refined. Treatments are improving, testing, tracking and tracing is (slowly) improving, natural immunity will continue to rise and I think all of us are much more aware of hand hygiene, contact points and sanitisation than we were 6 months ago. Hopefully, a combination of all these things will mean that this horrible social distancing we've been enduring won't be necessary anymore, even before a vaccine is found.
How long will that take? Don't ask me, I'm just a gardener, but if you really wanna know what I think... I'm thinking maybe September... ish? By then, with a bit of luck, a visit to a theme park might resemble something normal. ???
the UK test n trace thingie say you have to isolate if you have been next to someone (closer then 2m) for more than 15 mins

as you will not be sat on a coaster for more than 15 mins, maybe there would be no reason to leave seats/rows empty

I only say this as my sister (dont tell here i told you :cool:) had wrinkle injections on Friday, how did the clinic get away with opening?
apparently as it takes less than 15 mins to do, then its fine to open ?

make of that what you will
the UK test n trace thingie say you have to isolate if you have been next to someone (closer then 2m) for more than 15 mins

as you will not be sat on a coaster for more than 15 mins, maybe there would be no reason to leave seats/rows empty

I only say this as my sister (dont tell here i told you :cool:) had wrinkle injections on Friday, how did the clinic get away with opening?
apparently as it takes less than 15 mins to do, then its fine to open ?

make of that what you will
Adding support to that argument there is also the huge disparity between outdoors and indoors... No way I’d sit within 2 metres of somebody on an indoor coaster... I’d have no such issues outdoors.
Possibly a controversial opinion, but so long as face masks are a necessity then parks should probably stay closed. People aren’t going to wear them.

If I were to go to a park where wearing face masks was optional then I probably wouldn’t wear one because I’d find it inconvenient / annoying.

So long as face masks are optional you couldn’t be legitimately annoyed by people opting to not wear them, unfortunately, because you’re accepting that is the case when you visit with those rules place.

It is a little silly in Bristol at the moment. Hordes of people gathering with no regard for social distancing and now people are now bothering to try and make room when walking in opposing directions, which requires minimal effort.
Possibly a controversial opinion, but so long as face masks are a necessity then parks should probably stay closed. People aren’t going to wear them.

If I were to go to a park where wearing face masks was optional then I probably wouldn’t wear one because I’d find it inconvenient / annoying.

So long as face masks are optional you couldn’t be legitimately annoyed by people opting to not wear them, unfortunately, because you’re accepting that is the case when you visit with those rules place.

It is a little silly in Bristol at the moment. Hordes of people gathering with no regard for social distancing and now people are now bothering to try and make room when walking in opposing directions, which requires minimal effort.

Not controversial, you are right in a sense... But I would add to that statement and sayso long as face masks are a necessity then parks should probably stay closed. Unless they take steps to enforce the measures with ejections etc. Otherwise people aren’t going to wear them.

I think that in countries where compulsory masks or even social distancing form a significant part of that countries protective measures, it’s important for parks to have extra security staff visible and enforcing these rules.
Not controversial, you are right in a sense... But I would add to that statement and sayso long as face masks are a necessity then parks should probably stay closed. Unless they take steps to enforce the measures with ejections etc. Otherwise people aren’t going to wear them.

I think that in countries where compulsory masks or even social distancing form a significant part of that countries protective measures, it’s important for parks to have extra security staff visible and enforcing these rules.

You are right here. The big issue at Phantasialand is that masks are compulsory, yet a high percentage of people are choosing to break the rules whilst in the queue lines, and no longer maintain the social distancing or wear face masks.

On Phantasialand's website, they say if you do not wear a mask or follow the distancing rules, you will be kicked out.

This should be followed up with, because in reality, at Phantasialand, they don't have anyone monitoring the queue-lines to ensure masks are worn and distancing is maintained. Therefore, once a few people no longer stick to the rules and don't get told off/ejected from the park, then everyone else sees it as viable to break them, and then the majority of people are no longer sticking to them, which makes for a miserable time for those trying to adhere to the rules.

I think the park's are perfectly fine to open with masks etc. as a requirement, I don't see issues with it, and from reports back from PHL and Europa, riding the coasters with a mask isn't actually much of an inconvenience as people first thought it would be. The issue lies with the parks needing to manage the situation and enforce the rules better. I don't know whether it is due to a lack of staff hired in order to try and save money, or whether it just comes from a laziness from staff management in not enforcing the rules. But if the parks are going to open with these regulations in place, they need to be enforced, otherwise it just descends into chaos where people start threatening and arguing with each other unnecessarily.
The difference is that before lockdown there was an element of fear and people were willing to comply to the new rules and measures. Merlin’s measures pre-lockdown were hardly strict compared to the measures they will be putting in post-lockdown.

The issue lies with our attitude as a society. People are now fed up of social distancing, we can see that with our every day lives and when we go to the supermarkets etc and in the parks. That’s exactly why the virus is still spreading. My main concern is when the UK parks manage to reopen(similarly for the rest of the hospitality industry) even though the measures put in are good in theory, the UK public in majority will just completely disregard any social distancing measures which will lead to higher risks of a second outbreak.

I’d love to be able to honestly put on here that I think the UK public will stick to social distancing once the parks reopen but in reality there’s no chance that the public are going to conform to the new measures. We’ve already seen a massive decrease in distancing over the last couple of weeks and that trend is likely to continue.

It just means the parks will be no fun for those of us who want to go and ride coasters and stick to the distance for everyone’s safety, because there’s going to be a constant element of stress and nervousness from people around you who are disobeying the rules.

Admittedly, Phantasialand seems to be the prime issue in terms of causing an uproar over social media about the management of the parks social distancing measures, although Europa park and Efteling have seen massive overcrowding on the pathways, although I guess while moving on a pathway there is minimal contact time compared to in a queue when there is the highest risk and therefore distancing needs to be maintained.
It might be worth noting that Britain is apparently far more in support of lockdown than other European nations; I know the percentage in Britain in support of lockdown is quite a bit higher than in some other European nations like Germany. So I think compliance may be higher than some think.

Also, there are naturally going to be a few issues within the initial days. But if we give it time, then I think things could work well. People who’ve been to places like Shanghai Disneyland with distancing have said positive things, and I’ve also heard other more positive reports from some of the European parks.

Even with these revelations, I maintain that I have no qualms about visiting theme parks when I’m allowed to. The restrictions don’t bother me, personally, and I have faith that people will follow the rules on the whole.
Having checked with Efteling directly this morning, both efteling and the Dutch authorities are welcoming of international visitors to the park. Max and moritz will be opening on 20 June.
Having checked with Efteling directly this morning, both efteling and the Dutch authorities are welcoming of international visitors to the park. Max and moritz will be opening on 20 June.

still a bit far to go with all these restrictions in place

:( and the two week quarantine on getting back to the uk

I did read that there may be a bit of a rebellion going on with ministers that want the 2week quarantine thing dropped ?‍♂️
Those of you who may be thinking of squeezing in a European park trip once they’re allowed are in luck, because Ryanair are halving fares this year: https://apple.news/Awj10X1IDRzCEwVqxnoVbHQ

If you’re willing to put up with the measures, then I think European theme park travel could become quite attractive towards the end of this year, when things are hopefully going to be better!
Those of you who may be thinking of squeezing in a European park trip once they’re allowed are in luck, because Ryanair are halving fares this year: https://apple.news/Awj10X1IDRzCEwVqxnoVbHQ

If you’re willing to put up with the measures, then I think European theme park travel could become quite attractive towards the end of this year, when things are hopefully going to be better!
Halving them... I only usually pay between £10 and £20 as it is!!! I’ve had a return flight to Cologne for £9.80 before!!!! How are they going to half them???

Obviously I’m guessing they’re halving standard prices, not seats sold during their regular ‘seat sales’ which is when I do my booking. :)
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Halving them... I only usally pay between £10 and £20 as it is!!! I’ve had a return flight to Cologne for £9.80 before!!!! How are they going to half them???

Obviously I’m guessing they’re halving standard prices, not seats sold during their regular ‘seat sales’ which is when I do my booking. :)
The Sun based it on the average flight price of £33 from last year's financial results, so the "average" price is halving. However, that should still make for some much cheaper rates regardless of what you normally pay!
Not sure if anyone interested. Sorry if not scroll on by ☺
The FOI request on SAGE meetings been released makes some ingesting reading on how the UK came to the point we are at now
This thread sums up

They repeat no evidence of mask effectiveness but someone it pushing to find it.
And wear them anyway even tho there’s no evidence ?
Not sure if anyone interested. Sorry if not scroll on by ☺
The FOI request on SAGE meetings been released makes some ingesting reading on how the UK came to the point we are at now
This thread sums up

They repeat no evidence of mask effectiveness but someone it pushing to find it.
And wear them anyway even tho there’s no evidence ?
It’s something which is absurdly hard to provide evidence for. It’s like evidencing that wearing a jumper will keep you warm.

What if it’s freezing?
What if you wear the jumper but then take it off?
What if you jump in a pool?
What if you’re not wearing any other clothes?
What if the jumper has holes in it?
What if it’s windy?

At best, all they could say is that wearing a mask may offer some protection. Doesn’t mean diddly dick if people aren’t washing their hands etc.

Common sense dictates that wearing a jumper will help keep you warm to a degree. A medical grade mask should help reduce spread to a degree. But you can only say it’s effective in a vacuum.

Whether people can tolerate the inconvenience is another thing entirely.
Not sure if anyone interested. Sorry if not scroll on by ☺
The FOI request on SAGE meetings been released makes some ingesting reading on how the UK came to the point we are at now
This thread sums up

They repeat no evidence of mask effectiveness but someone it pushing to find it.
And wear them anyway even tho there’s no evidence ?
Presumably they got their evidence... Minutes only go up to the 7th May... Advice for face covering came out on the 11th May.

(Edited to add: It states in the government press release from that day, 11th May, that it was due to new evidence from SAGE... Will be interesting if and when the minutes of that day are released... https://www.gov.uk/government/news/public-advised-to-cover-faces-in-enclosed-spaces )

some interesting take homes from those minutes

The gov knew weeks ago that transmission outdoors was very low and that sunlight destroys the virus.

AND interestingly SAGE advice WAS that the younger years were less risk in reopening schools, and without factoring any social distancing or hygiene in, presented a low risk of increasing R0... Interesting.
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Many of us have attended the Dusseldorf Rheinkirmes, Germany's 3rd largest fair and some of us have made the trip several times. This year's replacement, the Dusselland-Freizeitpark, opens June 26th at the Dusseldorfer Messegelande (Convention center grounds). Attractions include the Alpina roller coaster and the world's largest traveling log flume. The 60,000-square-meter site will also feature the usual snack and sweets vendors. It's not going to be the same as the Kirmes, obviously, but at least ride prices are 5 Euros instead of the usual 7 and it will be open through July 26th. Could make a nice addition to a Phantasialand trip.
There is now another "pop-up amusement park" taking place this summer in Dortmund. The dates are not yet known, however they are thought roughly to be the school summer holidays.

This pop up theme park is named "funDOmio".

The attractions include:

-Wild Maus XXL rollercoaster
-Hangover the tower
-Twister (paratrooper)
-Break Dance
-Music Express
-Apollo 13 (booster max)
-Konga (KMG XXL)
-Ferris wheel
-Poseidon Log flume
-Voodoo Jumper
-Shocker Ghost train

We don't know too much about the event yet and I assume it will operate on time slots, however each time slot will cost 28 euros for unlimited riding. This is cheaper than the average day out to a theme park. This seems better value than Düsselland, where it costs 8 euros to enter (10 on weekends) and then you still have to pay per ride.

Dortmund is also situated in NRW and is therefore not far from movie park and Phantasialand.