Nicky Borrill
Strata Poster
There are a few local hotspots which could end up with locl action, read that on the same websiteI report on that app as well.
What I find concerning is that lots of businesses aren’t operating with appropriate safety measures in place. There are loads of hair dressers where staff and guests are not wearing PPE, etc.
What I also find concerning is that cases in Leicester are decreasing not increasing, which means we are looking at a national spike in cases due to unlocking rather than local.
In germany, when they unlocked cases have not increased since mid May, they have held steady every day. In my opinion, that is due to stricter legislation for businesses like mandatory face masks etc, rather than the wishy washy “guidelines” that we have here.

I’ve seen first hand, several times now, how much easier it is for countries to manage this with face coverings as the main compulsory measure... But I’m not holding my breath that the UK will ever wake up to that!!!
What’s pissing me off about the businesses not even trying, is that we’ll all suffer, even those of us doing our best... Near us we’ve got pubs with little more than a screen at the till ??
I hear that they’ve shut down the whole of Ripley town centre (close to us) for 48hr because of mass disorder spilling from the pubs there... These businesses need to be held responsible as they’re giving us all a bad name!