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Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

I live close to Wildlands Adventure ZOO and if you think amusement parks are having a hard time...? Zoo's have to take care of the animals, no matter if there are visitors or not... Prediction is that Animal parks will have the hardest time! Attractions will still be there when amusement parks reopen in 2021, but what will happen to the animals at ZOO's if people (caretakers) are no longer allowed outside their homes?
Europa Park is delaying opening until at least 19th April, but hard to imagine they'll actually open then...

Unfortunately, as it stands, they can’t open until 15th June, unless the government changes their decision. Baden-Würtemberg (the state of Germany europa park is in) has banned all free time activities until 15th June, that may change if the situation gets any better before then though.

Phantasialand confirmed closed until the 19th April. All those who had bought discounted prebooked tickets for the April dates that they are now closed can transfer those tickets for use any day during the season (as long as weekday tickets are used on weekdays and weekends tickets at weekends).
Since anyone hasn't said this here yet, Linnanmäki in Finland (home to Taiga) will move it's opening date with current knowledge to 1st of June (usually it would open on 25th of April). Isn't this currently the biggest change for opening date of any amusement park?

Heidepark also delayed the opening until 19th of April. Reservations can be changed for free to a later date, if they originally fell in the closure period.
Sorry for not providing a screenshot, I am just on my phone.
Since anyone hasn't said this here yet, Linnanmäki in Finland (home to Taiga) will move it's opening date with current knowledge to 1st of June (usually it would open on 25th of April). Isn't this currently the biggest change for opening date of any amusement park?

Of all the parks that have given a date, this certainly strikes me as the longest delay. A few have been around the month mark, but this is the first that jumps out as longer than a month.
UK Merlin parks and Blackpool Pleasure Beach are at the moment saying they will still open at the weekend. I'm surprised.
UK Merlin parks and Blackpool Pleasure Beach are at the moment saying they will still open at the weekend. I'm surprised.
I am not. They won't close until they're told they have to because people will still go until they do. They won't voluntarily offer to lose money especially if they think they're about to lose a lot over the coming months.
I suspect they are waiting to be forced. Unfortunately, the 'wooly' government announcement yesterday puts a lot of uncertainty on the leisure industry. I have read that they will only be able to claim insurance if forced to close.

I also cant understand how a predominantly outdoor themepark can be any worse than a shopping centre. I was in a 20 deep queue in Tesco yesterday... Will they shut?
I also cant understand how a predominantly outdoor themepark can be any worse than a shopping centre. I was in a 20 deep queue in Tesco yesterday... Will they shut?
I don't think the issue is inherently the proximity, as you rightly point out it's no worse than a shop, but I think it's more a case of minimising the number of places where people are in that sort of proximity.
I don't think the issue is inherently the proximity, as you rightly point out it's no worse than a shop, but I think it's more a case of minimising the number of places where people are in that sort of proximity.
Indeed. Surely there will be an order to close unessential gatherings such as theme parks today or in the next few days from the government. We will still need to go to shops. Someone told me that home delivery slots are all booked out. Haven't checked.

Cineworld has already announced closure.

Record deaths reported in The Netherlands and Spain overnight already.

Horrible for those affected but also for leisure / tourism businesses in the long run. Countries such as Spain will be double screwed.

Euros 2020 and Songcontest Rotterdam probably postponed to next year.

Center Parcs closed from 20 March till 16 April.

No way the Olympics will go ahead, I don't believe it.
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I don't think the issue is inherently the proximity, as you rightly point out it's no worse than a shop, but I think it's more a case of minimising the number of places where people are in that sort of proximity.
Pretty much this. UK is still a bit behind the continent, but here in Slovenia (and in most other countries in EU) all places where larger crowds could gather (that includes all restaurants, public transport and the airport), with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies, banks and post offices have closed. I'm sort of shocked that theme parks in the UK are still open in that regard...
Pretty much this. UK is still a bit behind the continent, but here in Slovenia (and in most other countries in EU) all places where larger crowds could gather (that includes all restaurants, public transport and the airport), with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies, banks and post offices have closed. I'm sort of shocked that theme parks in the UK are still open in that regard...

Most aren't due to open Friday or at the weekend so there is some time for that to change which I think will happen. Blackpool Pleasure Beach already cancelled their recruitment day.
It's a shame Blackpool have picked this season to shut Valhalla; a ride on that must be equivalent to a very liberal dose of hand sanitiser ;)
Statement regarding M&Ds

"Due to a downturn in business and the challenges the tourism industry is currently facing, the directors have been forced to take the difficult move to temporarily layoff staff.

As a family-run business this is one of the hardest times we have faced in our 24 years here at M&D’s, most of our staff have been with us for many years and we are devastated that we have had to make this decision. We have looked at all options to avoid this and have taken advice from industry bodies, but unfortunately this was the only solution. We will be reviewing the situation again in three weeks.

During this period, the theme park, indoor complex, Amazonia, Krazy Congo and Cosmic Bowl will temporarily close. Alona Hotel currently remains open to guests and visitors as usual."