Nicky Borrill
Strata Poster
Exactly!Honestly, if you're still unvaccinated at this point, thats on you.

I apologise in advance about this rant. And I promise you, unless the situation is that dire it calls for further drastic measures I am dead against covid passes, especially for general freedoms within your own country... However...
IF the time comes when we have to start looking at the loss of more freedoms, I want them to start with the unvaccinated. At the beginning, we were all in this together. We hid away, protected the vulnerable, made sacrifices, some of us did the best we could to get extra support and rations to those most at risk...
Then along came the vaccines, the big majority of us had the vaccine, not for ourselves, but for the greater good of society... I had personally already shrugged off covid, with next to no symptoms, last holiday season, so had no need to 'be afraid' whatsoever. Yet I still did the dutiful thing and got vaccinated... However some have 'chosen' not to vaccinate. Which is fine by me, it's their body, their choice. They don't have to put something into their body that they don't want to.
But IMO, that's when the biggest chunk of people took the decision to stop seeing this as a group effort, that's when 'THEY' chose not to make a sacrifice for the greater good.
So I see absolutely no reason now, why everybody else should be asked to make a sacrifice for them. Last time I saw government figures, the rate of deaths amongst the unvaccinated were 32 times** higher than amongst the vaccinated!!! read that again... 32 times higher!!!! And early signs with Omicron are, that despite much lower protection from catching it, the protection from serious illness is still very strong with a vaccine, and stronger still with a booster. So if the NHS gets put under any extra strain, then it's the unvaccinated that are causing it. So in my opinion, it should be the unvaccinated that face the restrictions.
I hate my tone here, I genuinely do, it's very 'us and them.' But that was always bound to happen when so many people made that 'choice' over the last 12 months.
I'd be genuinely interested to hear other people's thoughts on this, if restrictions are necessary, to the point of losing your freedoms again, should they be limited to the unvaccinated??? And if you don't mind saying, are you vaccinated or unvaccinated?
** "The ASMRs for total deaths and deaths involving COVID-19 are significantly higher among people who are unvaccinated than people who had received either one or two doses. The ASMR for deaths involving COVID-19 for unvaccinated people is 32 times greater than that of people who had received two doses at least 21 days ago." -