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Corkscrew's Removal (Alton Towers)

I wouldn't mind seeing a Eurofighter go there. I enjoy Speed at Oakwood, so I don't have a problem with them.

But, I don't think they would, because they already have a rollercoaster with it's big selling point being it's vertical drop. At Thorpe, Stealth isn't really marketed on it's drops, but more the acceleration, so they could get away with it there, but I think Oblivion prevents Alton from getting a Eurofighter.
Your'e forgetting it will be the 4th in the UK! I can't think of another typse of "major ride" that has more than 4 in the UK! There might be some but not many.
It seems that it has become the norm for parks to buy cheap thrills now :(
Jewls1993 said:
Your'e forgetting it will be the 4th in the UK! I can't think of another typse of "major ride" that has more than 4 in the UK! There might be some but not many.
It seems that it has become the norm for parks to buy cheap thrills now :(

So what? They're still good rides. Plus, there isn't a Eurofighter that is easy to get to for us Northerners.

And yeah, I can't complain about the cheap thrills, because even if they are cheap, they still offer thrills, which is exactly what I want.
This is a scary thought really, the Corkscrew is older than most people on here probably only Furie, Slayed and I can remember it opening lol
Well, if Corky is anything like Loopen, they have a decent set of options to replace it with, many of which would have been better (NOTE: This post is not to be taken seriously, UC):

- Grass and two soccer goals. The area is flat enough to pass as a football field
- They can grow wheat in there. Oat too, or even rye. There's even a possibility of getting a crop circle.
- Advert boards
- Enthusiast condomimiums. Who wouldn't love to live in a park?
- Extra parking spots
- The Earth needs more forests. Particulary Britain. Why not have one here?
- One can do more to annoy the Ropers. Make a landfill there, the restrictions say nothing about smell.
- A mini-replica of the Millennium Dome. Both useless and a large footprint, like the previous occupier of the spot.
- Camping area. See Enthusiast condos
- Prison. Would add even more to the atmosphere
- They could just let it be open, and see what would grow up eventually
- Keep Corky as a lawn ornament. Just get a lawn there
I can rememer visiting Alton when there was hardly any decent rides, I don't think Oblivion or Nemesis were there, but I remember this was, my first upside down coaster I believe.
Ah a re-theme is inevitable and with moving Ug Swingers to a different location, it gives perfect clearance for the proposed wooden coaster. It's exactly where Ug Swinger is right now.
I think this speculation, again will lead to a dissapointment if we see a few kiosks propt up there.

But on this note, Alton haven't added a coaster since RITA so it is possible we'll see a coaster or flat (of decent proportions) in the space.
Well if you remember, the lift on the original plan was only 20ft and relied on the 200ft mountain terrain behind Ug Swinger. Things are happening too quickly in that area for something big not to happen.
I suppose Alton are making an efficient start towards the end of this season, they probably want everything out of the way for the start of the next season?

Who knows? I mean yeah, a woodie is on the cards for Alton but there is probably so much more going on 'behind the scenes' and un-noticed for anybody to guess at this stage.

Once evidence approaches maybe everybody's questions will be answered.
Ultimate Coaster said:
I thought the latest word on the woodie was that it would be more along the lines of Megafobia than the gigantic monster that got rejected a couple of times already...?

Ah, it was only rejected once. Tussauds pulled the second submission out themselves.
Well not really. The original plan was declined as it cut through healthy trees. There had been reports that the trees had become diseased when they submitted the revised plan but Tussauds pulled the plug on it to work on Air

The Layout -

The original plan had the lift, drop in the valley, second lift at Forbidden Valley, another drop into the valley and back up to Ugland. At least thats how I understood it. The station sits directly on top of Ug Swinger, and I reckon Ug Swinger will move to Corkscrews plot.

Thats what I think, it's nothing talk but anything is possible.
There had been reports that the trees had become diseased when they submitted the revised plan but Tussauds pulled the plug on it to work on Air

They submitted plans a year after Air opened...
submitted the revised plan but Tussauds pulled the plug on it (indicating the "revised plans" mentioned previously) to work on Air

It was the "diseased trees" plan which was submitted and rejected in 03.
Can you discuss this in the rumours topic please, nd keep this JUST about Corkscrew's removal?
spicy said:
and LOL at the woman telling them Alton need a wooden rollercoaster
Whilst I agree with her, I was somewhat confused by her proclamation that it was 'The only big park without one'. Off hand, I can only think of 2, at a pinch 3 big parks in the UK that have one - and one of those is in the middle of nowhere...
Confused woman.
Still - nice to see the footage again, and get a bit misty-eyed over again... MUST get there sometime before the end of the season - it's essential.