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College and Classes

furie said:
I'm interested, sounds like a cool thing :)
It's a neat concept really. These massive offshore wind turbines they're building at the moment require regular inspection, maintenance and component replacement. My project will be to design an active heave compensation system for the cranes they put on the bases of these wind turbines to get supplies on/off the boat. Baiscally involves measuring the acceleration of the deck of the boat and designing a control system (the logic of one, not so concerned with the wiring side of things, that's for electrical engineers ;) ) to get a payload to track the motion of the boat to avoid any impact loading on the deck, crane or payload.

furie said:
I did some work once for the National Centre for Tribology. Best ology there is :)
Sounds like you should meet my lecturer. Don't think I've ever seen some so enthusiastic about film thicknesses... ;)
They used to coat bearings with one micron thick lead to use in moving parts of space craft. That was fascinating.

My work was to use an electo-scanning microscope to look for defects in bearing cases for Jaguar. They had a problem at the time with them failing and wanted to know where the defect was (bearing or case). That was the better part of the work. The much less better part was sending out 250 invites, enveloping, labelling and stamping each one [/monkey]
^Now that's just plain cruel. :P We've had the odd tutorial question that did that sort of thing over the years - I detest it! Really just that the lecturers never mention that they might do it in class, so it's always just out of the blue.

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I didn't update this back in January when I picked my modules for this semester, doing:
-The Professional Responsibility of Engineers (required by IMechE for accreditation)
-Renewable Energy
-Aero Propulsion
-Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Heat Transfer

Then still got my project... :lol: Due two weeks yesterday, so nearly there with that now!
This quarter is the aforementioned Mechanics of Materials, Linear Algebra and Japanese II.

Summer will be Calculus III (out of sequence, I already did IV), General Chemistry I and Music of the World.

:) Gotta get those diversity, humanities and arts at some point.
I've never posted in this topic so thought I'd get it back on track.

University: University of London
College: Royal Holloway
Years: 2002 to 2006
Degree: MSci Geoscience (2i honours)
(I started doing a joint degree in geology and astrophysics but gave that up after a year)

I lived here for a year :)

Masters level thesis: Early Cretaceous Wildfires from Nova Scotia, Canada: an SEM Study of Charcoals and the Interpretation of Fire Prone Vegetation

Masters level literature review: Origin and Evolution of Birds and Bird Flight

Bachelors level mapping project: Geology of the Torrin area of the Isle of Skype, Scotland

Other courses included:
terrestrial palaeoecology
planetary geology
coal geology
earth and atmospheres (including a case study of Florida's water management system)
structural geology
GIS (mapping software)

Aspirations (when at uni): to work as a palaeontologist or as a museum curator
Actual career: consultant in the mining industry
I'm going South Essex in Southend on Sea.
I'm going to be studying
Film studies
And Drama.