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Choosing specific seats/rows on coasters

Which option describes you best?

  • I would always queue extra for my favourite seat, no matter the queue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes I'd wait no matter how long the extra wait is, other times I don't

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • I would wait for quite a bit longer, but there is a limit for how long I'd wait

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • I would only wait for a specific seat if it has a short (or no) extra queue

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • I don't care which row I'm in

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters


Giga Poster
The question is, how much do you care about which seat of a coaster train you get on. Would you go out of your way for a specific seat (front or back for example)? How much extra would you wait for your favourite row?

I'm personally very picky about which row I'm in. I always try to have as good of an experience as I can get on the majority of coasters, even if I would have to wait longer. For some rides I'd even wait the full front row queue (Black Mamba, Silver Star) because it makes the ride so much better. It's actually quite rare that I ride in the middle. It's almost always front or back. This only goes for major coasters though. Some coasters that I don't care about much, or some kiddie/family coasters I'll just go wherever I can get on fastest. I just feel that riding in the middle doesn't give me the full potential of the coaster, which doesn't satisfy me.
I like to be able to pick my seat (assigned seating may be more efficient, but it is rather annoying). That being said, I won't wait a ridiculous amount of time for a very specific seat. Maybe a few extra train cycles, but usually not any more. However, my default on major coasters is usually back row rather than front, so waits don't tend to much/if at all longer than normal seats. When a coasters more of a front row ride, I'll queue for it (if it isn't too busy), otherwise, I'll just try to get as close as possible. I generally hate sitting right slam bang in the middle of the train, even if the ride is still good because I know several other seats will be better.

As stated, back row is my preferred seat on the majority of coasters worthy of me being picky about seating. It's an absolute must on ALL B&M inverts, most Intamin/B&M airtime machines (excluding Balder, Colossos and maybe Nitro), good GCI's and many other good coasters. Phoenix stands out as the only coaster where front row is a MUST for me. Some coasters I like front and back pretty much equally (Boulder Dash for example) and occasionally I am indifferent about seating because the ride delivers practically equally everywhere (X2 for example).
If I know it's a rough ride I'd probably wait an extra train or two to avoid the back.

I'll queue for the front if it's not too long a wait, and it's a big coaster that I'm purposely trying to ride in different seats to get a good opinion of it.

Other than that, I'm not arsed.
I really don't care where I sit on coasters. If I don't have to wait for the front I will ride it but I am not gonna wait a long time for the front row. Back row doesn't usually have as stupid of a line as front row so I tend to ride back more than front just because I hate waiting.
My favorite seat will always be second to back because you get a similar (usually better) sensation of the back seat and is usually a one train wait. If I hear you MUST sit in the front then I'll stick it out or if the line isn't too long while I'm re-riding. However, almost all of my favorite coasters seemed much better in the back than the front so I'm usually satisfied with the back on most coasters.
I gotta film, so it's wait for the front row for me - that's if I have to wait at all. Luckily most parks give me an escort or a press pass, so I can just go through the exit and right on to the coaster. However, many parks let me film, but I have to follow the same rules as everyone else - no free entry and no skipping the queue. So in those cases it's get in line to get into the station and then into another queue for the front row, then show the ride ops my permission slip before settling into the front seat. I have no choice but to wait however long it takes in those instances, but I wish I could use that time filming off-ride footage instead. I often end up leaving those parks at the end of the day with only POVs because of all the time I spent in queues.
Try to pick my favorite row on every ride that is any good. All others? Meh. Least painful. :)
Usually I try for the back unless it's a coaater specifically designed for speed. I usually like to try at least one front and one back row ride.
Back is always best!

Thankfully, most of the GP doesn't understand that. But I'll wait for a few more trains for the back.
I'm happy to wait a little longer if I know I will personally enjoy my ride experience more...but I'm not worried about doing it on every ride. Shambhala is best at the front, anyone with any sense knows that :p but it is by no means a bad ride at the back or anywhere else so wouldn't be upset if I can't get front (to be fair with Shambhala you can't argue with your seating, same with Flug at Heide, ugh).

If it's the first time I've ridden a coaster and I can get some re-rides in, it's important to get some experience in extra seats, back and front are a must as you usually get the best rides here but check out the middle seats too to see how they hold up. Personally I couldn't have a ride in my top ten if only 2 or 4 of the seats are outstanding and the others are mediocre at best!
If I'm having my first experience of a particular ride I like to get one in (or near) the front, and one in (or near) the back, and if time allows one in the middle

If I only have time for one ride, I'll try near the front or back using "guesswork" as to what may be the best.

Seating hint for Phoenix (Knoebels):
It doesn't matter which car you're in, but the front row of each car is the best - ie rows 1,4,7 and 10
I have my seating preferences, but if it is longer than 2 train cycles, I will hop into the quickest queue.
I like to have the choice. For a coaster to class as a top ten I have to ride both front and back row and obviously enjoy it.
I like to ride the front seat my first ride, back seat (or front row of the last car) my second ride. After that I tend to ride as soon as I can but closer to the end I liked better.
On Dive coasters... I *have* to ride in the front. Hanging over the edge of the first drop is the only thing that really makes the ride... so I wanna enjoy it.
Smithy said:
If I know it's a rough ride I'd probably wait an extra train or two to avoid the back.

I'll queue for the front if it's not too long a wait, and it's a big coaster that I'm purposely trying to ride in different seats to get a good opinion of it.

Other than that, I'm not arsed.
I'm pretty much the same as this. Sometimes I'm aiming for a specific seat (usually on good coasters or coasters I'm interested in), but when I'm just getting the cred I'm not that fussed as long as I don't think it's going to be too painful!
I usually go for the back, although this depends on the type of coaster. I've found that I really enjoy B&M inverts regardless of where I sit, so I usually go for the seat with the least amount of wait time, and rides like TTD and Ka, I'll usually wait extra time for the very front car. Any type of hyper or giga I'll go for the back every time even if I have to wait a little bit extra.
I usually don't care where I sit on a ride but will queue for front row if there is only a short queue for it. I also purposely avoid the back on virtually every ride at Blackpool due to how rough the rides are at the back there.
I usually don't care where I sit on a ride but will queue for front row if there is only a short queue for it. I also purposely avoid the back on virtually every ride at Blackpool due to how rough the rides are at the back there.