I haven't actually posted my trip reports yet, this will change....now
Friday 26th march - Media day
My day started as usual with a train journey to Chessington South via Waterloo. At Chessington South I was then picked up by one Mr Ian from Coasterforce who then drove us on to the park. We parked up at the Explorers entrance and we were met by Mark, Marc, Leigh and after a little wait, Vadge. After faffing around a bit a recognisable face turned up, it was Andy Hine from RCCGB. Anyway Ian made a call to the PR manager who then came round and took us into Wild Asia. This is when the fun begins.
Being at the park the weekend before it was great to hear the rest of the groups initial reaction to the land which had definitely been completely transformed from Beanoland, to some mud in January and now into an exciting area for the whole family. It really was a "what should we do first?" type moment. There was so much for everyone to take in. There were already some freelance photographers taking some awesome pics of a snake in front of the new Kobra attraction.
Maria thought it was best we do Kobra first anyway and introduced the group to two ladies from Smooth fm. They then interviewed one or two members of the group (I remember Mark and Andy Hine talking, was anyone else interviewed?). We then walked straight on to the ride. I loved it, definitely a lot better than the Edge at Paultons, it feels so much faster which makes the hill awesome and gives plenty of air time.
When we got off the ride the Smooth fm ladies did a few more interviews (get a before/after reaction). We all then went on the ride again (a few times I think).
I think this is when we went into Lorikeet Lagoon. Obviously epic times ensued as we were all allowed a free pot of nectar stuff to feed them. Annoyingly I didn't take any pictures at this point (wtf was I thinking?). Vadge decided she hated them flying all around her and Marc got pooed on, nice. We also couldn't use the normal exit as one of the other birds had somehow escaped into the exit part of the enclosure (where you clean your hands etc). This was highly amusing and the same bird was to also highly entertain us on the open day too (more on that later).
We then opted for the Monkey Swinger as no one else was heading to it and because we also found out that the water fountains had been turned off

It was a fun ride but it just went on and on and on, Marc starting telling me he was beginning to feel ill, and tbh I was beginning to join him too, too much spinny times. I think we all came off a bit unstable lol. But Tuk Tuk Turmoil times were spotted and the opportunity was grabbed.
We were the only ones on the dodgems, then the op paused our ride to let on the two photographers, let us go mad and then paused us again to let another 3 guys on that I didn't know. We then literally had like 10-15 minutes on the dodgems, it was amazing. Long cycles = win (unless the ride spins like monkey swinger)
After epic tuk tuk dodgem times we then talked to the PR manager again. We then went on Kobra a few more times with a mass of peeps that came from nowhere. The photographers took it in turns to also film and take photos of the mass group on Kobra from a crane which is pretty cool.
Afterwards we then got taken into the massive tent behind the shop where we got to sit on bean bags and touch snakes (this is when I finally got the camera out).
After our snake encounter we wandered into the shop and faffed and discussed the area a bit.
After a bit we were allowed into the Temple of Mayhem!!!
It was awesome, shame there were a lack of balls but it was great to see Andy Hine get into the spirit of it all and we all just had a great laugh.
We then all chilled out a bit, mingled and then watched on as Ian rode Kobra all by himself while everyone shouted goon at him
Marc and I then went on without anyone else and we both admitted that it is so much more epic without a lot of peeps on the ride. It flies over that hill with such speed it became more thrilling than a lot of rides in the UK, but the more important thing was, it was fun.
Interview times then occurred. First up was Rob Bishop, head of rides operation. They wanted to interview him in the Tuk Tuk...
...But the sound was too loud, so they tried on this bench...
....However the sound was still too loud so they moved over to the tuk tuk dodgems...
...Which was still too loud but then one of the other managers came to the rescue and turned off ALL area sound, was bloody weird. However interview times could then happen so all was good.
Mark also interviewed the tree
Mark also went on to interview Mr McGrath (sp?), I think he is head of entertainments and guest experience - no pics.
The group then said goodbye to the management (and the Merlin guy who we talked to about Thirteen being marketed to the wrong audience) and then we made our way to the local 'Spoons for some nice lunch.
I then got back to London, visited the Aquarium, won some weird toys out of 2p machines at the Trocodero and then watched Kick Ass at the cinema. It was an epic day with great people and just being able to roam Chessington's new Wild Asia for about 3 hours and being able to ride whatever we wanted however many times we wanted was just ace. Massive thanks to the Chessington management for organising such a great day.
Good times. However they didn't end there as I returned the following day for the Ride Guide on Tour meet which I'll post later.