Oakwood could not have ballsed this up anymore if they'd tried. What on earth are they trying to do rebranding one of the only rides that ever terrified me virtually everytime I went to ride it and intimidated me more than Oblivion ever did. Now they've tried to turn it into some soppy colourful kiddy-themed water ride and named it 'Drenched'.
They've taken a class ride and ruined it, and that's without even changing the ride itself. Not happy at all. I know Hydro has history surrounding its name, but trying to re-brand a ride into something it clearly isn't is a major error in my view and it will always be Hydro in my eyes. Only with that name will it be recognised as a ride that should be feared, not glammed up like Tidal Wave at Thorpe Park which, quite frankly, is crap compared to the thrill experienced on Hydro. I guess this is just another disaster in a long list of disasters to have blighted Oakwood in the last few years, maybe that's why I no longer bother visiting and hearing about things like this make me even more reluctant to return any time soon.