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CF UK Election

Who gets your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Giga Poster
It has been very subtly mentioned that there is a general election in the UK on Thursday 7th May so I thought it would be interesting to see which party gets the CF majority, and compare our results to the actual ones.
I've included the seven main parties, so who out of them gets your vote?
The Poll (if it works) will end on 8th of May and the results will be revealed.
General political discussion also welcome in this thread :P
This is going to go excellently well I can feel it now.

I've never been a particular fan of politics but I do feel I know enough about policies and **** to get by and make a rational decision on who to vote for based on my prime 'needs' as a student.

I'm not going to post who I'll vote for, 2 reasons, 1. its none of your business, and 2. I don't really know myself yet :P

I will say though, two parties I won't vote for, UKIP...for pretty obvious reasons...I mean come on, and Liberal Democrats, why? 5 years ago, before the last general election Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems promised they wouldn't rise tuition fees. As soon as they entered coalition they sided with the Tories and increased them to £9,000 which I am now feeling the brunt of. Ugh.

It'll be between the Tories, Labour and Greens for me...in Portsmouth South (I don't know about the rest of the country) there is a by-election too, I won't lie, I'll probably vote Greens in that, in the General Election it'll be one of the big two, who? I don't know, I need to look into both manifestos on students. If anyone knows anymore on that then please, do inform me.
In the 2010 general election, I voted Liberal Democrat nationally and Labour locally.

This time around I'm very much undecided, but I'm really struggling to see how I'm going to vote for the Conservatives. The Greens and UKIP are totally out of the question for me, and I'd never vote for either of them.

Not that's it'll matter too much, as Bromley is such a massively Conservative seat as it stands.
The problem we have is that they're all awful people with so many issues in their manifestos its not even funny.

I was going to vote green but they have so many plans that I just can't get on board with. Ukip are laughable. Tory are just wrong and Labour are just the worst (Miliband needs to go).

As Mike pointed out Bromley is already a solid place for the Conservative peeps. Which is annoying because apparently the guy everyone votes for is a complete moron with outdated views on the World.

So Russell Brand has urged his followers to vote labour in order to kick out the Conservatives. Anyone here a follower of his?
Did anyone else watch Election Wipe last night? Was pretty funny but totally sums up that there's no good party to vote for.

However saying that I have voted and everyone should make sure they do too. Still crazy to think that last time there were more non voters than any votes the parties got. This is going to be a very interesting election. Totes going to be another coalition though.
^Yeah, I think you're right. I have also voted, my first General Election, exciting stuff!

If you're registered, just get out there and **** vote! Even if you state on your ballot that no candidates are suitable, make your voice heard! It's important. So many places in the world don't have a right to democracy, no matter who you believe in just **** vote!
Election Wipe was brilliant!

Vote but don't vote for someone you don't like! If you go into a shop and are offered goods you don't want, you don't buy them. People say to me "I don't like the Tories, but they will win, so I'll vote for them"
I can't understand why people vote for people they don't like.

If you're really stuck of who to vote for. Vote Monster Raving Loony, so the candidate doesn't lose their deposit.
^I can never understand why people vote for people they don't like. It's just stupid. If there is no one you like, still go but you use your vote to voice that opinion!
Jordanovichy said:
^I can never understand why people vote for people they don't like. It's just stupid. If there is no one you like, still go but you use your vote to voice that opinion!

Can always write a witty comment expressing your opinion on the paper!
It always surprises me how many people just pick one side for life - the policies and people very from election to election, so I chop and change!
But due to the FPTP system and constituency boundaries, the conservatives really won the poll :P
I voted Ukip, and feel short changed. We had about a 3rd of the overall votes and have 1 MP the SNP got a lot less votes then Ukip and 50+ Mps! WE NEED TO CHANGE THE FIRST PAST THE POST SYTEM!

the Tories were voted in by 36% of a 66% turnout. 64m live in the UK. 11m voted Tory and now Tories have all the power. This is not democratic. The Tories do NOT represent the views of the people of Britain, they officially represent 17%. Fact. The system has to change... The protest for more proportionate representation in Parliament is going to grow. Just wait and see.