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Celebrity Deaths 2010 edition <final scoreboard pg29>

Animals do not count....we went through this in the last one.

I really wanted my Carp to be a winner. But that private Pike shot his mouth off ;)
Non scoring:
Ollie said:
Jason Fleiss has died by drowning while on holiday in Hawaii:
Brother of someone famous

Dave said:
The only survivor of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs in Japan has died aged 92

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-p ... 443295.stm

Poke said:
Miep Gies

It's the woman who hid Anne Frank, by the way.

Ciall said:
Ok, I know this is not a celeb and is little notable (So feel free not to count it Mushy), but, the oldest dog in the world has been put to sleep

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/shro ... 459230.stm

It had a good life though, so that's all reassuring.
Defo not counted!

Emmett - 2
Mush - 1
Ian - 1
RollerCoasterFanatic - 1
Ciall - 1
Tomatron - 1

Sorry if it looks like I was a bit strict! But I have to! We are only 2 weeks into the new year and we have had 7 celebrity deaths I counted. So if it keeps going at this pace of 7 per 2 weeks, there is a max of 182 points on offer.