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Cedar Fair sells Great America

Aren't the 49ers the people that wanted to build a new stadium or car park or something on the land where CGA currently is?

I hope so, please pave that dump. Maybe move the Invert I guess.
And CGA will close following the 2012 season to make way for a new state of the art stadium that will be shared by the 49ers and the R(F)aiders.

Well, that takes care of that. Too bad they couldn't have shipped off...well nevermind, all their coasters are ****.
I don't care if their coasters are crap, it's always hard for the people who live around there to lose it. I mean how whould you guys feel if they just went and destroyed your home park? Sure te coasters are ****, but they still are coasters.

Great America Site said:

Going to a new home

After 12 years of service at California's Great America, Cedar Fair has decided to move the ride to another Cedar Fair park and open up a new opportunity for Great America.

So, is the new opportunity closing? :?
And is Flight Deck just a SF Batman clone?
Ben said:
^If I was them I'd get over it and go to the vastly superior SFDK just down the road?

Exactly, not a big loss as far as I'm concerned. Even though I was a regular visitor there since opening year (1976) and have always lived within 10 minutes of the place, hadn't been there in over decade, just wasn't worth it anymore. CF had been trying to unload this place for years, was only a matter of time.

After Paramount was done strip-mining the place, CF just continued to finish the job off. Nothing left there anymore to mourn over, just an empty carcass/depressing sad shadow of the once beautiful amazing theme park Marriott had originally built. Already have my 2012 SFDK pass, bring on S:UF!!
Yeah, no huge loss here.

Hopefully they'll save the Invert, because it IS rather fab. Plus, I don't think a B&M has ever been scrapped? I know a few have been relocated, but none have actually gone yet. I could be wrong though.
There are plenty of parks in the chain for the two B&M coasters. The question is whether Cedar Fair will move them or not.
Ben said:
Just don't move the Stand-Up, it's freakin' disgusting.

If the park gets spited then you just know thats going to happen... And isnt it about time that CF jumped on the re-located stand-up bandwagon :roll:
Oh god, I actually forgot about Vortex. My mind must have blocked it out because it's so vulgar.
Vortex looks like absolute crap, but if I were Cedar Fair, I'd move it to a park like Worlds of Fun or Valleyfair! just because it would be so much cheaper than buying a new one.
Sad to see it close, but obivously its not a huge loss. Its still always a shame though to see amusement parks close no matter how big or small they are.
Flight Deck and Vortex should at least be moved (and vortex have new trains).
Demon will probably go through the crapper though, unfortunately. The rest of the park doesnt have a very good line-up. Ive heard that grizzly is pure terror.
Are they definitely closing the park? But if this happens the sure thing is to move the B&M's, The invert would be a huge gain to another CF park and as for Vortex...Apocolypse will be a good guide to see if these awfully rough stand-ups can be given a new lease of life with new trains and a spruce up, either way somebody is going to take it for sure.
I think Flight Deck could be moved to Valleyfair and Vortex could be moved to Worlds of Fun. However, Vortex probably really would need new trains and they could add some nice theming to it.

edit: I just realised that Cedar Fair has made the deal to sell to some company for 70 million, so therefore wouldnt they not be allowed to move rides? If theyve agreed on a price to sell to this company they cant then take out some of the best rides there (the park is already suffering with the removals of invertigo and stealth). I doubt CF would actually be allowed under some sort of contract to move vortex or flight deck.

Apparently, it will continue operation even after the 2012 season.