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  • Great Coaster International. Inc

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  • Custom Coaster International

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Timbers sucks Taylor, shush.

You haven't even been on it :p .

Compared to things like Voyage, yeah it's gonna suck, but I personally thought it was awesome. It was like Magnum, only about three times as good, and with a helix.
Ultimate Coaster said:
^Not really. I think the airtime blows away the twisty layouts, to be honest.

Well it's an opinion thing. Airtime is sweet but that's not all there is to a good coaster. Quick direction changes are exciting and add a lot to the experience. Why do you think Maverick is so good?
Toro and T-express have a fair amount of twisting around, but other than that, most of the P'nPs seem to be a lot of up-down-repeat.
So I think GCI has the right idea, mixing twistiness and airtime into all of their rides.
madhjsp said:
Toro and T-express have a fair amount of twisting around, but other than that, most of the P'nPs seem to be a lot of up-down-repeat.

Never said Toro was bad. I haven't ridden it but it looks like the best woodie there is! That's because while it has a massively air-filled layout, there's plenty of curved track in that second half.
Like I said, a good coaster has both. Toro does.
Madhjsp, his point with that was saying that yes, Maverick is good for the twisty layout it has, but people rank Toro better because they like airtime better.

Maverick does have a good mix of airtime and twists though, to be fair.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Madhjsp, his point with that was saying that yes, Maverick is good for the twisty layout it has, but people rank Toro better because they like airtime better.

Point taken. I can't personally agree or disagree until I ride Toro, though. It looks amazing, but in my modest coaster count so far, Maverick is pretty much tops.

LiveForTheLaunch said:
Maverick does have a good mix of airtime and twists though, to be fair.

And a launch.. it's a very complete ride :)
Point taken. I can't personally agree or disagree until I ride Toro, though. It looks amazing, but in my modest coaster count so far, Maverick is pretty much tops.

Oh yeah, totally understandable, Maverick is still my number two, even though my coaster count hasn't skyrocketed yet. I know it ranks highly among those who have been on it though, no matter what their coaster count is.

TYour statement just came across as you saying UC doesn't really like twisty layouts, when in fact he does but he thinks strong airtime is superior, or something.
Ultimate Coaster said:
Lol. Toro's second half has the double figure 8, but I'd hardly call that a twisty section. It dies after that element anyways, so the last few S-bends are negligeable.

Well it's something different, anyway. If it only adds a little variety and bleeds off speed, that's ok with me.

Ultimate Coaster said:
TYour statement just came across as you saying UC doesn't really like twisty layouts, when in fact he does but he thinks strong airtime is superior, or something.

Bingo. Hit the nail on the head.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to imply anything like that. I was just trying to point out that, in my opinion, El Toro is better than other P'n'Ps such as Balder because it's not the same thing over and over. Obviously, that doesn't matter to most people, like you, because the airtime is what makes the ride, but it's just a personal taste of mine that I like when a ride throws me in several different directions.
Maybe that's why I actually kind of like old Arrow loopers, as rough as they are... :roll:
Lol. Toro's second half has the double figure 8, but I'd hardly call that a twisty section. It dies after that element anyways, so the last few S-bends are negligeable.

Besides, Toro was my #1 BEFORE the double-figure 8. It got to #1 on airtime alone, because there are coasters with MUCH better twister sections than Toro.

I actually thought that the double figure eight was a nice touch, especially in the back. It really whips you around, and though it would still be my number one without that section, it really enhances the ride in my opinion.

Bingo. Hit the nail on the head.

Whoa. WHOA. Did I just see that coming from UC? Whoa.
Hey guys-I have a cool idea-let's get into an argument about personal preferences and what kinds of things we like, because clearly that's something fact-based and arguable.

Crap...already been done. I need to come up with these ideas sooner.
Well done - 10 posts and not a single one about CCI or GCI! Maybe I just misread the topic title? ;)

Having only been on a CCI, I can't really compare them, but 'fobia sits second in my top ten, so it's got to be pretty decent. However, it's not a consistent ride, and varies from great, to dull quite wildly. I think a lot of woodies are very susceptible to different conditions, so it's often difficult to rate on just a single days riding of one or two goes (I tend to try and go on how good my best ride has been).

The GCI's look superb though, with Troy looking my favourite so far
Ultimate Coaster said:
imagine taking a GCI layout with PTC trains.
Imagine? I've done it on 4 different coasters.... :wink:

That being said, I DONT think the Flyers are all that! They look sexy as hell and the seats are sooo nice... but DAMN are those lapbars massive! And they tend to keep dropping down lower and lower as the ride goes on (as seen on Ozark Wildcats little bunny hill)
Ultimate Coaster said:
Yes, I rode Wildcat the year it opened and the year before they switched to Flyers. It was rough, sure, but it was an absolutely fun ride. That crazy second of airtime in the middle of that one turn was awesome. There's something about that layout too, that's really cool.

You must ADORE Gwazi then.

It's an alright coaster. I have no roughness complaints about it, I haven't experienced anything like what some people say. The layout is good.

I will say that I do tend to like the GCI twisted layouts. While I do like airtime based layouts, I really enjoy the way that GCI designs their stuff. The newer stuff especially really keeps up the speed of the first drop all the way through. In fact with Thunderhead, the ride just felt like it was getting faster and faster. I think it's to do with using tighter curves and angles later in the layout, but however it's done, I really like the effect. That's likely why 4 of my top 10 wooden are GCI.