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Canada's Wonderland |"Leviathan"| B&M HyperGiga

Canada's Wonderland has an epic skyline if you're approaching from the highway. It looks amazing, I still don't think it will be a top ten ride but it'll still be fun.
-lofty- said:
Yes, yes I do. It was a tongue-in-cheek comment that's been used for years. If CP is your Favourite Park, surely you'd have known this. If you're trying to make a joke, it's kind of not worked...

No, I was being serious.
Perhaps then the joke is on me haha.
I just assumed it might be some inside joke CF members have here.......

Well yes, Cedar Point is my favorite park, but I have only been there once.
Plus its hard to pick up all the little jokes and whatnot amongst enthusiasts when I'm physically rarely involved with any of them.

Well anyways, jokes aside and everything, I dont think this will be better than Millennium Force ....
but I still thinks its got a really great potential.
Opening day is supposed to be how many days away, now?
^You must be blind then <//3

I think it looks stunning and the top bider for a seat on the first ride is at $300 :/ Thats like five times the amount of a ticket :O It's great but its not worth $300 ride. Oh well at least its for charity.
^ Like you said, it would be easy to convince yourself to do it when the proceeds are going to charity.
And its not just about riding the coaster .... its about being one of the first to do it without having to wait much (or not at all?) ....
Im not entirely sure how these things work, if its like a media day or if its just an hour or so before the park opens the people who win the bidding competition get to ride it then ....
Venom2053 said:
^You must be blind then <//3
He's obviously SEEN it to make that judgement, this saying ALWAYS gets to me, I know it's just a saying but it's so **** annoying.
Venom2053 said:
^You must be blind then <//3
He's obviously SEEN it to make that judgement, this saying ALWAYS gets to me, I know it's just a saying but it's so **** annoying.

D1993 said:
^ Like you said, it would be easy to convince yourself to do it when the proceeds are going to charity.
And its not just about riding the coaster .... its about being one of the first to do it without having to wait much (or not at all?) ....
Im not entirely sure how these things work, if its like a media day or if its just an hour or so before the park opens the people who win the bidding competition get to ride it then ....

They don't have to queue at all. They're paying to be the first "Public Riders". A lot of the time, press actually ride first, from what I've seen, news readers doing articles etc. The paying competition customers get to ride it first, they don't queue at all.
Well, if I had the money it would definitely be something I would spend on haha!
It seems like a pretty cool advantage, and if you were really desperate to just go on it, you'd be willing to fork out some money.
I still think Leviathan looks worth it.
Venom2053 said:
^You must be blind then <//3

Perhaps it's just the angles of the photos so far, but it just doesn't look that imposing or tall to me. Shambala looks taller (and soooo much better) and it's 50ft shorter..
I went back and read through some earlier pages. People were really bashing it. I like B&M Hypers.

On Topic I just got my passport renewed. Wonderland hear I come.... In July
Yeah I must admit I do wonder why people are bashing this alot more than Shambhala ..........
If I had to absolutely choose between riding one of the two, I would choose Leviathan.
Of course, both look fabulous, but I do think Leviathan will be slightly better ......
Of course, I could completely wrong .... but Leviathan just looks better to me.

I'm surprised not many people are getting really excited about this ....
I know lots of people would be excited for it ...... but I would expect really, really excited!
I mean, its a B&M Giga! or Hyper-Giga whatever ........
Re: Canada's Wonderland |"Leviathan"| B&M HyperGiga

^ It isnt what they wanted, so they whine and bash it ;)

But imma be srs, they did choose the wrong park for this ride, as while the colors, trains and height are different, they are still the same thing (hyper and a giga variant of a hyper).

That and its B&M...people assume the worst for it as most new hypers are tame (this is from what Ive heard elsewhere and somewhat here) and usually neutered on the airtime.

Plus everyone seems to have a raging hard-on for everything Intamin nowadays¿

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The thing I like about this over Shambhala is that this is new for B&M they are focusing more on the speed and height, where as Shambhala is just another Hyper. Ever part of it we've seen before (ok maybe not the turn around), the only cool thing about it is its like the 2nd one in Europe. Idk though, I may be a little biased because I'm so close to CW and so far away from PA but thats how I feel.
[quote="UC"]People are bashing this because there's nothing to it. It's tall and fast, but so what? There's no layout, you can count the elements on one hand, and it's in a place with an identical ride type right across the park from it.

Shambhala, at least, has a layout, and it's in an area where there is nothing else like it. I'm not a fan of this ride type, but it's pretty easy to see why more people are excited about Shambhala. It actually does something, and it does it in an area where not a lot of rides do what it does.

That and its B&M...people assume the worst for it as most new hypers are tame (this is from what Ive heard elsewhere and somewhat here) and usually neutered on the airtime.

They aren't neutered on airtime, it's just a different kind of airtime. It's not the "hips ripped up and plastered against the restraints" airtime of Intamin coasters, it's more of a gentle float feeling. These types definitely have airtime...it's just very controlled. It really comes down to which one you prefer.

That said, this ride has all of what, two hills? Give me a break. Shambhala (and most B&M hypers) do more in the first halves of their layout than what this does from drop to brakes.

Is it big? Yes. Will it be successful? Of course. Does it do anything mind-blowing or really improve on the type's abilities? No. Sorry, but an extra 40' doesn't justify having virtually no layout. This thing can be summed up as "AWESOME DROP! Yadda yadda yadda brakes."

I want to ride this purely because it's a 300' B&M. That's it. Everything else in me tells me that (since we're using it as the comparative here) Shambhala is the better ride.[/quote]

Isn't that the same as I305?
I really don't see what people have against B & M hypers, I may not be in a good position to argue for it as I've only ridden one, Intimidator. Yes some of the rides on it are just boring due to the excessive trimming but I've ridden it somewhere over 150 times and about 40 of those were simply increadible with amazingly strong floater sustained over each hill.
I305 also focuses on snap changes and low-to-the-ground twists. This ride, Leviathan...the pacing is going to be so screwy. Fast, slow...fast, slow..

As much as I agree with this by looking at the layouts. You have to remember the stick I305 got when it was being built almost every comment was about "lack of air-time" or "too many corners". Almost everyone passed off the quick transitions as being pointless. The lack of enthusiasm for the layout reminds me so much of what is being said about Leviathan.

I don't want to repeat the age old saying of "ride before you judge" and I can almost guarantee Leviathan will be ALOT tamer than I305. But maybe, just maybe we're over looking something in the layout that can only be understood once ridden.

Maybe that speed-hill will provide a satisfying chunk of air, maybe some of the corners will actually have some force in them maybe that drop will be so good the rest don't matter or maybe it will be just as bland as it looks! haha.

Just food for thought =).
Re: Canada's Wonderland |"Leviathan"| B&M HyperGiga

UC - Intimidator is a good example of neutered airtime. Hell, even Diamondback has a distinct lack of my much loved floater.

Youngster Joey - A better comparison would have been Millennium Force or even Steel Dragon 2000. Both have a relative layout and are mainly all about the height.

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