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California and Vegas Pt 9: Las Vegas

Re: California and Vegas Pt 7: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom

The next day was a Saturday, which clearly isn’t ideal for a theme park visit, especially in the summer. I’d avoided going to any parks at weekends up until this point, but there really wasn’t much of an option.

California’s Great America

Getting to the park was, again, fairly straightforward. There are actually quite a few public transport options, which is good, but a little confusing deciding which one would be better. I ended taking a bus to San Jose and connecting to the tram system there, again taking about 2 hours to get to the park. Heading back later I took a regular train from nearby the park which connected with the San Francisco Metro and was a bit quicker, but a lot more expensive.

Anyway, onto the park.




It looked nice enough at first, but I absolutely **** ing HATED this place. HA. TED. IT! Just the thought of it now and I’m ready to go on a killing spree. Just looking at the pictures makes me feel like Jennifer Aniston looking at pictures of Angelina Jolie’s wedding dress.

First up, Goldstriker was down. No information on the website regarding this, and no signs out at the park entrance letting people know either.


I thought that maybe it would be open later in the day, and when I asked at guest services a few hours later, trying to decide if I wanted to hang around, they “weren’t sure”. It turns out the thing was closed for pretty much all of August because of a broken chain or something. Other park guests told me this. I wouldn’t expect guest services to go into detail, but just say, “No, it won’t be opening today,” instead of outright lying to guests that it might be. Guest services was very busy with people complaining, not just about Goldstriker and the lack of information, but about the sh**tiness of the park in general.

The first coaster I rode was Flight Deck, an old B&M invert which was actually pretty good with some old-school B&M forces going on. It was really short though. I’m talking Peter Dinklage’s trousers kind of short.



I can’t be f**ked to look it up on rcdb since the longer I spend writing about this park the stronger my desire to set myself on fire becomes, but it surely has to be the shortest of the B&M inverts.


Operations were **** ing shocking as well. They were running two trains, but they might as well have not been bothering since the second train was left sitting on the brake run for ages every time. I timed it and they were getting a train out once every 5 minutes. That’s Happy Valley levels of ineptitude.


They had a B&M stand-up, Vortex.


It’s the worst stand-up I’ve ever done, and that’s including that piece of s**t Togo in Kings Dominion. Worst B&M ever.


This was also being run in an identical manner as Flight Deck: as if it was being run by blind, retarded five-year-olds.

Rapids. Crap.


Top Spin. Didn’t do. Clearly crap.


Enterprise. Didn’t do. Clearly crap.


Log flume. Actually ok. Well the double down drop anyway. Otherwise an uninspired piece if crap.


Inverting pirate ship thing. Crap.


Kiddy cred. Crap.



Centifuge. Looks different; actually just a **** ing scrambler. Crap.


Psycho Mouse. First Arrow mouse I’ve done. Crap.




Intamin drop tower. I love these, but won’t wait 90 **** ing minutes to get on one. Crap.


Extended Disko. No thanks. Crap.


As expected, the park was busy, especially so since they had some kind of music concert on later that evening and a lot of people were there for that. It’s my fault that I hadn’t checked stuff like that out, as I would’ve likely switched around this park and Six Flags if I’d known.

Having said that, there was absolutely no excuse for them to be running the park so poorly. The queues, despite the park being busy, weren’t actually that long. Flight Deck, for example, if it was at a park who gave a flying f**k, and/or was operated by staff trying to move at least slightly faster than a quadriplegic tortoise, should have had a 20 minute queue based on the number of people and what a B&M invert on two trains should be pushing out. It was 45 minutes to an hour.

Another piss-take in this regard was Grizzly.


The line extended out pretty far, but there were no cattle pens, so there weren't actually all that many people. The line seemed to barely move and it took over an hour to get on the thing. Again, they had two trains. Again, they may as well have not **** ing bothered since loading and unloading was so ridiculously slow. They weren’t even opening the air gates to load the empty train until the other one was back on the final brake run. Absolutely inexcusable.


To add insult to injury, it was f**king s**t. It did absolutely nothing. I have no idea if this is the same ride as Grizzly at Kings Dominion, but I remember actually enjoying that ride. This thing was absolute turd though.


Crappy family/kiddy coaster was crap.



Pictures of stuff I didn’t do:



The last coaster of the day was the biggest piss take. Demon had a 90 minute wait to ride a crappy Arrow loopscrew. They were only running one train which was just **** ing ridiculous. Add in the heat and the fact that there’s no shade in the queue line, and it was probably the single worst overall coaster experience I’ve ever had.


It says it all when you’ve got teenagers in the queue saying, “Dad, why did we have to come here?” No exaggeration, but pretty much everybody in any of the queues throughout the day were thoroughly pissed off and complaining non-stop, and they were f**king right to. “Well, kids, this is why we usually go to Six Flags,” summed it up perfectly.

It is the WORST major park I’ve ever been to in pretty much every aspect. The ride selection is s**t, they run the place like s**t, the ride-ops don’t give a s**t, and the staff at guest relations are lying pieces of s**t.

On the way out of the park I could hear the sound check for the concert that evening. Who were all these people here to see?

Cher. F**king. Lloyd. I s**t you not.

I don’t think even Goldstriker running could have saved this place from being the seeping genital wart on the already syphilitic piss-flap that is Cedar Fair.

I went out that night, got battered with a bunch of drag queens, woke up ridiculously late on the Sunday and figured I should at least see the Golden Gate Bridge before I left the next morning. I’m glad I did because it is actually really impressive. I got a bus from near the hotel that went across the bay and up to the famous viewing area, then walked back down and across before jumping on a bus back to the hotel.











San Francisco. Done.

Next, and final, part of the report: Las Vegas
Re: California and Vegas Pt 8: California's Great America

Wow, this trip report is amazing (as always). Planning on going to California next year so also finding this really helpful.

Great America actually looks nice from the pictures but just hearing about the operations I can see why you'd despise it so much. How they were running that woodie is disgusting.
Re: California and Vegas Pt 8: California's Great America

California in its entirety is just a massive **** hole. The people are awful, the cities are overrated as ****, and the price is just moronic.

Enjoying reading this report.
Re: California and Vegas Pt 8: California's Great America

Yeah, reading that post, I can assume that there is nothing "Great" in Great America.

Sorry, I just had to do that.

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Re: California and Vegas Pt 8: California's Great America

I vaguely remember Great America being rather meh many years back...

No excuse for the Grizzly operations, nor the lack of information on GoldStriker... Sounds completely awful, but at least we got an entertaining report out of it...
Re: California and Vegas Pt 8: California's Great America

CGA is an absolute God-foresaken hole.

I can't overeaxaggerate how bad it isn't. I don't like any of the CF parks I've done particularly but CGA is just beyond anything else.

It doesn't surprise me at all they'd break the only decent thing there in the Summer and then handle it really badly. Just a joke of a park it really is.
Re: California and Vegas Pt 8: California's Great America

After reading day 8, I now understand why you dislike CGA so much. Waiting 90 minutes for an Arrow looper is anything but great. It's a shame that Gold Striker was closed because that looks like a fantastic woodie.
Re: California and Vegas Pt 8: California's Great America

I should probably get this report finished off, not that there’s a great deal of coaster stuff left.

Las Vegas Day 1
I flew out of San Francisco to Las Vegas , landing in the early afternoon and getting a taxi (should’ve got a shuttle) straight to my hotel. I stayed at Excalibur purely based on price and location, but it was easily the nicest hotel of the trip, despite also being the cheapest.


I paid $80 for three nights, for a really decent room in a really fab, if tacky, hotel. I paid $600 for four nights in a **** ing Travelodge in San Francisco, in a scummy area and with drunk, homeless people begging in the car park.

The view from the room was fab.


Hotel window view of a CRED:


It was only around 3 or 4 I think. Originally I intended to just have a quick look around the immediate area, but I ended up walking pretty much the whole way up the strip (Excalibur is at the southern end), popping into a few of the hotels on the way up.

Luxor (and Mandalay Bay) was next door, owned by the same people and connected with walkways. I didn’t actually go inside until later though.



New York New York is on the other side, again connected to Excalibur by elevated walkways. It’s horrendously obnoxious; I **** ing loved it.



I wasn’t planning on doing the coaster that first day at all, but there wasn’t much of a wait, so I thought I’d just get it over with.


It was a bit pricey at (I think, can’t remember) $14, but it was better than I was expecting it to be. Was it a great coaster? No, but it wasn’t quite the total disaster that others have labelled it. Yes, the shoulder restraints were pretty awful, and that weird dive loop thing wasn’t too pleasant, but otherwise it was decent enough. It’s much longer than I’d thought, has a great location and even has a bit of airtime.

I just kept walking north up the strip. Have some pictures.







I went inside Caesar’s Palace to have a bit of a look around the Forum Shops. As expected, it was tacky, over the top and amazing.





I was just in time for a free show there, with animatronics, fire and smoke and ****. It was entertaining enough.


There was a cool bar/lounge called Cleopatra’s Barge.


It had live entertainment:


Are you **** ing kidding?! When did that happen?

It was getting dark by the time I got out.


The volcano show at the Mirage is really fab. Didn’t manage to get any decent pictures though.


The show outside Treasure Island, which I’ve always thought looked decent and was looking forward to, has been cancelled indefinitely. Boooooooooo.





The Venetian is a hotel that I’ve always thought looked amazing. I went to the one in Macau a few months ago and thought it was stunning.


The original? Not so much to be honest. From the outside, it’s crammed on all sides by other s**t, and the inside just isn’t as well done as the newer, bigger on in Macau which has really taken it up a notch. The whole “canal” area doesn’t look drastically different in photos, but in person it really is. Macau’s is done more realistically, for want of a better word, with higher quality buildings and lighting.




From here, there was nothing of any real note: a couple of big, luxury hotels (Wynn and Encore) that look a bit bland from outside really. Then you get a bunch of smaller, crappy casinos, some huge, empty plots of land and the Circus Circus.


I’d had absolutely no intention of going that far, and was going to leave the coasters until the following day, but thought I’d have a look to see if the Adventuredome was still open. It was around 9 I think, and rides were open until either 10 or 11 (can’t remember now), so I just thought I’d get them done since I was there.



It was quiet, with no waiting for anything that I could see. I didn’t bother with a wristband though since I didn’t have a lot of time, was only interested in the coasters and didn’t see myself wanting to reride them after I’d got them.

Some stuff I didn’t do:



A cred I couldn’t do:


Canyon Blaster was pretty decent and really smooth for an Arrow loopscrew; easily one of the better ones I’ve done.






El Loco was something I wasn’t looking forward to since I hated Steel Hawg and Mumbo Jumbo.



For a small coaster, it was excellent though. The trains are different, with just lapbars which made it a much more comfortable ride. The layout was great, too. The vertical drop was loads better than the (braked) beyond-vertical versions. I semi-wished I’d gone for a wristband for some rerides as it would’ve been easy to whore it for an hour if I’d wanted to.



I wasn’t up for walking the whole way back, so got on a bus – they run up and down the strip every 10-15 minutes 24 hours a day – back to the general area I was staying.


No thanks. No interest in paying $200 to watch someone mime for 90 minutes when most drag queens can do a better job of it.


Having said that, it would’ve been loads better than the crap I ended up watching later.

New York New York looks even more tacky/fab at night.




It was around midnight by the time I got back to the hotel, so I got a late dinner back at Excalibur – there’s a fab food court there – and called it a night.

That’s it for coasters, so if that’s all you’re interested in you can stop now.

Las Vegas Day 2
I woke up late relatively late compared to the load of early mornings I’d been having and decided to have a pretty chilled-out day since I’d done a lot more the afternoon/evening before than I’d planned, including getting all the creds.

I thought about heading to Buffalo Bill’s for Desperado – the only one of the four Arrow hypers I need to complete the set – but there’s actually no possible way to get there with public transport. This to me was insane. It’s right down a major highway, only about 20-25 miles or so, is a huge, multi-hotel resort with huge outlet shopping, and there’s no physical way to get there without a car. No tourists drive around Vegas; they’re all too permanently drunk. Total stupidity. The resort/outlet mall could make a **** ing fortune by sticking on a shuttle bus – it would only need to run a few times a day – but nothing.

Trying to get any information was also ridiculous. I called two of the hotels there who didn’t know if there were any buses or not, followed by the shopping mall, who confirmed that there weren’t any, and the only possibility would be a taxi each way. Figuring it would cost me anything up to $300 for the privilege, I decided to sack it right off and got a bus up to the Stratosphere instead.


I got a ticket for the observation deck and two rides since Insanity was down due to high winds.

The views are decent and it makes you realise that Las Vegas is actually a pretty big, spread out city. There’s just no real reason to go to 99% of it.




They’re still advertising the shot tower as the world’s highest thrill ride, which it isn’t by quite a long way now that Canton Tower has two drop towers at the top of it. Still, it was so much better than most shot towers simply due to the location.


X-Scream was an interesting one as well. As a ride it obviously doesn’t do much – although it does dip quite a lot further than I was expecting – but it’s actually terrifying, especially on the front row.




A bit annoying that Insanity was down. It happens a lot according to the ride ops.


I thought about heading north to downtown Las Vegas, to the whole Fremont Street area, but figured I’d hold off to give myself something to do the next day and decided to drink all afternoon, evening, night instead. Frozen cocktails in Las Vegas are fab, everywhere, and come in soooooooo many different flavours. Later that night I ended up in a total dive karaoke bar with all you can drink beers for $8, then finished up in a club across the street. It was awesome.

Las Vegas Day 3

I woke up sometime in the early afternoon in a hotel that wasn’t mine. Luckily it was just next door and I managed to get a fab view of the cred as I was crawling out:


I was in no fit state to really do anything, so just spent the rest of the afternoon back in my hotel room, figuring that I’d pretty much seen what I wanted to see anyway by that point. A bit later on though I decided that I should at least try and see a show before I left the next morning.

Since Luxor is owned by the same people as Excalibur, I could get half price tickets on the shows there, so opted to see the Chris Angel/Cirque du Soleil show, Believe.

Luxor is really cool inside. The central atrium/pyramid is impressive.




The show then.


It was f**king s**t. I’m not a massive fan of magic shows to be fair, but from what I’ve seen of him on TV, he looked to be pretty decent, doing some cool stuff that I hadn’t really seen before. All I can say is that it just confirms that his TV magic uses camera tricks and staged spectators because the show was just a series of really obvious, overdone tricks that I’ve seen a thousand times before.

Oh, he’s holding a cloth in front of himself. I wonder what’s going to happen?! Oooooh, he’s tied up in a bag. I wonder what’s going to happen?! Now he’s standing on top of a cage with a big-titted assistant in it, here comes the cloth. I wonder what’s going to happen?!

Absolutely **** ing dreadful and I have no idea why he’s on a 10 year contract there. You could just feel the disappointment in the audience when all his “amazing” magic was just met by very lukewarm applause rather than all that annoying whooping s**t that Americans usually do over every tiny thing.

My half-price ticket had still cost me $80, so anyone who paid full-price must’ve been f**king furious.

I actually called Cirque du Soleil to complain when I got back to my hotel. Basically saying that since their name was on it, I’d expected a Cirque du Soleil show featuring Chris Angel, not 90 minutes of that twat and some assistants flouncing around in Cirque du Soleil costumes.

To be fair to them, they offered me a free ticket for another of their shows for the following night, but since I was leaving in the morning, I couldn’t have used it anyway.

I had a shuttle pick me up at around 7 in the morning for a flight back to LAX (bleugh) to get me back to Manchester via Washington, and that was the end of the California and Vegas trip.

It was a great trip all in all. I got a bunch of parks done, did a fair bit of sightseeing and had a few decent nights out. It was knackering though. I’d definitely go back to Las Vegas as it’s actually loads of fun and there’s a bunch of stuff I didn’t end up doing or seeing. LA and San Francisco I feel that I’ve “done” now though, so even though I had a great time in both places, it’ll be a good while before I can see myself even thinking of heading back to be honest.
That El Loco looks fab. I had no idea it was different to all the others <3.

Also, Manhattan Express really isn't bad. I thought it was secretly fab. And Canyon Blaster.
What's your coastercount now then? It must be really high.
Great report as always, love ready these as we have the same perfect humour.
Re:that Cr** Angel BeLIEve show - apparently when it first started it was much more Cirque-orientated ; with a vague plot involving the rabbit and a child (that would become Mr Angel). It didn't "work" so they re-jigged it to put more magic in, and I think had re-jigged it again by the time I saw it ~18 months ago when it was awful (probably much the same as you saw, the same "oh you think I'm over here, surprise I'm over here instead" trick repeated about 6 times and Angel whinging on about not having a TV show anymore). When I saw it there were some Cirque motifs going on - like the rabbit character and the clowns (the "warm-up magicians" that then appear in the show later) and I assumed all the big set-piece infrastructure tricks were from the original Cirque configuration. (The wikipedia article on the show has some description of the old-show/new-show).

But yes, terrible show in all, just a mess of a few incoherent ideas punctuated by (the same) magic tricks. Oddly I'd expected Angel himself to be a real douche-bag (from what little I'd seen of him on TV) and was pleasantly surprised that he didn't completely come across like that... until the final trick when he went all shirt-less and the big "look at me" and that expected douche-bagness just shone through.

I've seen a few of the other big Cirque shows (and a couple of others there) and they were all good (which is why I was tempted by Angels last time I was there) - the first one I saw was Blue Man Group (great, been to see same show a couple of times in Orlando since then as well they were that good), then the next time I was there I made a point of doing the big shows and saw the rude one at NYNY "Zumanity" (not that rude, just a few ladies tops off in an "artistic" manner) and "Ka" at MGM which was really very good. Next time I was there I saw "O" at the Bellagio which I had thought was meant to be as spectacular as "Ka" but I didn't think it was and also Penn&Teller's show at the Rio which was great (if you like P&T that is). Seen the La Nouba one at WDW as well and enjoyed that.

Can't say I have been tempted by any of the other recent pop-culture themed ones (Beatles, Elvis (now closed), Jacko) - might give the original Mystere one a go if I find myself there again.

If there were one show to see I'd say it would be "Ka" though - you definitely picked the wrong one! :)
It was literally because it was in the hotel next door, I didn't even have to go out in the heat because they're connected, and I got it half price.

It was a case of "It's there, **** it" rather than putting any real thought into it.