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Bobbejaanland to open a second VR coaster

Dream Catcher's station is looking great, and it looks like you had a good day at the park! Looks very quiet in the pictures; great for re-rides!

It was mediocre crowded but there was a fanday of 'famous' Belgian musers (musical.ly). Children and their parents were waiting for 2,5 hours for making a musical.ly video with their 'idols'.

Because of that, the queuelines weren't long. It was max. 15 min. for all coasters, except for Dreamcatcher because they were riding with just 1 train the whole day.

I still regret the worst decision they've ever made: VR on Revolution. They've made 2 separated queue lines but the queue for Mount Mara is always too long. No more rides for me on that now low-capacity coaster, that they've ruined.

For the rest I had a wonderful day, good weather and short queuelines. :)
Looks great.
Still can't believe they've spent that much on tarting up an absolute dog of a coaster though.

That's also a reason why they only have build a new facade. (except their low budget). When they're planning to replace Dreamcatcher in a few years with a new inverted coaster (hopefully a Black Mamba one, but probably this won't happen haha) then they can put a new station building on the same place without destroying the theming. Dreamcatcher is certainly the next coaster in line for demolishing. ;)
It was mediocre crowded but there was a fanday of 'famous' Belgian musers (musical.ly). Children and their parents were waiting for 2,5 hours for making a musical.ly video with their 'idols'.

Because of that, the queuelines weren't long. It was max. 15 min. for all coasters, except for Dreamcatcher because they were riding with just 1 train the whole day.

I still regret the worst decision they've ever made: VR on Revolution. They've made 2 separated queue lines but the queue for Mount Mara is always too long. No more rides for me on that now low-capacity coaster, that they've ruined.

For the rest I had a wonderful day, good weather and short queuelines. :)
Nice to hear you had a good day, but shame about Dream Catcher being on 1 train. Suppose it might have been a maintenance issue or something.
1 train operations? That's not a maintenance issue that's typical Parques Reunidos.

Maybe, maybe not. I was thinking... It also could be because of the VR addition. Maybe they've added the connection wires (on train which wasn't in use) for the glasses but not the holder for the glasses and the glasses themselves.
So 2 and half months after it was supposed to, VR is now on Dreamcatcher.




A look at the VR film.

Well at the least the station has been properly finished and the queue with the fountains looks great.

So 2 and half months after it was supposed to, VR is now on Dreamcatcher.




A look at the VR film.

Well at the least the station has been properly finished and the queue with the fountains looks great.


I'm going to ride Dreamcatcher this Wednesday! :D

We all know from Mount Mara that the quality isn't the best one but I like the VR tbh. The only negative comment I have is that that Mount Mara has still a poor capacity. Hopefully they'll add a second VR-glasses to each vehicle.

However, I'm afraid of the visitors their reactions to the waiting time. The already poor capacity on Dreamcatcher will probably get even worse. I'll go and try it right when the park opens. I'm curious to Dreamcatcher's VR-landscape. Hopefully it's as impressive as Mount Mara.