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"Blue Fire" Mack Coaster for Europa Park

Also I think its because a lot of Europeans that like coasters want one like Maverick so we can easily get to it without having to travel 13 hours.

These coasters are being compaire to it, but they are not really like it from what I can see anyway. Maverick does a lot more and the whole package looks a lot better.

This coaster looks good, but how it runs know one really knows yet. It will make me want to go back to Europa though thats for sure and the park really needs this coaster.
I guess your right, I suppose the closest thing we've got to compare this with is something like Speed Monster, which the general idea is: Launch + Inversions.
But I think the layout for this is pretty unique so... the best idea is not to compare it to anything lol.

The first overbank thing looks like it will be pretty fun but I think it looks quite ugly!
Themeing is continuing.



More here: http://epsplace.free.fr/blog.fr.php#426


More here: http://chris-space.net/coaster_2009.html

Take a look at this one for a full overview of the coaster: http://chris-space.net/panorama/coaster_16.12.2008.jpg
This is just a Maverick clone.

It's almost identical.
I would assume theres some reasoning behind the madness. I would assume that they have gone for this shaping to get as much height from the coaster while keeping the forces moderately high. This would also explain the immelman turn steepness you can see from its side profile. The width of it is probably due to the designers taking the rest of the layout into acount.

My point is that they could have had a more MF style overbank but to make something with a turn that wide forceful, it would have to be much lower to the ground.
This is starting to look like something... Have a look at that turn between the rocks.

But I have yet to fully appreciate this coaster. My inner pre-judgement of this just screams out "meh", even though I want to give it a chance. Until I hear reviews, I can't help but consider this as a very average ride.
That turn in the rocks does look pretty wicked...

Anyway, I was thinking about those extra attachments on the supports of the 'overbank' or whatever we're calling it...

Firstly, I've looked at the concept art on rcdb and all the rock formations etc. that are already in place are shown in the art, yet there is nothing shown on the 'overbank' including the extra attachments on the tall supports.

Thus, part of me starts to wonder that with Mack building a launch coaster for the first time, and using a new train design, that they could have perhaps included these extra attachments as a 'just-in-case' procedure, in case they're unable to give the coaster enough speed to get over the top OR perhaps to modify the shape of the turn if lateral forces are too high... I mean, is it just me, or does the turn look painful as- esp if you're at the back of the train...

So perhaps it is simply in case they do have to alter the shape/height of the turn?
The finished trenches for the low level turns look absoloutly awesome, so aslong as this thing doesn't kill the speed during those first inversions too much, we should have an absoloute cracker of a ride here, I can't believe I want to go back to Europa Park, bah!
^It's even the first Mack with inversions.

My theory for those weird connectors: Light rigs.