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Best coaster under 100ft?


Giga Poster

Does size always matter?

Some people think that coasters need to be over 100ft to be really, very good. However this isn't really true...lots of amazing rides are under 100ft and here are a few pretty good coasters that spring to my mind (I've probably forgotten some really good ones though! :--D )....

-Colossus, Thorpe Park

-Hydra-The revenge, Dorney park

-Furius Baco, Port Adventura

-Nemesis, Alton Towers (and all the other coasters at AT :--D )

Oh yes, and woodies :p

And there are probably several others...

What do you think is the best coaster under 100ft??(Please check the height on rcdb :) )

Please reply! :--D :--D

There is no actual poll for this topic as there are too many possible options!
Certainly not the first two, because they're both awful.

Checking my top 10, apparently Ravine Flyer II (although that drops more than 100ft) is my top, if not, it's Phoenix for pure under 100ft-ness.

And then Baco and Terminator are the others in my top thirty under 100ft.

Huh, looking at that, I've never realised half my top thirty are at or close-enough-that-noone-cares (Colossos) to 200ft... Never realised I was such a height fiend.
Atlantis Adventure immediately springs to mind. I think it's about 70-80 feet at its highest point, just after the launch.

Phoenix is way up there as well.

Grand National? I've always loved it. The Blackpool Mouse is amazing, too.
There are so many, Megafobia, Nemesis Inferno, Black Mamba, Tonnerre De Zues to name but a few.
Cornball Express (55ft), Ravine Flyer II (80ft), and Phoenix (78ft) are in my top 10. Maverick is also very close at 105ft.
Umm... Nemesis Inferno? That or Kanonen, I think. Those are, as far as I can remember the two largest below-30.48-metre coasters I've ridden. At just one and a half metre taller stands Piraten, which I think is my second favourite coaster. Been a while since I last even saw my top 10-list, never mind updated it.

Teeny-Weeny holds a special place in my heart, though. No matter how you measure it (even total length of both track rails) it should be less than 30.48 metres.
If we're counting height and not the drop, the ones under 100 feet in my top ten are Ravine Flyer II, Nemesis, and Phoenix. So yah, those I guess!
Not really a coaster, but Detonator really packs a punch... And I love Tonner de Zeus!

Certainly not the first two, because they're both awful.

I don't see what is so bad about Colossus! I like the drop, I like the small airtime hill, I love the inline twists! What is so bad?
Has to be Nemesis for me. It is such an epic coaster. Grand National and Blackpool mouse are also brilliant.
For me it has to be Vampire (Chessington)
Why well even though it does not go upside down it is still amazing and has some small air time after the second lift-hill.
I'm going to have to go with the simple answer... Nemesis, this just proves rollercoasters don't have to be big at all to be amazing experiences.
Nemesis is built in a pit, the distance between the top of its lift hill and its lowest point is in excess of 100 feet. Otherwise you could Oblivion under that logic.

So: Rita, Thirteen and Grand National for me.
Colossus, for me. Its a bit rough but it packs a lot in for a coaster under 100ft. I would love to ride Black Mamba, it just looks amazing :O