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Bad Experiences with Other Enthusiasts

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Glennderp said:
Ben said:
Like, 90% of TPR hate me for no reason.
I feel you. Me 2
I've had the fortune of never communicating with TPR. I don't mind the video commentary, it's just the admins' attitude of how they handle the site that gets me.
I think I've skimmed over TPR's site once or twice quite a while ago, but someday I'll check it out a bit more and see what's going on.
BBH said:
I was waiting in the queue for Powder Keg and I heard this guy talking about Splashwater Falls, so I jumped in. I used the term "walk-on" and he asked me if I was a member of ACE. I almost said, " **** no," but instead, I said "naaah." So we started talking about Outlaw, then favorite coasters.

ACE: "My favorite is that one 7-looper in France, can't think of the name."
Me: "Goudurix?"
ACE: *orgasming* "Ooooh, yes, I loooove Goudurix. Little rough though."
Me: "Yeah, it's an interesting concept, too bad it's a Vekoma."
ACE: "Yeah, if Intamin could build a Goudurix, then I'd be set."

For some reason, it made me want to do this:


I don't know why, but I understand why you're mad. The ACE member made a dumb remark.
So my language arts teacher was on maternity leave for the first portion of the school year, and being the bucketload of fun she is, she had us do "two truths and a lie" to introduce ourselves to her. One of my truths was that I'm a coaster enthusiast and not a member of ACE. She was surprised to hear it, as she knew I liked roller coasters, and she said, "You should really join that club!"

My next remark was almost, "It is not a club, it is an overpriced cult full of inconsiderate, lazy mouthbreathers who will eat up anything built by Intamin or at Cedar Point."

But I was lucky enough to be blessed with good judgement.
BBH said:
It is not a club, it is an overpriced cult full of inconsiderate, lazy mouthbreathers who will eat up anything built by Intamin or at Cedar Point.
Do you have personal experience to back this statement?

I am not trying to call you out. I am considering joining ACE and going to CoasterCon next year, and I don't have any personal experience with ACErs.
therick311 said:
BBH said:
It is not a club, it is an overpriced cult full of inconsiderate, lazy mouthbreathers who will eat up anything built by Intamin or at Cedar Point.
Do you have personal experience to back this statement?

I am not trying to call you out. I am considering joining ACE and going to CoasterCon next year, and I don't have any personal experience with ACErs.
It was more of a tongue-in-cheek comment, I have no real problem with ACE in general, they all seem like perfectly considerate and fine people and I wouldn't wish any ill fate upon them.
not to bash on TPR but i did an event over there, only 4 people showed up, and two of us, one of whom was one of the nicest people i've ever met, were followed around by this super weird guy and his nephew, who was talking over people in the middle of conversations and spitting over everything, got screamed at by the park's PR director, ruined a shot for the TV crew, was weirdly creepy, and almost got us all kicked out of the event. the nice guy and me contacted robb and filled him in on the everything, he banned both of us for "complaining", and let the guy who's gonna keep them from getting invited back for west coast bash (ever wondered why there no WCB this year, or last year, and there's none planned for the future) stay and praised him for not saying anything bad and blamed us for ruining the event and getting TPR uninvited from pretty much anything else i can see. that really turned me off from meeting up with enthusiasts, and made me hesitant to meet up with anyone at hangtime's opening day, although i did and had a blast. i'm considering attending a CF meet up in the future, i'm just a bit hesitant due to the horrendous experiences i've had with large website that have meetups
although, i would just like to say, the people here are some of the nicest and friendliest enthusiasts i've met. really friendly and super respectful and helpful regarding me trying to figure out this site. so a pat on the back to all y'all who i've met so far
although, i would just like to say, the people here are some of the nicest and friendliest enthusiasts i've met. really friendly and super respectful and helpful regarding me trying to figure out this site. so a pat on the back to all y'all who i've met so far
Really swung for the fences with this old thread didn't you Kenny. :p

I've said it before but CF definitely has it's personality and charm. It's really unlike most places I've been over my time being an enthusiast. I've always found CF to be more carefree and fun-loving then most places and having met dozens of people over the years here, I can confirm that to be true. Even those I've had friction with turned out to be solid folks. Hell, some of my closest friends have come from meeting them on CF and subsequently meeting at a park.

That being said, to be here, you have to have a relatively thick skin and not take things personal as most people don't intend it as such. Some do.. but you can't be perfect. Outside of that.. there is a reason I've been posting, with varying levels of intensity, since 2006. :)
I've really stuck with other CFers in terms of actually visiting the parks with other enthusiasts. However, I have encountered a good amount of enthusiasts over time at the parks, and they are usually, more or less, fun and harmless. Sometimes you get that ACE member who is just dying to tell you how experienced they are and how much they've done. They also describe ACE much like how I imagine Tom Cruise describes Scientology.

this super weird guy and his nephew, who was talking over people in the middle of conversations and spitting over everything, got screamed at by the park's PR director, ruined a shot for the TV crew, was weirdly creepy, and almost got us all kicked out of the event. the nice guy and me contacted robb and filled him in on the everything, he banned both of us for "complaining",

I'd really like to think that the weird guy was actually just Robb.
although, i would just like to say, the people here are some of the nicest and friendliest enthusiasts i've met. really friendly and super respectful and helpful regarding me trying to figure out this site. so a pat on the back to all y'all who i've met so far
Have you listened to the podcast yet? THAT is what US Lives are like. Granted, the three of us have been close friends now for years, but we met through here. Now we take vacations together. That isnt the case for everyone obviously, but you will never know who you meet, and we aren't THAT creepy.

Also TPR is garbage. Stay here.

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Like, 90% of TPR hate me for no reason.
TPR are a site full of self obsessed people who hate the thoughts and opinions of people who don’t see things the same way they do. Robb Alvey is the king child man of that pathetic site.
Having met more enthusiasts at IAAPA, I think its safe to say more people who "feel" down to earth, especially as Vloggers, tend to be as much when you meet them, specifically Coaster Studios (Taylor) and Midway Mayhem (Dan). Enjoyed spending a few days with those guys both as the convention as well as at parks. That's not even counting the other folks I absolutely adored. <3

That being said, I did see the fair share of nerd who hit every stereotype falling down the enthusiast tree. For instance, I realize Alan Schilke may be "god-like" to most people, but the amount of fanboyism around the man is embarrassing. And after spending significant time with him, he is literally like any other guy you may see on the forums. He just loves coasters as well as just being a regular person.
not to bash on TPR but i did an event over there, only 4 people showed up, and two of us, one of whom was one of the nicest people i've ever met, were followed around by this super weird guy and his nephew, who was talking over people in the middle of conversations and spitting over everything, got screamed at by the park's PR director, ruined a shot for the TV crew, was weirdly creepy, and almost got us all kicked out of the event. the nice guy and me contacted robb and filled him in on the everything, he banned both of us for "complaining", and let the guy who's gonna keep them from getting invited back for west coast bash (ever wondered why there no WCB this year, or last year, and there's none planned for the future) stay and praised him for not saying anything bad and blamed us for ruining the event and getting TPR uninvited from pretty much anything else i can see. that really turned me off from meeting up with enthusiasts, and made me hesitant to meet up with anyone at hangtime's opening day, although i did and had a blast. i'm considering attending a CF meet up in the future, i'm just a bit hesitant due to the horrendous experiences i've had with large website that have meetups
TPR are an example of what is wrong with a lot of today’s society. Self entitled whiners who feel they’re better than everyone else and think only their opinions or views matters and piss on everyone else. They also insult people like it was a national pastime especially their leader Robb Alvey. I was banned because I posted a question why did the coaster forum become a political site all of a sudden?! Robb was bashing the memory of a nice guy who was involved in dark rides. He bashed him because he wore a Trump hat. See Robb has no respect for other people’s views or political choices. If you’re not like Robb or kissing up to him you’re no use to him.
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