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B&M vs. Intamin

B&M or Intamin

  • B&M

    Votes: 44 62.0%
  • Intamin

    Votes: 27 38.0%

  • Total voters
ava1enzue1a said:
This is comparing apples to oranges. There's no decision to be made here as each are equally unique in their own ways.

I don't know about that....
Well you are right of course they are unique in their own ways and both are great but cmon, it's a fair comparison. It's not like "CCI vs B&M" lol

Besides it's something I've long thought about and was just wondering what others thought (and wanted a smarter discussion then you'll get on YT!)

General consensus seems to be B&M by a slight edge :)
I agree, they just always make gold (except for maybe a few but I've not met one yet) while Intamin has a few clunkers. Also B&Ms are always the epitome of smooth and classy. They're a classy company too.

However, as someone said Intamin is more flexible. We know B&M never make launchers, and tend to just be more traditional. Also when it comes to Hypers I HAVE to give it to Intamin. The B&Ms are great, but again they are almost all the standard out and back, airtime style and we see more and more trim brakes on em. The Intamin ones have such breakneck speed, with no trims or MCBRs! Even Skyrush kicked my ass more than I thought.
Ah yes, you edited it right after I posted...trying to make me look like a fool!

Still, point made.
However, I am comparing them : P

I'll agree with Mack anyway, a park should have both! Also I can't wait to get to Hershey again to ride Skyrush and Storm Runner : D
ava1enzue1a said:
This is comparing apples to oranges. They both fall under the umbrella concept of "fruits" (coasters) in general terms, but they're equally unique in their own ways. There's no decision to be made here.

True, but I can still enjoy oranges more than apples because I prefer a softer, juicier flesh and the citrus is much more satisfying.

Somebody could opine that they prefer apples because of the crispness, that the citrus is too tangy for their taste buds and that they hate having to deal with the skin; and while furie may be able to deal with taking the pith all the time, they can't.

So it's interesting to learn what people think about vaguely related items. I agree that you can't say "Intamin is better than B&M", but you can still put forward an opinion of preference and have an intelligent discussion about it :)

JJLehto said:
I'll agree with Mack anyway

So do I. They should be everyone's choice over Intamin now IMHO ;)
It made me laugh on the USA Live how much hate Intamin was getting, particularly from Richard =p. I really couldn't see a problem with them? Maybe it's because I'm small, so the restraints don't really bother me. The only problem I found with some of the newer Intamins like I305 was that they were, to quote RCT, too intense for me.

However, I always have fun on Intamin coasters and I love the way they look, so slick and stylish.

I adore B&M too but I find their rides a tad predictable, which isn't a bad criticism because if you've got a formula that works then stick to it.
nadroJ said:
It made me laugh on the USA Live how much hate Intamin was getting, particularly from Richard =p. I really couldn't see a problem with them? Maybe it's because I'm small, so the restraints don't really bother me.

well - i'm not exactly a titch ;-) , but I rarely have any bother with intamin restraints
B&M, due to the fact they don't breakdown as much, don't seem to get that rough and they know how to make a nice smooth good wingrider coaster.
B&M for me. They made several innovative ride types like the suspended, for example. I find they're rides very smooth and fun.
Although I have yet to ride a B&M hyper, I'll say Intamin, I just love their coasters, but B&M's flyers are pretty aewsome, and their older inverts are pretty good too. Intamins have a alot of forces and B&M just doesn't play aroun dwith that kind of stuff and kind of play it safe.
B&M vs Intamin

I know you've heard it a 1,000,000 times. Well, how about 1,000,001. B&M or Intamin?

I say Intamin. Their rides take more chances which, in my opinion, makes them better. Also MF and El Toro!
Re: B&M vs Intamin

I shall take mine from my MH Steel poll. I'll add up the total positions for each manufacturer, and then divide by the total number of rides. That should give me the mean position of each manufacturer and the lowest is the winner. Mathematical solutions FTW!

Bizarro SF New England MA,y,n,2
Expedition GeForce Holiday Park DE,y,y,3+2
Volcano: The Blast Co Kings Dominion VA,y,n,26+5
Stealth Thorpe Park UK,y,y,29+31
Fahrenheit Hersheypark PA,y,n,31+60
Thirteen Alton Towers UK,y,y,39+91
Speed Monster Tusenfryd NO,y,n,43+130
Colossus Thorpe Park UK,y,y,56+173
Rita Alton Towers UK,y,n,58+231
Kanonen Liseberg SE,y,n,71+289
Furius Baco Port Aventura ES,y,n,84+360

=444/11 = 40.35 mean position.

Dragon Khan Port Aventura ES,y,n,4
Alpengeist Busch Gardens Will VA,y,n,5+4
Nemesis Alton Towers UK,y,y,6+9
Griffon Busch Gardens Will VA,y,n,8+15
Silver Star Europa-Park DE,y,y,9+23
Oblivion Alton Towers UK,y,y,10+22
Batman The Ride/Clone SF & Other Parks **,y,n,11+32
The Swarm Thorpe Park UK,y,y,12+43
Nitro Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,n,13+55
Talon Dorney Park PA,y,n,15+68
Great Bear Hersheypark PA,y,n,16+83
Apollo's Chariot Busch Gardens Will VA,y,n,17+99
Nemesis Inferno Thorpe Park UK,y,y,20+116
Dominator Kings Dominion VA,y,n,23+136
Bizarro Six Flags Great Ad NJ,y,n,32+159
Batman - Dark Knight SF New England MA,y,n,33+191
Hydra the Revenge Dorney Park PA,y,n,45+224
Air Alton Towers UK,y,y,48+269
Superman – Ultimate F Six Flags Parks **,y,n,64+317

= 381/19 = 20.05 mean position

Ergo, B&M are more than twice as good as Intamin :)

I think this holds up the point that when Intamin are stunning, they're really stunning. They push the boundaries and make incredible coasters.

On the flip side, they push the boundaries and make completely dire bollocks as well. So you certainly have them making the best coasters in the world, and also some of the worst.

B&M have "very good" rides, and "good" rides, and some "bit dull" rides, but never (in my experience) "bad" rides.

So there we are, the numbers don't lie. Somebody can feel free to do the same with the entire MH poll ;)
Re: B&M vs Intamin

Both companies run under very different engineering pedagogies.

B&M is notorious for perfecting different riding styles and inversions. There is an inverted coaster, then there is a B&M invert. There is a flying coaster, then there is a B&M flyer. There is a hyper coaster, then there is a B&M hyper. They do not necessarily bring anything new to the table, but rather focus on ride quality.

Intamin on the other hand has always been innovation. Cable lift, hydraulic launch, stadium seating-style, magnetic brakes, hydraulic restraints: All Intamin firsts. Yes their rides break down and often require refinement, but it is only because noone else has ever conceived such a roller coaster.

Looking at my rankings, I have 5 Intamins in my top 10 vs. 2 B&Ms. Yet expanding our view to my top 20, we find 7 B&Ms vs. 6 Intamins.

So I am willing to call it a draw. Is my favorite steel roller coaster in the world an Intamin? Yes. But do I still recognize the perfection of a B&M Invert? Absolutely.
Re: B&M vs Intamin

In my top 10 steel coasters, it's an even split at 5 apiece, with the top 2 both Intamin (and actually if you look at my overall top 10 & include El Toro, my top 3 are all Intamin). So based on that I'd be inclined to say I like Intamin's best a little better than B&M's best.

But extending the list out to my top 25, 11 of the next 15 coasters are B&M vs. only 3 for Intamin. Part of this is because I've ridden nearly double the amount of B&M's as I have Intamins (27 vs 14), but I think it's also partly to do with what furie said, where Intamin's ride quality may vary while B&M's are all generally pretty good.
Re: B&M vs Intamin


Seriously, though. B&M, even though my #1 is Intamin, my top 10, 20 and even 50 are flush with the output of B&M. Couple that with the veritable curse of Intaminitis downtime and truly sad safety related track record, and it isn't even close for me.

Shoot, the only Beemer that ever spited me was Pyrenees on my first try, and that was a broken lift chain as opposed to the continual BS down times that numerous Intamin rides have spited me.
Re: B&M vs Intamin

B&M. The majority of my favourite coasters are B&M and I just think they make better coasters.

Intamin can be quite hit and miss.
Re: B&M vs Intamin

Like everyone has their own taste in music, it's dependant on personal likeness/opinion.

B&M have always been perfectionists from day one, however it's rare to see this company stray away from what they feel safe with. You only have to look at Kumba and see that nearly every other Multilooper sticks to that similar layout. That aside, it's a fantastic layout and B&M's always run beautifully.

Intamin are the ones who really push the boundaries. You'll always be surprised with what this company can do, and some of their models are astonishing, whether it be technological innovation, intensity or aesthetics. They've had their fair share of flops in the past, but you can't fault them for trying something new once in a while, even if Furius Baco rides like a piece of ****.

Overall I do prefer B&M, but that's mainly due to my favourite coasters.