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An Englishman in the Orient: Part 10) Lotte World

Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 7) World Joyland

Day 7 saw a trip to a park we've all heard a lot about. The brand new World Joyland, This park is a complete pain in the arse to get to from Shanghai but it's worth it. Boy is it worth it. In my opinion this is one of the best parks I've ever been to. The themeing is top notch and the rides are almost all excellent. Ok they really have taken a complete disregard to all copyright almost across the board which may get them into trouble sooner rather than later but if you can look past that you will have an excellent time.

I've read reports slating the unfinishedness of the park and the general mess but they seem to have cleaned up their act recently and the park is beautiful and on some occasions draw dropping. The park does come across as a little unfinished in areas such as the tower at the back not being open and the water park still being built to the side of the park (it was 2degrees C so I wasn't too fussed about the water park :) )

Anyway bear in mind all opinions in this are mine and mine alone, (Although Oli also thought this place was amazing, And I would consider him a pretty standard member of the GP)
I shall start my review with tip on how to get to the park

Traveling to and from the park: The park is miles away from any major station which makes public transport a bit of a pain. Myself and Oli caught the bullet train from Shanghai Central to Wuxi (It also stops at Shanghai West Station). This takes about an hour but the train really goes some and rockets along like it's associated bullet. However if you are a foreigner in Shanghai wanting to buy long distance train ticket there are a couple of things to remember.

1) Take your passport, i cannot stress this enough, you will not even get a ticket without one and there is no way round this.

2) The ticket office at Shanghai Central Station is across the road to the right of the main entrance (it's a few minutes' walk) there is only 1 English speaking window and its not easy to see the little sign above the window. I would advise taking pictures of the Chinese station names you wish to visit and a pen to write down times.

3) Chinese stations operate a lot like an airport. you will have a carriage and seat number on your ticket and you will be told to wait in a specific waiting room (all trains have numbers which are easy to spot on your ticket and on the departure board telling you where your waiting room is) you will then be let out on the platform a couple of minutes before the train arrives. The platforms all have carriage numbers on them so you can find where you carriage will be and wait in the right place.

We were told there was a bus from Wuxi Station to the park but it appears that it doesn't run year round and was not running the day we visited. As we found out later the bus to Changzhou station wasn't running either. In the end we caught a taxi for the hour long trip to the park. this cost about £12 between the 2 of us which wasn't too bad.

Getting back was more of a nightmare. There were no taxis to be found outside the park and the only bus went to Changzhou bus station. Thankfully a friendly university student helped us catch the bus we needed to get to Changzhou train station. Overall it took us almost 2 hours to make it back to a train station and almost 4 hours in total to get back to Shanghai. In fact we spent 6 hours total travelling today and that's actually more time than we spent in the park.

The Park:

When we visited the park was dead, there were probably less than 50 people in the whole park all day, however the ride ops were streets ahead of the happy valley counter parks, The two of us rode Starry Night Ripper repeatedly as the only two people on the train and the ride ops allowed repeat rides if we wished.

The themeing in this park is a notch above Happy Valley too. As I mentioned at Happy Valley the themeing doesn't appear to interact much with the rides themselves. Here the themeing is an integral part to many of the rides and it really works, even the warcraft restaurant was superbly done and served excellent food.


Heaven Trip of the Demogoagon: This ride is a 3D ride similar to Spiderman at Universal, It's not quite as good as Spiderman but is is excellent and the effects are stunning, this is easily the best simulator ride I've ridden since Spiderman and is well worth trying out. There are plenty of good slow motion 3D effects and the ride has been designed with very little dialog so its easy to follow.

Starry Night Ripper: I've heard people say this ride is good.... in my opinion they are wrong, this ride is amazing. I'm not one to rate my rides much but this is up there with Nemesis and Olympia Looping for my favorite rides of all time. It's been a while since I've ridden a forceful B&M and I wasn't holding out too much hope having ridden Black Mamba and Silver Bullet last year but the forces on the entrance and exit to the vertical loop are incredible and that weird inversion under the lift is just a really bizzare feeling, like a zero-G-roll that just keeps going. The ending lets up a little on the intensity but it's still brilliant fun and that straight first drop just is awesome. This ride is worth the hassle of getting here alone.

Cosmo Hacker: THis is another 3D simulator ride but you sit in large vibrating chairs in front of a giant screen, I have no idea why it's called Cosmo Hacker as the movie was a Canyon themed rollercoaster ride. But its a solid attraction with some nice 4D effects.

Soul Hunter: This is one of the strangest attractions I have ever seen. It is essentially an alternative reality shoot-em-up, When you enter you are given a backpack attached to a large gun with a big LCD screen on top. You then proceed to walk through a haunted house where you shoot ghosts you can only see on your LCD screen. Once you have cleared each room of ghosts you move on to the next room. The AR system works quite well with ghosts coming out of holes and darting behind objects in the room. It's not perfect but it's a nice idea and is great fun, especially the boss fight at the end where you must take out power orbs before being able to hurt the boss.

Kart Attack: I'm not sure on the exact name of this ride but again its something i haven't seen before, It is essentially real life mario kart. The ride system is similar to the race track ride at Magic Kingdom as your card is attached to a rail which you can move left or right on slightly. However the difference here is you have another Alternative Reality screen in the front of the car which overlays a Mario Kart style world over the track. You can then pick up power ups like rockets and banana skins to slow down other drivers. There are different tracks each of which takes a slightly different route (although they are mostly parallel. With only 2 of us on the course it was a bit empty but I can see this being a great laugh with a ton of people.

Dragon Roaring Heaven: This is a golden horse knock off Vekoma mine train. Its essentially the same as the Happy Valley versions you may have seen and the one at Walibi Belgium, Not a bad family ride but a little slow. The themeing does manage to set this appart though with a massive Dragon skeleton covering the lift hills and much of the track.

3D theater: This is housed in the giant dome in the starcraft section of the park. It's essentially a giant 360 degree theatre and the story follows the quest of our heroes to collect 3 elemental beasts to kill the fire dragon which has corrupted your world. The effects are really very good and some of the landscapes are stunning and reminicent of Avatar. There are only a few showings a day but it's well worth catching if you can.

Clouds of Fairyland: This is a standard X-Car sky loop ride. If you have been on one then you know what to expect. It's good fun if a little short and I'll never get used to that up and over lift. It's not as good or as long as Abismo in Madrid but It's a solid enough ride.

Rapids: This rapids ride is pretty good, theres nothing groundbreaking about it but its a solid ride. One thing i noticed is the Queue line features some slides at various points which kids can use while you queue. A nice idea but I'm not sure how it works on a busy day.

In summary all the rides we rode at this park were above average and I rate this park up there with PhantasiaLand for experience. It's not a perfect park by any means but I think it has the potential to be one of the best in the world if they iron out the bugs.


This was the scene upon arriving at the park.


Needless to say it was not a busy day.


Very Universal.


Even at the entrance you start to get a feeling for some of the detail they've added to this park


The main street has plenty of shops selling terrible knock-off goods, Disney, Universal, Warner Brothers... they are all here.


The entrance to the Warcraft area.


Oli could easily fit into the Warcraft.


This is the entrance to the excellent 3D simulator ride Heaven Trip of the Demogoagon


It has a good Splendour Index


The restaurant across the way which we shall visit later.


Even the restaurant themeing was good.


Oli really just wants to be an Orc.


No they don't have any of the licences... but that hasn't seemed to stop them.


This water ride was shut.


But again the themeing is pretty impressive.


The entrance to Terrain of Warcraft from the Starcraft area.


The Starcraft area is very distinct.


The first rides you see are these S&S shot and drop towers. They provide nice views of the park but are pretty standard otherwise.


This is what we came for though.


This turnaround provides a lovely flying feeling.


The ride finale.


One of the most intense elements I've ridden in a long time.


A panorama of one of my new top coasters.


Surprisingly this is one of the least themed rides in the park.


A view from the back side of the ride.


Cosmo Hacker is another 3D motion simulator.


Oli shows off the 3D Glasses.


These are the large vibrating, air blasting seats.


Not sure what this is, but we didn't get a chance to find out as we kept missing the show times.


Plenty of random details around the starcraft area.


This dome houses a large 360degree theatre which we shall come back to in a bit.


Across the way is this well themed Golden Horse knock off mine train.


No riding broomsticks?


It's not a brilliantly thrilling ride, but as the parks family coaster it serves its purpose well.


The dragon theme works well too.


Not sure on the name though :)


More casual copyright infringement.


The Sky-Loop was fun.


Some more nice themeing round the rapids ride queue.


This rather garish castle sits in the centre of the lake and houses a nice little tea shop.


More good themeing.


The kids climbing area was nicely done too.


Ah so almost a boob credit.


This is the inside of the previously mentioned 360degree theatre.


It's a fairly impressive film.


Some of the landscapes are stunning and very avatary


Another trip over to ride the excellent B&M Flyer.


Although the ride does appear to have 2 names.


We headed back to the Warcraft restaurant we saw earlier.


The interior was really nicely done and the food was excellent.


Yet more casual copyright infringement.


Soul Hunter is a bizzare alternative reality romp through a haunted house with a big gun. (see review at the top)


The Mario Kart style kart shooter was a real WTF moment.


You can shoot other riders with power ups you pick up such as rockets and banana skins.


There are nice details all around the park.


There is a big Nvidia sponsored games area towards the childrens area of the park with loads of 3D games and Kinects set up.


There is also yet another 3D theatre.


Some of the themeing in the land of adventurers.


These girls pretty much stalked us round the park taking pictures of us, You can't get away when you are strapped into a ride either :s


The kids area is nice but it really is a shameless rip-off from IOA, Tomorrow I head to Seoul to try out some Korean style parks. Although i shall be returning for more Shanghai Parks later in the trip.
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 7) World Joyland

It's not a perfect park by any means but I think it has the potential to be one of the best in the world if they iron out the bugs.

You went to a different park than we did.

Awful operations (obviously), and everything was run-down, messy, unfinished and gross.

It DOES look like they've done work to it since August in their credit, but, Jesus... what a hole.

And yeah, we had the same "fun" trying to get there and back as you did by the sounds of it. Oh, China <3
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 7) World Joyland

It does look a lot better actually, probably due to the lack of people hiding the horrendus operations. It took us about 5 hours to do the 3 coasters, thus we couldn't do any other rides. Some of the dark rides look pretty good too </3.

The flyer is SICK though, I'll give you that ;).
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 7) World Joyland

Did the company who themed this park also theme Rainbow MagicLand? Looks like, exactly the same haha.
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 7) World Joyland

Do you know who built Heaven Trip of the Demogoagon? I'm guessing it was Oceaneering like DarkKastle / Speed of Dreams, but I'm not 100%.
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 7) World Joyland

Sorry about the massive gap in the reports. Just haven't had the time to devote to it :( But lets get back into it. And in answer to the above question I'm afraid I have no idea who built the ride but it was very similar to Spiderman at IOA from what I remember.

Following World Joyland we spent a day enjoying the sites of Shanghai before Oli headed to Bangkok, Since I have spent time living in Thailand before, I decided to skip Bangkok and head to Seoul to visit some friends instead, As my friends worked during the day this thankfully gave me the chance to visit a few of the Korean Parks. My first stop was Everland, unless you have been asleep the last few years you have probably heard of Everland, They not only have the current #2 wooden coaster on the planet they also had the very highly rated Eagles Fortress Suspended coaster.

Getting to Everland is easy and the website lists a number of busses that go directly to the park. However opening later in 2012 is the Everline, A Seoul Metroline that goes directly to the park. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EverLine_R ... sit_System making the already excellent Seoul metro just that little bit better.

Upon arriving at Everland I saw something I really didn't want to see. A sign telling me T-Express was shut.... I had mixed feelings about this as in China I had seen several signs for rides that said they were shut but in reality just opened a little later. Unfortunately upon arriving at T-Express my worst fears were confirmed, the ride was closed until the end of February.

Now I really really wanted to like Everland, And it is undeniably a beautiful park. The setting is stunning and the park is generally really well themed, but without either Eagles Fortress or T-Express the park is essentially just a really nicely designed kids park. The main ride open was Rolling X-Train which is a standard Double Loopscrew coaster. The custom Vekoma junior coaster is nice and there's a nice selection of flats/indoor rides but I can't deny I was massively underwhelmed in the end by Everland.

It is incredibly painful to see arguably 2 of the best coasters ever designed sitting dormant without a single rider between them. What made it worse is that whole swathes of the park were covered in hoardings for refurbishment. The hoardings managed to detract massively from whole sections of the park that otherwise would have looked really good.

Anyway On to the pictures.


The day before heading to Everland we headed up to the hill in the middle of Seoul via the cable car.


The views from the top were excellent.


The whole area is really nicely done.


Although once again the tower's designers skipped on the aesthetics.


There were more of these padlock things everywhere.


But it was a lovely relaxing afternoon.


The next day it was back to the parks and this is the entrance to Everland.


The whole main street is really nicely done and curves round the hillside.


A panorama of the main street area.


Random panda... the best kind of panda.


Nicely designed food area.


Racing coaster is a nice (non-racing) vekoma junior coaster.


It's custom designed and fits nicely into the landscape.


It's a nice ride but slightly telling that this was essentially the best coaster in the park on my visit.


Some nice themeing in the kids area.


The obligatory big wheel is present.


Now that's what I am here for.


Yes it was fairly cold, so obviously the water rides were out of action :( no rapids or log flume for me today.


This is not what I wanted to see :( T-Express closed till the end of Feb. I guess I should have noticed the ride wasn't currently listed on the website but there's no specific mention of it being closed.


The snow attractions were open however.


It is an impressive ride.


And that drop combo towers over the park.


A panorama of the whole massive structure.


The whole park is built on a series of hills, somewhat like Legoland in the UK but a whole lot bigger.


There were a number of nice dark rides such as a nice shooting ride and a Vekoma Mad House.


There is another kiddie coaster at the park, i gave this one a miss.


The main coaster open today was Rolling X-Car. a Loopscrew with new Vekoma trains.


The ride is fine if a little rough and uninspiring, The poster in the queue showing coaster history were a nice touch.


It's just a pity the Koreans have a tendency to graffiti everything in the queue line :(


The flats around Rolling-X-Car are nicely themed though


This Top Scan looks excellent.


Next up I headed up to Eagles Fortress to take some pics of this dormant monster.


NOW.... is it just me or does this poster suggest this ride is just being refitted? I don't want to cause undue excitement. Can anyone here read Korean?


Next to Eagles Fortress is this super sized swinging ship


The ride does look in excellent condition. Seems odd they haven't removed anything since it closed.


It really is tough to get pictures of this from the paths.


Back to Racing Coaster for another spin.


The ride provides a nice little kick for a junior coaster.


The helix mid ride provides some alright G's


The station area.


The ride criss crosses a couple of the paths up the hill.


The ride is nicely hidden from the main midway, just popping above the trees.


Thankfully some of the bigger hills have these to make life easier :)


Some nice themeing.


Another large flat ride.


A lot of areas of the park were under refurbishment. this was just at the end of Main Street.


Bye Bye Rolling-X-Car... you weren't too bad really.


The entrance area is in my opinion the nicest area of the park.


I got the bus back to Seoul, It stopped here.... It did not live up to it's name.


This trailer played approximation 1 gazzilon and 3 times on the bus.... Tomorrow I head to the interesting, slightly bizzare but undeniably fun Seoul Land
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 8) Everland

That really, really sucks about T-Express. I completely agree with you that, while Everland is a nice park, without the big coasters open it's basically a whole lot of good-looking nothing.

I wouldn't get too hopeful for Eagle Fortress. Those exact same signs have been up since February 2009, possibly earlier as I hadn't been to the park for a good 5-6 months prior to that. It is weird that there's been no sign of taking it down yet though, especially since there were plans for a new 2012 coaster. Clearly that hasn't happened, but it can't be good for the park's image to have a major ride just sitting there with the same "maintenance" signs for well over 3 years now.
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 9) Seoul Land

Following my disappointment at Everland I headed to Seoul Land the next morning with a bit of a hangover and low expectations. I've heard mostly bad things about Seoul land and the coaster lineup doesn't inspire confidence.

However I found I really enjoyed Seoul Land. Sure its fairly Ghetto but I enjoyed all the coasters. They weren't great but they were alright and not too rough, While the park staff were friendly and being the only Westener in the park I got a ton of offers from school kids to ride with them which was pretty funny.
The cheap entry price deal came as a surprise and it seemed to be because I was a foreigner.

The park does have a hidden Gem though. The shooting Dark Ride "Den of THieves" was great fun and miles better than the one at Everland.

Anyway on to the pictures.


The Parks entrance is a little way around the lake from the Metro station and takes about 10mins walk.


The park the theme park is in is stunning however. even in the cold.


Like Everland the park had its Snow Attractions open for the winter.


The parks entrance area has seen better days.


Yeah it was bloody cold too.


Cheap? yes... Tacky? Certainly... but i liked the parks fairly ghetto vibe.


Even the geodesic domes happy.


The park has a decent line up of flats.


My first credit here was this fairly odd wild mouse.


It uses Arrow style track and was a little rough but not too bad.


It wont win any awards but the helix at the end was fun.


Lotteria food for lunch... Think Mcdonalds but a bit worse.


Next up was the Meisho double loop. Again its quite rough but it won't kill you. The loops are fairly intense and I do like the colour scheme :)


The other big credit is the strangely named Black Hole 2000.


The ride sprawls across the back of the park with the corkscrews coming around halfway round.


This ride was pretty rough but I've been on worse.


And those corkscrews are REALLY high up.


Some of the more random parts of the layout.


I didn't credit whore today :)


Ghetto but a good laugh.


This thing was huge.. but sadly closed.


Once again due to the freezing conditions the flume was shut. Sad times.


The final credit was this little thing.


The lift on this thing is just about the loudest lift i've ever heard.


Ropes course. Always good fun... but also closed.


This was a big surprise though. Didn't know what was in here but its a really well themed fun shooting ride.


Smokers can smoke in the smoking areas... Although they did appear to be tucked away in some forlorn looking alleys.


This did look fun. but that double drop looks really quite odd with a big flat section between them.

After Seoul Land I headed across town to Lotte World for some more coaster action.
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 9) Lotte World

After leaving Seoul Land I made the short trip across the city to Lotte World. This was easily the busiest park of the trip and resulted in about an hour and a half wait for Atlantis Adventure. However it is a brilliant park and perfectly located slap bang in the middle of the city.

Atlantis Adventure doesn't disappoint at the air time in the top hat is insane. French Revolution isn't a bad ride at all and I like its little S-Cuves after the loop, The random section around the roof through some tunnels it pretty strange though. Comet Express is awesome but very very strange. I can't figure out if the thing is powered all the way round or just part of it. An odd Intamin ride indeed and stupidly hard to find.

The parks other rides are all pretty awesome too Gyro Swing and Gyro Drop are insane and even the indoor water rides are a step above everything else on the trip so far.

Anyway on to the pictures.


The entrance is in the shopping mall and you can walk out of the subway into the park.


Up the steps you walk into the massive indoor section of the park.


First Stop was French Revolution.


its an old school Vekoma Looper but its not too bad. A little rough but nothing spine breaking.


Nicely themed cars too.


The ride winds through the park.


The lift hill is nestled up against the wall of the mall.


The dive into the helix finale is pretty sweet.


yeah this place is huge.




On the way outside... did someone say disney?


This is what I am here for really.


And boy did it not let me down.


This ride pops in and out of the themeing with almost alarming randomness.


Back into the castle.


Being below freezing there was no water in the pool... So i guess this is just a Trax...


The changes in direction on this are excellent and the cars do make you feel nice and exposed.


Up and Over we go. Feels weird without a splash down.


My first Gyro Drop. And its pretty damn good too.


The loading is slow but they load 2 trains at once which is a nice touch.


Sure is tall.


Indoor log flume. didn't get to ride this but it looked pretty good.


This crazy lady was doing some acrobatics on a balloon in the main hall.


she was guided by some blokes with ropes.


The inside of the park is gorgeous


ice rink on the lower level with some shops


This looks pretty cool from below too.


BEST attraction of the day. there was a little cafe in the same mall that you paid a little to get in and then they gave you a box of Lego and the tables all had lego board surfaces.


Curved Escalator? I didn't even know this was possible

Thats it for today. Next back to China for some smaller parks.
Re: An Englishman in the Orient: Part 9) Seoul Land

^No mention of Pharoah's Fury or Sinbad. PLEASE tell me you didn't miss these?

Oh, and Atlantis Adventure never really has a splashdown: the water only comes up to just below the tracks. It's purely aesthetic really, and has no real impact on the ride.

Forgot to post this image of sinbad... it was awesome. NO idea how they cram that ride in there. its so long.

As for Pharaohs Fury I just didn't have time to ride both this and Sinbad so I chose Sinbad.
I'm not going to tell you you made the wrong choice since I love Sinbad as well. Plus, I hate when people do the whole "you should've blah blah blah..."

However, Pharaoh's Fury is an absolutely awesome dark ride and if you ever get back to Lotte World, make time for it. The queue line alone is worth the effort, and the ride itself is the same type as the Disney Indiana Jones rides, only with some big drops and fire.
I've always loved the look of Lotte World. Can't really put my finger on it (maybe it's the Aquatrax <3 ), but it just looks so interesting. And by the sounds of things actually quite good! :P

Thanks for sharing! Oh, and I want a curved escalator. :lol:
WTH, a curved escalator? How does that even work?

Another awesome PTR, really love reading about these fascinating places. It looks like it has a great amount of theming everywhere which is awesome.
Great report :) It looks very impressive! Just a question; is the theme park located next to/inside a mall, or do the theme park own the shopping mall as well?
Lotte is a massive company in Korea, they own loads of stores/buildings/attractions throughout the country. The whole mall/theme park complex and the 555 meter building that is being constructed next door are all Lotte.
The indoor section of the park is located right on top of the mall, the ice-rink is in the centre on the bottom floor and then you have 2 floors of shops around it, and on top of that is the several story high Lotte World indoor park. Next to this lot there is the outdoor section in the middle of a small lake.