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Alton Towers Trouble


Hyper Poster
I'm hearing through Facebook that there was a "major incident" at Alton tonight. A large fight and stuff being thrown and broken. Large police presence also. Was anyone there or know what was happening?

Edit: Also heard that a guy was urinating in the Air tunnel... Seems like a risky place, I would want to die with my nob out...

Edit 2: All seems to be centred around the maze Terrors of the Towers, a fight started in there.
I'm getting it through a friend of mine who is a TTFer who was talking to friends who were there.... So it is second, or even third hand information but likely there must be some truth to it, even if the details are dodgy. :)
Welcome to pikey day...

I can imagine it all to be true, some of the worst human beings turn up on these days (actually pre-determined by staff no less) and often a few incidents do occur...

Me, Will, Sue and Neal were in the park today, it felt VERY Thorpe-esque. By that I mean it was literally swarming with what can only be called chavs or 'gypsies' as many people have referred to them, people wearing tracksuits and females wearing revealing and utterly disgusting clothing with horrific fake tan. It was like watching an episode of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding where the reception was held in the grounds of the Towers. That aside, we did encounter the middle or the end of what may have been the giant altercation and upon leaving the park I did see staff talking to guests about arrests being made over some form of bottle throwing incident.

For some strange - and threatening - reason, from around 4.30-5pm onwards (from what we could see) masses and masses of 'youths' gathered by the Towers cut-through to Dark Forest and Cloud Cuckoo Land (by the ride queue signage so just by TotT entrance). They weren't doing anything at all and were there from then onwards until about an hour before closing. I would estimate there was at least 70-90 people in that group alone, blocking the entrance for most guests and wearing very intimidating clothing. Pockets of other 'youths' were also around the park but mainly near the area of centred attention.

At one point, me and Sue (with Neal and Will tagging behind) were rushing off to Oblivion. This must've been at just a few mins before 8pm as we were in a hurry to whore as much as possible. This was when two large groups of youths started fighting outside of Hex, although I think we caught the tail-end of that incident. Staff members gathered around but did nothing and security passed us on our way down through the Towers cut-through and I did attempt to point out those responsible, but my pointing was seemingly ignored even though some of the culprits were walking with me.

The youths were there all night and were seen in large pockets around the park all day - when we saw Furie at one point during the day we all collectively made comments about the provocative nature of clothing being worn by some females. This was discussed mainly as it was cold today and - well - it's October.

In the shop as we were leaving, I overheard a 2 staff members talking with either guests or potentially adults of people involved (although I would have no idea) that arrests had been made over some bottle throwing incident.

I'm afraid that's all I can tell you about that, but other members might be able to disclose more information. I did say to the group many times over the night how I felt unsafe and how little security there was, and likened the atmosphere and the insecurity to being at Thorpe Park. Thankfully, none of it ruined what was a brilliant day.
Tom G said:
Pikey day?

Yeah, pikey day... When people that Ciall describe turn up en masse for some reason and acts like twats...

Even Chessie got them... Though not to the scale as Towers and Thorpe (where EVERY day is pikey day ;))...

And Ciall, was it Will? I never trust him when denied access to Duel Live or Thirteen Girl... :p
Well, no, but you know when you see a group of general people in the street wearing 'sensible' clothing...well, they hardly seem much of a threat at all. However, throw in some flat caps and tracksuits as well as demeaning personalities, suddenly they become just a tad more intimidating than if they were just a bunch of 'sensible' people.

I know what I mean.
I wonder why they where all there on this specific day? The same sort of thing always goes on at Thorpe Park on Easter Sunday, I know Thorpe is normally full of idiots but on Easter Sunday its always 100x worse?
The stole our table in the dung heap!!! And two kids hogged the zip wire. Other than that, I don't think there was any trouble we saw.

Actually, while having Skelvin's Story time, a couple of little brats came up being loud at the character, and the girl telling the story simply said "would you like to sit down and listen to story time?" which made them turn pale like they'd been asked to go to school or something and they dashed off.

The kids with slicked back hair, eugh!

Anyway, we avoided it and while there were certainly odds and sods of less than desirable people here and there, they mostly avoided the kid's areas we spent our time at.
Yeah. This is why you don't go on Pikey Day.

I sadly did it last year, the atmosphere of the park is TERRIBLE. They're so bad. Scum a lot of them, some can be lovely, bear in mind I'm friends with some travellers, but the ones at Alton were HORRIBLE.

They were very intimidating, although I don't care if they try and intimidate me, I'm used to them. Last year ended in us saying to one of them, "I HOPE YOUR RACE DIES". Oops.
Strange that they all congregate on the same day(s) every year. The park have no excuses for not being ready next year.
What were the queues and operations like that day?

Tempers can easily flare when queues are at capacity and rides keep breaking down.
There was quite a lot of down time during the day. Oblivion. Duel. Oblivion again in the evening.
However, I think that some of the people there appeared to just be looking for trouble (e.g. guys strutting around with their shirts off, hailing abuse at each other outside TOTTs).

On a plus note, Submission was running, and apparently it was using its normally 'dead' arm.
Also...riding Nemesis at night, in the rain!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
I was there, my favourite part was being in the queue for Spinball at 8.56pm only for it to break down. All the cars started stacking up into the break run full of scumbags stranded there. It gets better though - one woman, presumably mother of two of the scumbags on the ride, started shouting over the fence at her kids saying "Get off the f*cking ride NOW!" etc etc. Quite funny just how stupid some people actually are!
Ian said:
What were the queues and operations like that day?

Tempers can easily flare when queues are at capacity and rides keep breaking down.
No, it was definitely the guests that were the issue and not the park - Oblivion was the only thing we saw to have a major breakdown, and queues were moderate at best for most of the day. However, judging from other reports, we must have missed most of the trouble. The big group loitering outside of the Towers who didn't seem to have anything planned except loitering weren't too pleasant to walk through, and we did catch what looked like the tail-end of a fight between Dark Forest and X-Sector, but security showed up fairly quickly.
Yeah, there was definitely an undesirable element on park on Sunday, but I think it's been exaggerated a bit on certain other message-boards - I've no problem with girls whose clothing is far from temperature appropriate, and I've lived near(ish) the Towers long enough that chavs, from a respectful distance do little more than raise my eyebrows. I don't even remember a great deal of queue jumping, to be honest. As for the atmosphere - yeah, it was noticeable, but just one of those things that's going to happen, I guess.

...also - you say 'don't go on pikey day' - seems only the pikeys know about it, unless it IS October 16th every year?
When I was there they were just causing trouble in anyway possible. For example when the group I was with were getting batched into TOTT the ride host asked for a group of four, four 'travelers' put there hands up came to the front but were followed by a massive group of their friends which caused a big delay whilst we had to wait for security to escort them from the ride. Once in TOTT a group behind us caught us up and barged passed us shouting and swearing which ruined half of the maze. I also heard reports that TOTT ceased operation at one point in the day with issued with guests. (Don't know if its related)

Once it started to get dark as others have said they just all hung around in the entrance way to the archway between the towers and the dark forest which made it hard to get past and not the most pleasant thing to do as they were throwing pumpkins, smoking,drinking and even an instance of a girl being dragged about seemingly against her will.

A huge police presence was on hand to prevent anything from happening but as we were walking out a small group walked past us towards the towers and said you fancy a fight over there.

They also put a stop to the Thirteen after dark as we got over there actors were surrounded by groups and security were walking actors away from the queue and I didn't see them again.

Other than the area around the towers there wasn't that much of an impact to the park as a whole.

I think Alton handled it as best they could as there were far too many spread over the park not just in this area to really deal with the individuals causing the most trouble.
mouse said:
How many of them were there?
And was it like two groups or something?

Last year, there was THOUSANDS, literally, who met up that day. As I stated on the previous page, there was a sour atmosphere all day and a lot of hostility between clans - Sorry, I mean families.

See, working in Blackpool. We get a lot of traveller families coming through the attraction, some of them are lovely and interesting, and are really nice to talk to. THEN, the other twats turn up and cause mayhem, such as shooting us with BB guns..