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Alton Towers SW8

Possible replacement for the flume....worlds first multi launch Rmc woodie on the entire flume site and down towards forbidden valley, hence the documents submitted for environmental impact report, with a token splash at the end in a new clean lake as a nod to the old flume.
If what I've heard is true, it's an RMC taking up the site of Ripsaw through to the Gloomy Woods/Log Flume site and heading back to FV. There's also apparently an inverted stall in a tunnel.

Take all this with a pinch of salt, but I've heard it from three or four sources that are very credible.
Lofty said:
If what I've heard is true, it's an RMC taking up the site of Ripsaw through to the Gloomy Woods/Log Flume site and heading back to FV.
If true, that's a massive space to work with, around 6 times the size of Rita.
Lofty said:
There's also apparently an inverted stall in a tunnel.
just readding this for peoples info as it was in previous thread before split!

Hello all, Long time reader first time poster...

MAP holder, Alton Towers Fan and themepark Lover :)

Bit of info wonder if anyone can spread any light.. My Dad has just had a delivery to Alton to the address "Project Surf, Alton Towers"

Now hes not too knowledgeable on towers despite my interrogation but says and i quote "near a carpark round the back", I may be looking too much into this but ive never heard of project surf?


Given the new location of this sign near mutiny bay and peoples thinking water related could make sense..
DelPiero said:
Lofty said:
If what I've heard is true, it's an RMC taking up the site of Ripsaw through to the Gloomy Woods/Log Flume site and heading back to FV.
If true, that's a massive space to work with, around 6 times the size of Rita.
It's a HUGE space, but, they're not actually allowed to just go hacking into the trees in that area because most of them are healthy specimens, so need to apply to do it etc. and it might go against them. So from what I've heard, it could actually be taking up the old route of Log Flume and Haunted Hollow with only minute amendments to the trees in that area.

I am in no way stating this as fact, it is very much hears'y, but, as I said before, they're credible sources, but seen as they're on the Merlin payroll, I'm not going to dish out their names.
jamieb2713 said:
just readding this for peoples info as it was in previous thread before split!

Hello all, Long time reader first time poster...

MAP holder, Alton Towers Fan and themepark Lover :)

Bit of info wonder if anyone can spread any light.. My Dad has just had a delivery to Alton to the address "Project Surf, Alton Towers"

Now hes not too knowledgeable on towers despite my interrogation but says and i quote "near a carpark round the back", I may be looking too much into this but ive never heard of project surf?


Given the new location of this sign near mutiny bay and peoples thinking water related could make sense..
It's possibly SW8 related but couldn't "near a car park round the back" just mean the water park? You don't say what was delivered.
Oh no it was actually at the main park as far as i could understand, but a carpark round the back could be the staff carpark which is near magic HQ ( Right next to mutiny bay )

And he was delivering fuel, did the same for when the smiler was under construction ( for the JCBS, Generators etc. )
jamieb2713 said:
just readding this for peoples info as it was in previous thread before split!

Hello all, Long time reader first time poster...

MAP holder, Alton Towers Fan and themepark Lover :)

Bit of info wonder if anyone can spread any light.. My Dad has just had a delivery to Alton to the address "Project Surf, Alton Towers"

Now hes not too knowledgeable on towers despite my interrogation but says and i quote "near a carpark round the back", I may be looking too much into this but ive never heard of project surf?


Given the new location of this sign near mutiny bay and peoples thinking water related could make sense..
I don't remember Alton applying "Project" names to installations before, usually they refer to them with the SW tag. Thorpe have done, Saw was project Dave or something.
In my opinion whatever the delivery is would be too early for SW8. Any more details on what the delivery is? Shipping container? Wardrobe sized box? Tin of Cadbury's Heroes sized?

Maybe it's a new flat project, considering Submission and Ripsaw haven't been replaced yet.

Welcome by the way!
Thekingin64 said:
I believe the Sea-life there is undergoing/undergone a large refurbishment. Could be to do with that?

Wasnt aware of that, Maybe! However as i said delivering fuel. Last time he did it was for construction equipment for smiler cant think why they'd need fuel delivering for a sealife revamp

Edit : Thanks for the welcome delpiero. See above :) Jamie
and yeah i've never known a project name to be used before either :/
Lofty said:
If what I've heard is true, it's an RMC taking up the site of Ripsaw through to the Gloomy Woods/Log Flume site and heading back to FV. There's also apparently an inverted stall in a tunnel.
I think I would forgive Alton for *everything* if this all worked out. :)
More info! Cannot say where this has come from..except that its a very close friend of mine whos got a friend who works at AT.

i realise " a friend of a friend" may not be that reliable a source but still.. Speculation

The message from my friend read..


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Don't worry, they'll find a way to put in shipping containers somewhere.
Chris Brown said:
One thing no one has picked up on so far is nothing is pointing to a run down industrial theme!

That's because fab Candy Holland only does Legolands now.

Project Surf. Hmmm. It would break with tradition for them not to use the SW terms.

I think we're all set on a woodie aren't we? I've heard also from multiple credible sources that it will be a woodie but the manufacturer keeps changing. One moment it's RMC, next it's GCI, then it's RMC again. Personally I'd prefer a RMC but I'd take a GCI if it meant a return to proper thrill coastering at Merlin parks and not record breakers or gimmicks...or **** VR.

When they announce what it is, we will either hear the sound of a million enthusiasts splodging their pants, or the sound of million goony hearts breaking.
I take it we're all going to call this "sweight" instead of esss double-u eight until they give it a proper name?
Ian said:
I take it we're all going to call this "sweight" instead of esss double-u eight until they give it a proper name?
Whatever it is, opening weekend will have "ridiculou sweights"

Kill me now...
Ian said:
I think we're all set on a woodie aren't we? I've heard also from multiple credible sources that it will be a woodie but the manufacturer keeps changing. One moment it's RMC, next it's GCI, then it's RMC again. Personally I'd prefer a RMC but I'd take a GCI if it meant a return to proper thrill coastering at Merlin parks and not record breakers or gimmicks...or **** VR.

When they announce what it is, we will either hear the sound of a million enthusiasts splodging their pants, or the sound of million goony hearts breaking.
Yeah, same as what I've heard also, GCI apparently were the forerunners until The Smiler came along and then they knew they had to work on a more thrilling coaster, so they went with RMC, then. That's what I've heard and I really hope it's true.