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2011 UK Census : Jedi


I just saw this on another forum I frequent.

I think I might love her a little bit...
Anyone putting Jedi on their census form is a **** ing tool.

The continuation of collective worship in schools

This is the biggest pile of bull **** going. The majority of teachers and school pupils (in non voluntary aided schools) are not religious, yet are forced by law to engage in collective Christian worship at least 3 times a week, all thanks to people ticking the "Christian" box on their census forms because "I was christened when I was a baby" or some other such bull ****, non-sensical reason.

If you do don't go to church on a regular basis, you shouldn't tick Christian.

You may well believe in Jesus in some way or another, but unless your belief in him has an affect on your day-to-day life, you shouldn't tick Christian.
Have any of you seen a census page, here my great grandfather 1901(I haven't subscribed to 1911 yet) he is first on the list, the info that is given isn't all you see on the forms

He is top, first you have place you live, then Name of person marital status, age, what they do for a living, employed, then place of birth, last colomn is for disabilities
In the case of my great grandfather it reads. The top has the Parish which is Warminghurst.
46, Longbury, James Adsett, Head,M, 39, Labourer on Farm, Worker, Sussex Petworth.
gavin said:
If you do don't go to church on a regular basis, you shouldn't tick Christian.

You may well believe in Jesus in some way or another, but unless your belief in him has an affect on your day-to-day life, you shouldn't tick Christian.

I tried Explaining that to my parents... It didn't work...