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2010 Baseball Season

Beckett was horrible. I don't know if he hit Cano and Jeter out of anger (which wouldn't be surprising) or if it was just an accident. All I know is that we suck ass when anyone BESIDES Lester is pitching (and sometimes we're still not even that great). ****.
And so it went from bad to worse for the BoSox. :p
Teixeira (3 HRs) and Cervelli (5 RBIs) beat up on the Beantown pitchers, but we lost Aceves as the injuries continue to mount. At least Cano is right back in there after last's night's incident that could have been worse.
I think Girardi should leave Cervelli in as catcher and let Posada be the DH until it doesn't work anymore, but that will never happen.
Two down, one to go!
I think this is absolutely pathetic. And indeed Jerry it went from bad to worse. I'm not happy at all with our pitchers let alone our team. Let's hope we at least don't get beat too bad tomorrow with Lester on the mound. But then again.....

Either we have horrible pitchers, or the Yanks are a good team (save your breath people who're gonna say "Both" :wink:) At least it was nice to be over .500 for a day. :p
I didn't triple post....... and that's why I said hold your breath because it's true. :p
Dallas Braden just thrown a perfect game after calling out A-Rod.

Also, the Rays YET AGAIN, being on the wrong end of a perfect game. I feel both joy and pain from this bit of news.
^So much for his "15 minutes of fame". :p
Should teach A-Rod to keep his mouth shut, but it won't.
I guess I was fooling myself to think we could go to Fenway & sweep the series, but after the last two outings I didn't expect the BoSox to do much. Just goes to show you that you never know when it comes to these two teams.
Whoo! Our first win against the Yanks since Opening Day! :p

And good job by Dallas Braden, and that's the second year in a row a perfect game has been thrown against the Rays. And I agree ECG, that with these teams, you never know what can happen, but that usually comes with rivalries.
RollerCoasterFanatic said:
I didn't triple post....... and that's why I said hold your breath because it's true. :p

:oops: Oh, I thought ECG was you for a second. Your sets are pretty similar... :p

And I can't believe that there have been only nineteen perfect games in MLB History and the Rays have had two of them pitched against them in the last two years. :(

EDIT: whoo over .500! :lol:
Close, but no cigar. With so many chances to score, who would have thought that 2 runs on three straight two-out singles in the first would do us in? Figures that Damon would hit one out of the park the first time he faced us, but Logan should have got the job done. Can't blame Jeter because he did what he needed to, but Ordonez made a great sliding catch. Sorry, just some rambling thoughts on a game we could have won.
An actual decent start from Matsuzaka. Damn if only he could be that good all the time then we'd have two decent players on our staff :p (not counting John Lackey even though he has four wins).
Sorry for the DP, but do any Yankee fans think that Nick Johnson going in for surgery will affect the Yanks in any way?

And the how the **** can the Red Sox, with momentum into the ninth, give up 2 homeruns in the home half to lose a game? Oh wait, I forgot, they're the goddamn Red Sox

In happy news, both our pitchers against the Phillies did pretty damn good. Matsuzaka had a one hitter, and Wakefield an 8 inning shut out. Hopefully we can look like this more often (hope I don't sound like a broken record).
Whoo DP! :p

But to bring back a thread after over a month of inactivity, Sox are doing a helluva lot better and hopefully we can keep up our dominance against the Giants. But the real reason for bringing it back, the Tampa Bay Rays were no hit for the 2nd time the entire season by Edwin Jackson of the Arizona Diamondbacks.


Ouch. As for AL East, you've got the Yanks ahead of the Sox by two games, and the Rays are 2.5 half games back of the Bombers, with Toronto 7 GB and Baltimore with 25 GB. With the All Star game coming up, who are your picks for the Midsummer Classic?
I'm a big LA Dodgers fan but don't get to see a lot of them on TV over here. During the season its only on at 1 am our time and although we get scores of other games during we only get one game at random shown with cut to studio british commentary on inbetween innings, although we get the world series and stanley cup shown which are the only matches we know beforehand who's playing in hte match they're showing. Good times in britannia :D
What a game last night! Number 1 vs number 2 & the Yanks pull it out in the 9th after coming from behind twice on the day they honor George & Bob.
It just doesn't get any better than that. :--D
And I thought a 6-0 blanking by the Mariners was bad, but a 16-2 loss to the Blue Jays.
At least were still a game up on Tampa & 6.5 ahead of the sucking Sox.